luxebo, on 02 January 2015 - 11:24 PM, said:
Lords are FRR now.
But besides that, CW in general should have some counteracting against simply spawncamping. I hate how normal play is so harsh, yet doing something niche (i.e. zerg rush of all kinds, defenders going ham outside/attack mode like OP said (which is an issue), and a few others that just shouldn't be that effective (though I would be ok if they existed to a marginal extent).)
To OP, I think you guys at one point or another got the gate (one of) down and then the Direwhale sneaked past your view. Which in this case... yeah that pretty much is game over most cases.
However it's not really a map design issue it's the rewards (though Boreal isn't broken, it's simply difficult as IS attackers without coordination and an elaborate plan), the way the mode was designed (kills >>>> generators), etc.
They changed from yesterday afternoon? I played in a match with 8 Lords yesterday....they were all falcons.
As for OP's post....I agree that is a frustrating thing to have happen, however, while they're fixing it to stop people from going "over the wall," they also need to give the defenders some sort of control over the gates.
A strong offensive push is a good defensive strategy, sometimes, but the people on the inside can't open the gates....and they can't kill their own gate generator.
Trust me, if I was on defense and the other team was a 12 man PUG with a bad case of the "I don't want to go in, they'll shoot at me" jitters, I'd want to run 12 Omnis into their faces and shove them back to their DZ as well.
Here's an interesting question for the OP, though.....
When the Clanners came over the wall at your team, I'm assuming you were all just standing around, zoomed in and waiting for red triangles to fire your LRMs at.
That implies that even though you should have been on Offense, you had failed to drop any of the gates and were all looking directly at them when they came at you. What was wrong with your team that 12 guys couldn't take the Clan mechs as they came over the wall one and two at a time?
Were you unable to shut down ECM because noone bothered to bring active probes? Were you unable to use your LRMs because they got within your minimum range (try to tell me that's a bad tactic)?
I'm finding it hard to comprehend that 12 guys, standing still, zoomed in and ready to engage got overwhelmed by small groups of jumping mechs charging you after having to traverse a wall.