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Is Quirks Made Simple

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#1 Gevurah


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:07 PM

Anyone who's ever looked through the quirk list knows that it's daunting. So
I'm writing up a simplified quirk list here to make things considerably easier.
Only NOTEWORTHY highlights are listed, not a complete list.
This is primarily meant for newbies/amateurs as a gross oversimplification

My primary goal here was a single line detailing the most important aspects of a chassis's quirks.

Values explained:

Cooldown(CD) = Increases how often you can fire. Usually a good stat.
Duration(duration) = Cuts beam duration, dealing the damage faster. Very good stat.
Range(range) = Range added to weapon. Not good on its own, usually.
Heat(heat) = Reduces heat generated by the weapon. Also very good stat.
Velocity(Vel) = how fast a projectile reaches it's target, faster is better. Not good on it's own, usually.
Armor (arm) = surrounds a component (leg/arm/rt/ct/lt/head/etc) HP 'armor' which prevents internal (critical) damage. Additions to this provide durability.
Structure (st) = After your armor is stripped off, this is how much HP your component has. Additions to this make you more durable, but you can still be crit during this time.
Reverse speed = how much faster you go in reverse.
Torso yaw/pitch speed = yaw is lateral, pitch is vertical. This affects how fast this occurs.
Turn speed = how fast the mech actually turns.

I've already done the math for most of these so you don't have to figure out what the 'ballistic %' plus 'ac/5 %' combined is. If you want a more detailed list, look up a more detailed list, you're probably not a newbie/amateur and thus this shouldn't even be something you'd look at anyways. This list presumes you're always building a mech around its respective quirks.

*ECM = electronic countermeasures. Generally a best in slot system. There are no bad ECM mechs, IMO.
*JJ = Can equip jumpjets. High value item, generally speaking.
*HERO = Hero mech, receives 30% additional cbills earnings.

SL/ML/LL/ERLL - Small laser, medium laser, large laser, ER large laser.
PPC/ER PPC - particle projection cannon or extended range variant.
SPL/MPL/LPL - small,medium, or large pulse laser
SRM/SSRM/LRM - short range missile, streak SRM, long range missile.
MG/AC/LBX/UAC - ballistics: machine guns,autocannon, lbx (shotgun) autocannon, ultra autocannon.
Gauss - a ballistic weapon, suited for sniping. Shares most AC quirks.
An ! means it's a very high quirk level and worth attention


Lights occupy a strange space in MWO. While capable of scouting, a great many are superb 'strikers' - high speed mechs that show up out of nowhere and hit very hard. Jumpjets significantly affect their mobility, allowing for high speed evasion, sometimes at speeds of 170kph in-game. Scouting itself is usually best done by ECM mechs, though they make superb strikers as well. EVERY single ECM light is excellent (citing personal experience).

Locust Chassis: Quirk level: VERY HIGH.
Chassis general: +50% arm armor, +16 leg structure (!), accel +25%/decel +50%.
Chassis focus: Glass cannons that shoot fast before running away.
LCT-1E - Energy (+25% range, -25% heat, -25% dur) - pulse lasers anyone?
LCT-3M - energy (+20% cd, -10% heat, -10% dur) (nerfbats hurt)
LCT-3S - missiles (30% cd, 15% range, -15% heat)! and ML (25% cd, 25% range)!.
LCT-1V - ER LL(50% cd, -50% duration, +15% range!) + MG range +30%.
LCT-1M - ML (+50% range, +25% cd, -25% heat-12.5% dur), missiles (15% cd)
LCT-PB - SL (20% cd, 20% range), MG range +20%. *ECM *HERO

Commando Chassis Quirk level: Moderate-high
Chassis general: +12.6% reverse speed, +10% turn rate, +8 arm st, +12 leg st.
Chassis focus: Slightly brawly, good weapons payload, missiles and lasers.
COM-1B - ML (20% cd, -12.5% heat, -20% dur) and LL(20% range, -12.5% heat, -10% dur)'s.
COM-1D - MPL (20% cd, 40% range), missiles (12.5% cd).
COM-2D - missiles (10% cd, 10% range). *ECM
COM-3A - missiles (30% cd, -15% heat, +15% range), energy (15% cd).
COM-TDK - ML's (15% range, -10% heat, -10% duration) *HERO

