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Have The Clans Stop Defending Against Us?

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#41 Mr Beefy


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:03 PM

View PostIronClaws, on 06 January 2015 - 04:58 PM, said:

So I guess it is the Comp Teams that are winning it for whatever faction they switch to. Look at how badly CSJ was doing until half of the LORDS Ieft CJF to join them.

Well it most certainly not IS quirks or thunderbolts winning it.... I mean come on clanners...seriously?

View PostMischiefSC, on 06 January 2015 - 04:53 PM, said:

That is funny. Clanners get to stomp pugs while in teams, then as soon as organized teams show up to fight them, 'CW just isn't fun anymore'.

Turret-walk them back to 1 world each. Seriously; no mercy. That is so feeble it needs stomped with both feet. Called this early on; Clanners would be all about CW right up until large numbers of organized units showed up on the Clan border instead of them curbstomping pugs and new players, at which point suddenly things would 'need to change'.

March on FRR, march on.

I believe I remember you calling this. :lol:

#42 Klappspaten


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:13 PM

View PostMr Beefy, on 06 January 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

I am a IS player and a Clanner, this is my clan only account. I just came off a defend on Irece's Boreal Vault and we spanked the IS team 48 to 28 and they didn't even get to touch or generators. This game took 25 minutes to find..... way to freaking long. Its like the Smoke Jag's are all MIA, but maybe that is just the way CW is going right now due to lack of player base? As a mech warrior I have never ever complained about anything in this game being OP. When clan's came out I waited to buy them for C-bills and kept on grinding out my IS account. I find it laughable that some claim and cry that Clans are OP, and now we have others claiming the Thunderbolts are OP with their ERPPC quirks. The IS team that tried to attack had many Thunderbolts, I killed at least 2 of them myself. Every match plays out different, because every match has different pilots behind the controls of a given mech, Clan or IS. On my IS account I got the free thunderbolt about 6 months ago, and I sold it because I just couldn't get into playing the mech. I think I unlocked only two or three of the basics....and to me, the thunderbolt either, A: just sucked, or B: didn't fit my play style. When the quirks dropped for the IS I didn't jump right on the thunderbolts right away. I did end up buying them because I wanted other options in CW other then my Jagers. I love pulse lasers, so the new quirks fit the bill for the thunderbolts, and my play style. I am now working on mastering all of the Thunderbolts, I have the 7 med pulse laser one mastered already, and am working on my other two. I only run 2 Erppc's on them, and three or four med lasers and MG's. PPC's have never really been my choice of weapon, and after the quirks, I run them on one of the Thunderbolts, but they are not OP on that mech. The quirks are what they are guys.....deal with it, and find a way to close the range and take out the RT on them and you just killed 20 points of its alpha, and chance's are its third arm mounted Erppc. They really are not that hard to deal with if you use tactics to close in on them. As for CW, and clan players laying down and kicking their feet in the air.... LOL>>>> I am so glad my main account is IS and I can choose if need be between the two. I started this account because I wanted the option to play both clan and IS, and I give both my best effort every time I drop in a match to win the match for my team. My god Clanners....pick up your pants and lets kick the **** out of the IS! I really hope that the ones that are crying about the Erppc's quirks on the Thunderbolts don't get their way, just like I hope that the clans don't get nerfed into the ground. Learn to deal with what odds you are given, adapt, and take some IS down in the process.


I mean really, kick the **** out of us if you have to, I will fight. I actually like uphill battles. But right now you people say that because we beat you a feew days in a row you wont play with us anymore. And thats just low.
With that behaviour you are breaking the game. If there really is an imbalance PGI needs the games, needs active players to get the meta data that PROVES an imbalance. If they don´t get that, things wont change, ever.

#43 Mryyden


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:14 PM

Lets all do the math ok ,, remember contact 3,2,1. 3 twelve mans against 9 twelves aren't going to hold a planet period even if they win all of there matches. Just because there is WAY more sheep herd type IS that just go to where the fighting is at and spam ,,meh , its not gameplay especially if you can profit from a no opponent match's which happens 75% in this senario if you have 9 twelves attacking one single planet. Its not competition just spam. Meep and Loz. Same old same old , patch meep, next meta meep and loz ,, still no sov rules like in other territory based games like um EVE.

#44 Klappspaten


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:15 PM

View PostMryyden, on 06 January 2015 - 05:14 PM, said:

Lets all do the math ok ,, remember contact 3,2,1. 3 twelve mans against 9 twelves aren't going to hold a planet period even if they win all of there matches. Just because there is WAY more sheep herd type IS that just go to where the fighting is at and spam ,,meh , its not gameplay especially if you can profit from a no opponent match's which happens 75% in this senario if you have 9 twelves attacking one single planet. Its not competition just spam. Meep and Loz. Same old same old , patch meep, next meta meep and loz ,, still no sov rules like in other territory based games like um EVE.

