Mercules, on 22 December 2014 - 05:47 AM, said:
Because it is unnecessary? If you have an issue with someone tell them, politely. Move on. You don't passive aggressively punch a button saying, "You are a bad person." Same thing with complimenting people. If someone does a good job you simply tell them, "Hey Merc nice job ducking that guy." Move on. Why set up yet another database to track this when the community can do itself just be being a community and reporting the bad seeds?
I'm not sure how this applies to the more extreme case of TKers. "Good sir, that was most rude of you, and I would like an apology sharpish." doesn't sound like it'd do much. Especially after they've done the deed.
I'm in favor of the auto restrictions if the person in question is group flagged during a match due to said TK. If he/she starts the match like that, then it sounds fair that he/she be stopped before it continues, or it forces the victim team to retaliate. The one who wasTK'd can initiate the vote ( Being teamkilled as a requirement), and all players can weigh in.
If that quota is met, the offender is disconnected. Nobody has to loose C Bills for a teamkill penalty.