Mystere, on 05 January 2015 - 05:58 AM, said:
Hmm. You seem to be mistaking my expression of concern for whining. But that's nothing new from you.
There is a lot of discontent out there about CW. I have seen players just disconnect upon seeing a second wave of 3xERPPC TDRs. Heck, some have disconnected seemingly in disgust after seeing just the first wave. There is already a lot of grumbling from masses of solo players. And even some units are already avoiding CW. At this rate, very few players will be playing CW or even MWO. Is that something you want? Or do you just not care?
Also, do you think the Summoner deserves to remain as is? I am asking because I have seen no one using it so far in CW. In addition, I am seeing very few Warhawks out there. Heck, for most of my CW matches, the only Warhawk around was mine.

In any case, variety is very much lacking on both sides. Something must be done to promote it.
Is it really that different to a clan team loading up with 12 ERPPC/gauss whales or a IS team loading 12 dual gauss jagers? I'd be more worried about the gauss as they are far easier to hit with and have even longer ranges than the ERPPC
Much of the problem is in the map design favouring extremely long ranges in CW
Edited by Inveramsay, 05 January 2015 - 06:08 AM.