Flaming oblivion, on 06 January 2015 - 09:19 PM, said:
The matchmaker is beyond awful and this is just disgusting that it isn't in better shape in a pvp game with no other options what so ever.
You spat in the face of pugs with CW
Just disgusted save all your sarcastic responses
I hope you get your act together PGI and start thinking of new players and their retention if this game is to have a future.
Because this game is and I say this with no rage by a long chalk the absolute worst I've ever come across fr new player "comfort"
And the balance and matchmaker ,. What balance? What matchmaker?
Well im done .
To much damage done you wont get the masses of new players that already left back , But their may be others if you get your act together.
Didn't you do this post about 6 months ago Flame???