Blueduck, on 06 January 2015 - 04:08 PM, said:
Yeah, seriously, no role playing garbage. The beta is just gruelingly unfun with or without team in the way you have to win. Brawling is dead; its all about sniping and rushing.
I don't mind losing or losing planets, what I do mind is losing my interest in playing when I work full time and the evenings are only so long.
ok, lets try to be a little more productive here. complaining doesn't fix the problem, so lets work on solutions.
here are my suggestions:
first, I will say its not about the mechs. I've been with FRR since the start, and CGB was rolling us under every day. It was unstoppable and sometimes not very fun to play. look at the planets near the initial border. they list CGB units with not a single FRR unit first. That means there was not a single successful defense.
We got better organized and things improved. LORDS, QQ and 228 joining FRR was a major shift. they have carried pretty hard, and I give them full credit for our current success, but that's based on skill not hardware. I got slaughtered by LORDS a couple times when they were clan, so I know how you feel.
(ok, TDR-9S is cheap, I own one, and I admit it. they should reduce the cooldown reduction and the heat bonus a bit for better balance, but it doesn't need to be reduced much)
I learned something by dropping as a PUG with partial teams from Lords and 228. It wasn't so much about the individual skill or the mech build as about a solid and innovative battle plan which the whole team followed. (those guys are individually amazing though)
on the hot map, one lords player told the rest of us to follow him to alpha gate, breach the gate and push in to C3 location. From there defend and kill mechs. we did NOT rush the generators AT ALL. And after opening the gates it was a total brawl. We won by killing all enemy mechs, and then killing the generator. we did not rush, and after the first drop there wasn't much sniping either. A solid plan will let you avoid boring rush strategies and will allow you to brawl as much as you want. you will still need to snipe while opening the gates though, so learn to enjoy it and make your first drop a mech that can do that.
here is my solution to the current state of community warfare.
1- yes nerf the TDR-9S a little, because that mech is a little too much.
2- there should be some faction IRC servers, I've been thinking of setting them up myself but its a lot of work. this lets different groups get together to share tips and advice.
3- allow people in the same faction to drop as a group. this lets smaller units get together to form a 12 man as long as they are all in the same faction. getting together beforehand lets you talk strategy before the drop so you can coordinate your mech builds and drop order to fit the battle plan. currently you can only drop as a 12 man if you are all in the same unit. this means smaller units can't do it ever.
4- its hard to develop good tactics if you can't look around the map at your leisure. put the CW maps into the training area like all the other maps so people can practice and learn. the ability to study the map and find the best sniper spots, as well as the best approaches to AVOID the best sniper spots really helps. One game we slaughter some GB newbs with sniper fire. the next game we got slaughtered because the clans knew exactly were to stand to make it almost impossible for most of us to shoot at them while they open the gates. this subtle knowledge of the map makes a huge difference and it is hard to acquire without access to the map in a practice setting and a friend to tell you whether you are an easy shot or not.
5- I would allow groups to drop in at least the CW maps with less than 12 on 12 for practice matches without requiring MC. make it cost Cbills. this would make practice more available to the casual player, and make pugs like me a much better match for the organized teams. closer matches = more fun for everyone.
6- institute standard game types with normal maps as a tie breaker so there is more variety. If FRR wins a point and then CGB wins it back, have the third match for that point be an assault or skirmish game on one of the standard maps. to inject some flavor into it the FRR planets can use the snow maps to reflect our Scandinavian heritage or something like that while DC might use the desert maps more often.
This would help break up the repetitiveness of CW.
7-limit the number of battles per planet at a single time. I recommend 7 so you cant take a planet in a single 8 team drop. this limits the effectiveness of swarm tactics, and makes it more about who is winning a higher percentage. Skill, not numbers. I would also limit the number of ghost drops a team can get per hour to 2. this limits ghost dropping, and forces teams to go find a planet with defenders instead of just continuously ghost dropping for an unopposed victory. This also limits the effectiveness of dropping a bunch of teams right before the ceasefire.
get enough of your clan to repeat these suggestions to PGI and they may listen.
Finally, I recommend your clan institute a policy of using C3 voice Chat as a standard (because its free and supported by MWO) then the top player in the list sets up a channel for a PUG game and everyone joins. having VOIP for even the pug and small group games will make you much more competitive against guys like LORDS and 228.
Edited by jajsamurai, 06 January 2015 - 08:05 PM.