Alexander Steel, on 18 February 2015 - 03:35 AM, said:
Where do you get this idea from? It's certainly not from the lore. The commander of the 2nd Sword of Light, doesn't send somebody to Outreach to hire mercs to help his unit out. House units have *0* input in hiring mercs.
Now if you are trying to say that's how it should be....
You are trying to say that instead, a House goverment puts a poster on the wall of Outreach's recruitment halls and any mercenary unit, from lone wolves to big merc alliances just sign up for it without any kind of reviews, lets them fight wherever they want, even if that means creating troubles and tensions with its neighbouring factions, distrupting diplomacy, breaking alliances, sow distrust between friendly factions and units, cannot do anything about it and does even pay for all this good "service" with its citizens' public money.
And that would be following the lore, realistic or logic?
What is that goverment there for? It almost seems like the Dark Age. Then, i find more believable that the goverment trusts the local nobles with enough money and power to hire mercs and direct their operations, instead of mercs just coming, taking the money, doing their own thing and going back to an enemy faction..
A star empire spanning trough hundrends of star systems needs a solid central goverment, otherwise it would be wiser to give more power to local nobles i think. In MWO, House/Clan "goverments" are almost non-existant, so either we have a player-led faction government (i think it could work, but many do not , i see..

) or the regular House/Clan units are given power to employ and locally manage merc units.
Btw, merc units would still have their command structure, but they would still follow the strategicv direction given by the employer. If the employer says "do not attack planet X, defend planet Y instead" a professional merc unit is expected to do just that; otherwise, the contract would be cut off and the unit could forget the money.
If we had an actual economy, merc units would be very worried about their unit economic balance.
Imagine if the only money that could go into the unit coffer was the pay for contracts, plus bonuses etc. and there were expenses like maintenance, MechWarriors' pay, fuel, actual R&R etc.
And if the unit breaks the contract or the employer rescinds it, the unit has a penalty time of 1-2 days before it can take a new contract, and in those days you still have to pay your expenses. You would rather keep your contracts, complete them successfully and get a new one as fast as you can , or you will not be able to sustain your unit .