actualyl I doubt this helps, I mena pugging looks like this:
the game i just had a few minutes ago.
It's like the team didn't even tried. they zerg at the gates, yet aren't able to do decent damage, then some half coordinated pushes just fail because half on the way they wipe, even "fly by shots" should score more damage.
so whats the sense of pug CW? it would just be defenders win 99% of the time because attackers don't have proper coordination or a real idea what they do.
skill distribution wasn't good at all in regular matches but CW without any elo ranked MM is just so much random nonsense luck as puggers.
I really can't wait for having faction wide groups and I can go and attach mysef to some of the units
it will end the wrid days of chaotic pugging.
operatorZ, on 05 January 2015 - 02:46 PM, said:
What if the people to stubborn to make progress are the majority of player base...? it has to be considered....
EDIT: Splitting que is not an option IMHO
I am not sure if they are too stubborn, I guess many of them are true casuals not playing much and therefore will never being the real good gamers skillwise. That is totally ok, but its not ok, to throw these people into one pot of matches with the upper skilled gamers.
Edited by Lily from animove, 05 January 2015 - 02:52 PM.