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Power Down Trolling

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#1 Void2258


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 07:45 PM

I am getting a large number of people who, either right from the start or once their side starts to lose, power down their mech so it won't show on radar and disconnect in order to draw out the match timer. All it does is annoy people by making the match go longer for no reason.

#2 KharnZor


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 07:48 PM

Screenshot and put a ticket in.

#3 Escef


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:35 PM

If they are the last mech on your team on the map you are allowed to report their position. The code of conduct clearly states that if they are doing nothing to advance the win you can relay their position to the enemy team. Since the minimap defaults to center of map and does not update until they move, your best option for reporting position is to hit F9, look to the upper left, and give the coordinates to the enemy team in open chat.

#4 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:39 PM

If the player has not contributed to the match, then you can report his position.

If he has contributed, then it is considered Treason to report his position and you can be banned for it. If the last mech on your team is crippled and unarmed and the pilot decides to hide, then he's earned the right to do so. If, however, he's pretty much fresh and fully armed, then you have to question him as to whether it is a tactic intended to further an attempt to win the match. If so, it is Treason to report his position. If he's just doing it to preserve his KDR, then you can betray him.

#5 Darian DelFord


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:41 PM

View PostEscef, on 20 December 2014 - 08:35 PM, said:

If they are the last mech on your team on the map you are allowed to report their position. The code of conduct clearly states that if they are doing nothing to advance the win you can relay their position to the enemy team. Since the minimap defaults to center of map and does not update until they move, your best option for reporting position is to hit F9, look to the upper left, and give the coordinates to the enemy team in open chat.

Yeah do that and I will report you for reporting me. I often times when I am last in my Jenner will shut down to spread the enemy out to look for me. ts a perfectly viable tactic

#6 Escef


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 09:33 PM

View PostDarian DelFord, on 20 December 2014 - 08:41 PM, said:

Yeah do that and I will report you for reporting me. I often times when I am last in my Jenner will shut down to spread the enemy out to look for me. ts a perfectly viable tactic

Go for it.

I report when they're DC'd or unresponsive to chat. If you are DC'd you aren't seeing me do jack diddly. If you are unresponsive in chat I'm going to assume you are AFK, and non-participation is an actionable offense.

Go for it.

#7 Wintersdark


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 10:37 PM

View PostDarian DelFord, on 20 December 2014 - 08:41 PM, said:

Yeah do that and I will report you for reporting me. I often times when I am last in my Jenner will shut down to spread the enemy out to look for me. ts a perfectly viable tactic
reporting someone, warranted or not, is not itself a reportable offense. Further, it's rather redundant as if anyone reports anyone else, they'll review match data and chat logs before doing anything.

As such, threatening to report someone for reporting you is sort of ridiculous and really just a pretty childish threat.

In short, if you're not doing anything wrong then there's no need to worry about someone reporting you.

Edited by Wintersdark, 20 December 2014 - 10:37 PM.

#8 SirLANsalot


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 10:49 PM

The reporting system needs to be far more streamlined....like press TAB and be able to right click on a name to hit report, with a drop down list of common reasons.

Shutting down to draw out a match, REGARDLESS if you are a stick with no guns, is a trolling move and should be reported. It does nothing more then make a game longer then it should be, for BOTH sides. Does that mean once your useless you should run into the enemy's guns? Depends on the game mode. If its Assault or Conquest, then you can continue to help by attempting to cap things until you die. IF its Skirmish, then yes, you should run into the enemy team and be annoying, many times I have done this when I was stripped but lived. Ran back into the fight and ran interference on the enemy team, some did shoot at me only to die to allies who were not so dead. However, if the last man and stripped, in Skirmish, ya, just go and die to something to just end the game and let everyone out of the match and back to there mechs they are working on at the time.

In community warfare, it should be a report-able (and bannable) offence no matter what side your on. Your team lost, so suck it up and just move on to the next fight, do not attempt to make the game any longer then it should be. You will not last the remaining 10 or so min left anyways.

#9 Kjudoon


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 10:51 PM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 20 December 2014 - 08:39 PM, said:

If the player has not contributed to the match, then you can report his position.

If he has contributed, then it is considered Treason to report his position and you can be banned for it. If the last mech on your team is crippled and unarmed and the pilot decides to hide, then he's earned the right to do so. If, however, he's pretty much fresh and fully armed, then you have to question him as to whether it is a tactic intended to further an attempt to win the match. If so, it is Treason to report his position. If he's just doing it to preserve his KDR, then you can betray him.

Actually team treason is the more flagrant foul. I got legged by a teammate because my goal was to run the clock out and said so after 3 brutally destroyed waves. It was my teams goal the entire time to stop planet snipers. We could not reverse a win so we kept them on the field. Got a nice video of the team traitor doing it too. It was reported, just like people who ghost non discos... the ONLY valid reason for reporting location of a teammate. People need to grow up and demand stuff being handed to them like they're owed.

#10 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 10:54 PM

If the guy communicates that he wants to spread the enemy team out a bit, then I won't report his position. If he just wants to save his k/d then I will absolutely let the enemy team know where he is as by that point he is just wasting everybody's time. Call me treasonous if you want, but after a teammate has shown how dishonorable he is, I just don't care.

