Greetings mechwarriors
I am Star Colonel Taylim Tseng of Clan Ghost Bear's 304th Assault Cluster. The unit formed two years ago as a unit in MechWarrior: Living Legends, where we still have members that play it today. We are mainly focused on MWO and are a growing community. We currently use the No Guts No Galaxy Community TS3,
Use of TeamSpeak is a requirement for joining the unit.
We are a friendly group focused on the enjoyment of the game and for many the fiction/lore of BattleTech and the Clans. Many of us have familys and we understand real life comes first, and that this is a video game for enjoyment. We are a active unit with members globally (mostly situated in North America though)
Our Terran web address is Clan-Ghost-Bear.org
Our story until the Clans become a playable faction...

In 3046 a number of stars were hand picked by Nornian Tseng believing the Khan Ulric of Clan Wolf was with holding information. Like the Wolf's Dragoons Khan Nornian Tseng sent a small recon unit to scout out and return with direct information to the Khan of Ghost Bear.
A few bloodnamed warriors led two trinaries worth of trueborn and freeborn warriors to the golden lands of the Inner Sphere. Taking a long path away from the homeworlds they arrived in December of 3046 along the rimward Periphery of the Free Worlds League where they found their first contract with the Capellan Confederation, Sandra Tseng, the first Khan and one of the founders of Clan Ghost Bear home state before the exodus. In 3051 the remaining members of the unit are to return to the homeworlds and deliver their report.
Please if you have any questions post below or head over to our website.
Until we meet on the field of battle,
Honor warriors, honor.
Edited by CoffiNail, 02 December 2012 - 04:52 AM.