I am compiling a list using a combination of http://www.masteruni...info/MUL/Search and sarna
I searched using the following filters:
dates: 2000 - 3049
technology: inner sphere
unit type: battlemech
unit sub type: battlemech
and then searched for each mech on sarna to make sure is wasn't extinct or clan(a couple clan mechs got through the search filter)
I am sure I made some mistakes, but here is my best shot.
format: mech(special)(variant, variant)
special is where I left notes such as unseen, rare, etc
for reference: mechs are listed by weight , and alphabetically within weight because I was too lazy to reorder them
all mechs confirmed to be in game are bolded
Light Mechs:
- Flea(-15, -14, -17)
- Hornet(-151, -152)
- Locust(unseen)(-1S, -1V, -1M, -1VB, -1E, -3V, -1L, -3D, -3S)
- Stinger (unseen)(-3R, -3G, -3Gb)
- Thorn (Rare)(-F, -N, -Nb, -S, -T)
- Wasp(unseen)(-1D, -1K, -1L, -1W, -1S)
- Commando(-1D, -2D, -1B, -1C, -3A)
- Mongoose(-66, -66b, -67, -69, -70, -68)
- Falcon (possibly only wolf's dragoons)(-4N, -4Nb, -4Nb-PP, -4Nb-PP2)
- Firefly (Possibly only wolf's dragoons)(-4A, -3PP, -3PP2, -3PP3, -3SLE, -4B, -4C)
- Hermes(-1S. -1Sb, -1A, -1B, -3S, -3S1, -3S2)
- Hussar(-200-D, -200-Db, -300-D, -350-D)
- Javelin(-10N, -10F, -10P)
- Spider(-5D, -5K, -5V)
- UrbanMech(-R60, -R60L)
- Valkyrie(unseen)(-QA, -QF, -QD)
- Firebee(-2E)
- Firestarter(-A, -K, -H, -M, -S, -S1)
- Jenner(-A, -D, -F -K)
- Ostscout(Rare, unseen)(-7J, -7Jb, -7K)
- Panther(-8Z, -9R)
- Raven(-2X, -4X, -3L, -3X)
- Wolfhound(-1, -1A, -1B)
- Assassin(Rare)(-21, -101)
- Cicada(-2B, -3C, -3M)
- Clint(-2R, -3T, -2-4T)
- Hermes II(-2S, -4K)
- Icarus II(Rare)(-1S)
- Sentinel(-1S, -3L, -3Lb, -3K, -3KA, -3KB, -3M)
- Vulcan(-2T, -5T)
- Whitworth(-0, -1, -1S)
- Blackjack(-1, -1X, -1DB, -1DC, -3)
- Hatchetman(-3NH, -3F, -5S)
- Phoenix Hawk(unseen)(-1, -1D, -1K, -1b, 2, -1c, -3D, -3M, -3S)
- Vindicator(-1AA, -1R, -1X, -1SIC)
- Wyvern(-5N, -5Nb, -6N)
- Centurion(-A, -AH, -AL, -D)
- Crab(several variants probably extinct...)(-27, -27b, -20, -30)
- Enforcer(5d is 3050... but whatever)(-4R, -5D)
- Hunchback(-4G, -4H, -4J, -4N, -4P, -4SP, -5M, -4G)
- Trebuchet(-3C, -5J, -5N, -5S, -7K, -7M)
- Dervish(-6M, -7D)
- Griffin(unseen)(-1N, -2N, -1S, -1E, -1DS, -3M)
- Kintaro(rare/extinct?)(-19, -19b, -18, -20)
- scorpion (QUAD!)(-1N, -1O)
- Shadow Hawk(unseen)(-2H, -2Hb, -2D, -2K, -5M, -2D2)
- Wolverine(unseen)(-6K, -6R, -6M, -7H)
- Champion(-1N, -1N2, -1Nb, -2N)
- Dragon(-1C, -1N, -2Y, -5N)
- Grand Dragon(-1G, -5K)
- Lancelot(-01, -01X, -05, -02, -03)
- Merlin(-1A)
- Ostroc(unseen)(-2C, -2Cb, -2L, -2M, -3C, -4D)
- (Ostsol)(unseen)(-4D, -4F)
- Quickdraw(-4G, -4H, -5A, -5K, -5M)
- Rifleman(unseen)(-3N, -3C, -4D, -5M)
- Axman(-1N, -2N)
- Bombardier(uncommon/rare?)(-12D, -10D)
- Catapult(-A1, -C1, -C4, -C1b, K2, -K3, -C3)
- Crusader(unseen)(-3D, -3K, -3L, -3R, -2R, -4D, -4K, -4L, -5M, -5S)
- JagerMech(-A, -S, -DD)
- Thunderbolt(unseen)(-5S, -5Sb, -5SE, -5SS, -5S-T, -7M, -9SE)
- Archer(unseen)(-2R, -2Rb, -2K, -2S, -2W, -4M)
- Battleaxe(-7K, -7NC)
- Caesar(-3R)
- Cataphract(-1X, -2X, -4X)
- Excalibur(rare)(-B1, -B2, -B2b)
- Grasshopper(-5H, -5N, -5J)
- Guillotine(rare?)(-3N, -4L, -4P, -5M)
- Warhammer(unseen)(-6R, -6Rb, -7A, -6D, -6K, -6L, -7M)
- Black knight(-6b-KNT, -6-KNT, -7-KNT, -7-KNT-L)
- Flashman(-8K, -7K)
- Marauder(unseen)(-1R, -2R, -3d, -3M, -3R, -3L, -SD)
- Orion(-K, -V, -VA, -DC, -M)
- stalker (wierd heavy variant)(-4P)
- Awesome(-8Q, -8R, -8T, -8V, -9M)
- Charger(-1A1, -1A5, -1A9, -1L, -SB, -3K)
- Goliath(QUAD!)(-1H)
- Hatamato-chi(-26T, -27T, 27U, 27V, 27W)
- Rifleman II(unseen)(-3n-2)
- Spartan(super rare)(-N1, -N2, -NF)
- Striker(Rare)(-2C, -2S)
- Thug(-11E, -11Eb, -10E)
- Victor(-9A, -9A1, -9B, -9S, -9D, -9K)
- Zeus(-6S, -5S, -5T, -6T, -9S, -DC)
- Battlemaster(reseen?)(-1G, -1Gb, -1Gbc, -1C, -1D, -1G-DC, -1S, -2C, -3M)
- Crockett(-1, -1b, -0)
- Longbow(reseen)(-0W, -7Q)
- Rampage(-2G, -4G, -5G)
- Shogun(only wolfs dragoons?)(-2H, -2E, -2F)
- Stalker(-3F, -3H, -2Fb, -4N)
- Cyclops(-10-Z, -10-HQ, -10-Q, -11-A, -11-A-DC, -11-C)
- Emperor(rare?)(-5A, -6A)
- Highlander(-732, -732b, -733, -733C, -733P)
- Mauler(-1R)
- Banshee(-3M, -3MC, -3Q, -3S)
- Nightstar(-9J)
- Annihilator(wolfs dragoons only)(-1X, -1G, C 2, -1A, -1E, -2A)
- Atlas(-D, -DC, -RS, -K, -D-H, -D-H2)
- Devastator(-1D, -2)
- Imp(wolfs dragoons only?)(-1A, -1B, -1C, -2E)
- King Crab(-000, -000b, -010, -0000)
- Marauder II(-4A, -5A)
Edited by Riin Suul, 04 October 2012 - 11:58 AM.