Bishop Steiner, on 02 January 2015 - 08:48 AM, said:
It's a VTR and HGN nerf, in so much as they are hit far worse by it, then any other mech. Especially the HGN. The VTR at least, is still viable, but the poor Highlander is just bad.
It's a nerf to every JJ Mech, not just those two. My SHDs, QKDs, TDR, FS, Kit Foxes, Novas, Summoners, and T-Wolves all suffer from it; not just the one Victor I own.
That being said, that lone Victor doesn't carry JJs, but it still fights well above its weight without them. There is more to life than pop-tarting. I never tried pop-tarting back when it was meta, but did find it a lot of fun to play whack-a-mole against those that did. They'd pop up, I'd shoot them, and they would drop back down. I got a lot of kills that way. Now that I actually own one of these dreaded pop-tarters, I feel no compunction to play that way. It seemed dumb back when it was popular and it still does now. With the JJ and fall damage nerfs, people would have to be crazy to still try to play that way these days.
JJs need a buff to make them viable. Without that buff, Lights and some Mediums are really the only Mechs that would want to run them. Anything bigger finds them a waste of tonnage. The JJ nerf is a nerf to JJs that afflicts
all Mechs that equip JJs. Thus, it is not merely a Victor or Highlander nerf.
To be honest, the JJ nerf really only nerfs the Clans since they have locked JJs. The IS Mechs can dodge the nerf by unequipping JJs and using the extra tonnage for something else. That's what I did with my Victor, and I have had much success with it.