Edited by Serial Peacemaker, 20 December 2014 - 11:00 PM.

#11 Kjudoon


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:12 PM

Oh as a quick reminder, nobody is required to play the way you do or the way you want them to. Your game is over. Don't be a jerk and ruin their time. Log off and go play another round safe you won't face them again. They may suck or have real life issues and don't owe you diddly.

#12 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:21 PM

I wouldn't be a jerk and ruin their time if they weren't being jerks and wasting everybody else's. As a member of the seraphim, I ask you to educate me on how forcing people to waste minutes of their lives is at all honorable. People play these games to have fun. Maybe some of us just have a hard time seeing the enemy team as people too?

Edited by Serial Peacemaker, 20 December 2014 - 11:21 PM.

#13 Kjudoon


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:35 PM

Been through this discussion with my colonel a dozen times. You join a match and commit yourself to the full clock. That means every match that did not last the full time is a bonus, not a penalty. There is nothing against seraphim code of conduct with powering down and making the enemy work for it. If you still want to make the claim I am violating code of conduct WHEN I HAVE DONE THIS WITH MY TEAM AND COLONEL TO MUCH HILARITY, please do .

My comments here have been far from trolling as I am addressing a subject I have spent much time on in PQ threads and talked multiple times with mods and devs over the issue for the very claims you are making.

Powering down and hiding after participating... just like running back to base on assault is not griefing or against our code. If you wish to further press this issue, please contact Lt Col DTim316 or Col. Alex Reed in pm with this link.

Edited by Kjudoon, 20 December 2014 - 11:38 PM.

#14 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:37 PM

I am not claiming that you are violating the seraphim code. I have read it and you are not. I am claiming that you are violating a real world code of honor which I would expect you to follow in addition to the code of the seraphim.

You commit yourself to the full clock, aye, but that commitment presumes that the game is still being played. When 12 men are wandering around in boredom, it is no longer a game but a chore. Your TEAM AND COLONEL might think this is hilarious, but five c-bills says the enemy team just think it is annoying.

Edited by Serial Peacemaker, 20 December 2014 - 11:47 PM.

#15 Kjudoon


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:50 PM

Atl least we agree the person playing hide and seek is owed by the rest of the players the full clock everyone agreed to at launch. How that time is spent is up to each individual as long as they participated at some point or manner. If the risk of being stuck in a 47 to 5 victory for 20 minutes searching is too much who's fault is that? I don't always find it fun to keep a team looking so we might get another victory via ghost drop... but my eyes is on getting 11 wins to flip a planet. This is the real goal and the fun is incidental to it. In the PQs... that is meaningless fun and I stay out of skirmish so you don't have to suffer as much as possible.

#16 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:56 PM

Read my comment. We do not agree that the clock is owed. The game ceases to be played once the hider refuses to play and any obligations are rendered nil.

I would also suggest reading up on the mechanism by which CW works. Getting another victory via ghost drop means nothing in this case. If the enemy team is so good that you are decimated with 20 minutes left, there is nothing you can do to hold that planet unless you have a team equally as good as the enemy's.

If ceasefire is about to start then yes, you might as well hide to save the world, but don't pretend for a second that it is not morally reprehensible to do so in any other case. You lost the planet as soon as the enemy team decided to fight you. Unless you think you can piss them off so much that they rage quit (this is griefing), you might as well make the battle as painless as possible for everyone involved.

Edited by Serial Peacemaker, 20 December 2014 - 11:58 PM.

#17 Brody319


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:56 PM

1. Did they genuinely fight? If yes, Don't report. If no continue to 2
2. Did they participate at doing secondary objectives? If yes, Don't report. If no, continue to 3.
3. Did they just power down, hide, and/or disconnect? If yes, Report their position.

#18 EgoSlayer


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Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:58 PM

View PostKjudoon, on 20 December 2014 - 11:35 PM, said:

Been through this discussion with my colonel a dozen times. You join a match and commit yourself to the full clock. That means every match that did not last the full time is a bonus, not a penalty. There is nothing against seraphim code of conduct with powering down and making the enemy work for it. If you still want to make the claim I am violating code of conduct WHEN I HAVE DONE THIS WITH MY TEAM AND COLONEL TO MUCH HILARITY, please do .

My comments here have been far from trolling as I am addressing a subject I have spent much time on in PQ threads and talked multiple times with mods and devs over the issue for the very claims you are making.

Powering down and hiding after participating... just like running back to base on assault is not griefing or against our code. If you wish to further press this issue, please contact Lt Col DTim316 or Col. Alex Reed in pm with this link.

Just because it's not against the ToS or Code of conduct, doesn't make it any less of a D-bag move.

#19 Kjudoon


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:01 AM

Potato potahto. I find piloting timber crutches and dire cheese of similar ilk. But there we are. Eliminate ghost drop victories and there is less of a need. Till then... a necessary tactic.

#20 Kjudoon


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:12 AM

In fact, getting PGI to provide a method to have defenders end the attack after they kill 36 enemy mechs and force those guys out of their cozy turrets to fight. If incentive to kill those last few mechs just isn't enough.

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