Yeah, but that was okay when you did it to us?
When we where overwhelmed by numbers, every single day for weeks, did we just quit? We didn´t, we fought even harder. This is not only a question of how you play, its also a question of respect towards the opponent.

#45 Ihasa


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:17 PM

View PostMryyden, on 06 January 2015 - 04:27 PM, said:

One Idea that i will bring to this table is that it is far to easy to just put on a faction badge and take your merc group anywhere on the map to overwhelm an "enemy". As for example "CI" has done in the past week etc. riding under the CGB flag but has no intention of defending CGB planets or coordinating with any of the faction leadership to better CGB. So again this phase of CW is still permeated with Goonswarm type ideals. I do want to bring to light that not all Merc corps are doing this, mostly just a hand full that fight only when they can field twice as many 12mans. I think it will be a very interesting future and hope this game mode becomes more advanced.

You sir have no idea what our intentions are and to what degree we have or have not coordinated with Ghost Bear Command. Fortunately for us, it's also going to stay that way.

#46 Mryyden


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:22 PM

View PostIhasa, on 06 January 2015 - 05:17 PM, said:

You sir have no idea what our intentions are and to what degree we have or have not coordinated with Ghost Bear Command. Fortunately for us, it's also going to stay that way.

When you take the CGB faction tag that is intention enough. It will be interesting to see where you end up and how many sides you play for.

#47 Dagorlad13


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:24 PM

The thing is that when the Cbill rewards were the same for all of the factions, most of the Comp groups flocked to CGB and FS, since we were the two factions which were winning most often. My point is, that there are three tiers of players, noobs, people who play for fun and people who do anything to win.

#48 Nightshade24


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:28 PM

Sorry, I would deffend against hte FRR if I wasn't put against 12 man teams of thunderbolts.
(I still love you guys but seriously... if I wanted my butt to be violated so often in MW: O I would just take an AC 20 firestarter out in a pug match instead... at least I could still go kill someone)

#49 bobF


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:28 PM

Keep talking big, a week or so from now I predict a "where did everyone go" post, just like in the CJF forum.

I'd also like to take a special moment to be amused by the vicarious epeening from davion, a faction that has been too craven to even be on the clan borders, from a unit that holds no worlds.

These kinds of posts are rich. FRR is like one of the pugs carried by a 10 man, and after the match says "ggclose, u got rekt" and did like 300 damage.

#50 Nightshade24


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:36 PM

View PostLordBraxton, on 06 January 2015 - 04:08 PM, said:

Man it must be so hard having Clan XL engines!

Go get em boys, love to see the FRR bringin the fight back to the test tube babies

fun fact. Ghost bear have families. Not test tube babies.

#51 Ihasa


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:36 PM

View PostMryyden, on 06 January 2015 - 05:22 PM, said:

When you take the CGB faction tag that is intention enough. It will be interesting to see where you end up and how many sides you play for.

Why yes, yes it certainly will.

#52 Klappspaten


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:44 PM

View PostNightshade24, on 06 January 2015 - 05:28 PM, said:

Sorry, I would deffend against hte FRR if I wasn't put against 12 man teams of thunderbolts.
(I still love you guys but seriously... if I wanted my butt to be violated so often in MW: O I would just take an AC 20 firestarter out in a pug match instead... at least I could still go kill someone)

If you would drop against my unit you would see some thunderbolts, but I think 2 or 3 thunderwubbs at max. But mostly you would see fast paced pushes and a lot of brawling. We might zergrush you, we might try to fight you to the teeth. Mostly a bit of all the mean things we can do to you clan boys.
Kick our asses and we come back with a completely different strategy. Usually we use different approaches within a single game. We want a good fight as much as anybody. But if you just don´t defend we WILL ghostdrop your planets until you do.

#53 Cantatta


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:45 PM

Let's keep this all in perspective, shall we? First and foremost, MWO is freaking game. Just a game. Furthermore, CW is in BETA right now. This is a testing phase and should not be considered as anything else. We should all be doing everything we can to test each and every aspect of the game, and the CW system, to help make it the best it can be. Play CW. find bugs and provide feedback, so PGI can improve our fun.

Switching factions and taking planets is all part of the experience. Merc units should take contracts everywhere and anywhere, to be sure that the CW system is functioning correctly. Loyalty has its place, but this is not the time for that, IMHO.

#54 Dagorlad13


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:49 PM

View PostCantatta, on 06 January 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Let's keep this all in perspective, shall we? First and foremost, MWO is freaking game. Just a game. Furthermore, CW is in BETA right now. This is a testing phase and should not be considered as anything else. We should all be doing everything we can to test each and every aspect of the game, and the CW system, to help make it the best it can be. Play CW. find bugs and provide feedback, so PGI can improve our fun.

Switching factions and taking planets is all part of the experience. Merc units should take contracts everywhere and anywhere, to be sure that the CW system is functioning correctly. Loyalty has its place, but this is not the time for that, IMHO.

Agreed, but this is also the time for PGI to test stiffer penalties for breaking contracts.

#55 InspectorG


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:08 PM

View PostMryyden, on 06 January 2015 - 04:27 PM, said:

One Idea that i will bring to this table is that it is far to easy to just put on a faction badge and take your merc group anywhere on the map to overwhelm an "enemy". As for example "CI" has done in the past week etc. riding under the CGB flag but has no intention of defending CGB planets or coordinating with any of the faction leadership to better CGB. So again this phase of CW is still permeated with Goonswarm type ideals. I do want to bring to light that not all Merc corps are doing this, mostly just a hand full that fight only when they can field twice as many 12mans. I think it will be a very interesting future and hope this game mode becomes more advanced.

This reminds me of Major League Basketball.
Where a few top tier player collude into which team they are gonna join and for how long.

I wouldnt blame the Mercs so much, CW's setup really encourages this type of arrangement.
Minimum contract is apparently too short.. Mercs should be paid with decent Cbills but PGI should get creative with the LP or perhaps give MC incentives. Levelling up in a Faction should reward all stuff not available for Cbills.
Perhaps all contracts should be for 3 month blocks for everyone and at seasonal resets you can change?
Or perhaps each account gets a House and a Clan faction with a cooldown between jumping between them? Dunno.

Without a Merc faction, did no one see this coming?

#56 Klappspaten


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:08 PM

View PostIronClaws, on 06 January 2015 - 05:49 PM, said:

Agreed, but this is also the time for PGI to test stiffer penalties for breaking contracts.

That is true, breaking a contract should really REALLY hurt.

#57 Nightshade24


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:11 PM

View PostKlappspaten, on 06 January 2015 - 05:44 PM, said:

If you would drop against my unit you would see some thunderbolts, but I think 2 or 3 thunderwubbs at max. But mostly you would see fast paced pushes and a lot of brawling. We might zergrush you, we might try to fight you to the teeth. Mostly a bit of all the mean things we can do to you clan boys.
Kick our asses and we come back with a completely different strategy. Usually we use different approaches within a single game. We want a good fight as much as anybody. But if you just don´t defend we WILL ghostdrop your planets until you do.

From what I recall you are in germany with the rest of your unit. it's hard to attack someone who is asleep and it's hard to defend against someone when you are asleep.

overall IS has the advantage due to the quirks. I would rather come back to fight you when ER medium lasers are not heat magnets and when I can reliably use any clan mech in CW besides the few mechs I'm forced to use due to a good part of clanners being not up to the task of fighting.

I still think the Thunderbolt 9S has problems.

It is the equivalent of 3 Warhawks in terms of er ppc boating firepower over time while even if you take clans out of the picture it also out does the Awesome in ER PPC boating which doesn't make sense... (look at the quirks)

I also think the dropships should have the stock weapons... not the new spamed mediums or large laser ones...

#58 Wildstreak


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:36 PM

View PostIronClaws, on 06 January 2015 - 02:09 PM, said:

No, but the whining was loud enough that PGI had to bribe people to go fight for your faction.

View PostOckish, on 06 January 2015 - 04:58 PM, said:

Until they moved I was dropping against the 228th regularly. They are a good unit and we lost often against them. But we won some too, and when we did we were proud of it. The 228 are good sports and In general good guys, I don't mind playing against them.

It seems simple to me, PGI only has to look at which direction the borders are moving to see who is "OP" in CW. The change in bounties are directly related to the movement of these borders, and rightfully so.

Maybe. The highest incentives were given to FRR, CSJ & Liao. Seems two of those benefited but I have not heard anything of Liao getting an inrush of people oddly. Kurita, Marik & JF also got a lesser incentive yet I hear nothing of people flocking to them, heck players left JF, and nothing of players leaving Davion. Therefore in game reward increases may be part of the faction change but not all of it.

#59 SixstringSamurai


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:55 PM

Personally, I'm just really bored with CW in general. With the planets only flipping once a day there's little to no point in playing it except for the hours leading up to the ceasefire. Not to mention the balance issues on both sides and the very poor approach to map design as far as layout goes. It's basically show up, lob PPCs and Gauss at people for 20 minutes, repeat over and over.

#60 MischiefSC


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:57 PM

View PostMr Beefy, on 06 January 2015 - 05:03 PM, said:

Well it most certainly not IS quirks or thunderbolts winning it.... I mean come on clanners...seriously?

I believe I remember you calling this. :lol:

Yep. I also love all the 'well, jokes on you when nobody plays CW anymore!'

Because if you don't let bad teams stomp pugs so they feel like good teams, they just won't play!

If this game needs people who throw a fit and quit if they don't get spoonfed easy wins to be successful then it needs to fail.

Many of these units have been playing IS vs IS for a while or fighting IS as Clans. We responded by getting better and adapting. Suddenly it's turned around and now all these people are just quitting. That's so feeble it's worth a good laugh.

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