Spider Chassis quirk level: Moderate-high
Chassis general: +12.6% Reverse speed.
Chassis focus: Mobility focused, very good at jumping, lighter than average weapons.
SDR-5K - ERLL (50% cd, -25% duration, +25% range), AC/MG range +45% *JJ
SDR-5V - Energy (+30% range, +30% CD, -30% duration *JJ
SDR-A - ML (15% cd, +15% range), missiles (+20% cd), ACs/MGs (30% range) *JJ *HERO
SDR-5D - energy (10% cd, range, -10% dur) *JJ *ECM

Firestarter Chassis Quirk level: moderate-low
Chassis general: none
Chassis focus: Brawling with jumpjets at high-ish speed. Considered Best in Tier.
FS9-A - SPL (range +15%, heat -10%) *JJ
FS9-H - ML (heat -15%, range +10%) *JJ
FS9-K - energy (10% range, -10% dur) *JJ
FS9-S - MPL (-30% heat!) *JJ
FS9-E - AC's (+7.5% range), energy (-7.5% dur) *JJ *HERO

Jenner Chassis Quirk Level : Medium-low
Chassis General: none
Chassis focus: Another best in tier, exceptional skirmisher.
JR7-D - Missiles (7.5% cooldown) *JJ
JR7-F - Generic energy weapon range (+7.5%) *JJ
JR7-K - MPL (15% cooldown, -10% heat generation) *JJ
JR7-O - SRM4 (15% cooldown, -15% heat, +15% range). +4 leg st *HERO (no JJs, wtf?)

Raven Chassis Quirk Level: HIGH
chassis general: +8 leg st, 2x/4x get +10% turn rate
chassis focus: multi-role, solid all around chassis.
RVN-2X - LL (-25% heat, -30% dur, +10% range, +10% cd), ML (+20% cd, range, -30% dur, -12.5% heat), missiles +15% cd +12 LA armor
RVN-4X - Energy (+30% range, -30% dur)!, missiles (+15% cd), AC's & MGs (+30% range) *JJ
RVN-H - SRM/4 (50% cd!, -15% heat, +25% range!) , MG range +30% +6 r/l arm armor *JJ *HERO
RVN-3L - energy (-7.5% dur), missiles (7.5% cd). *ECM

Panther Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-high
chassis general: +12 RA st, +6 LL/RL, Accel/Decel +15%, turn rate +10%
chassis focus: long/mid range combat. Slow for a light.
PNT-10K - ERPPC (+40% vel, +25% cd, -25% heat)!, missile (+15 cd and range) *JJ
PNT-8Z - LL (25% range, 25% cd, -25% dur), missiles (+15% cd) *JJ
PNT-9R - energy (+15% range, cd and -15% heat/dur), missiles +15% range/cd, PPC's (energy buffs +40%vel) *JJ


Mediums are heavily quirked, as such there's not a 'meta' medium. There's too many (which is good) that suit a wide range of play styles from brawling to flank support, to scouting. They fit a critical role in CW with the drop weight requirements by allowing you to punch hard above your weight; so pick one that you play well and play often to ensure maximum results!

Cicada Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-high
chassis general: 0,10, or 21% torso yaw speed, 5% turn rate, +10LL/RL ST!
chassis focus: fastest medium mechs, strikers/snipers.
CDA-2A - ML (15% cd, -15% duration, -10% heat)
CDA-3C - ER PPC (25% cd, -50% heat, +50% vel) + AC's & MGs (12.5% cd)
CDA-3M - ML (-10% dur, +15% range, +15% cd), AC's (20% cd -5% uac jam chance)! *ECM
CDA-2B - +12 RA/LA armor, MPL (20% cd, -15% heat, -12.5% duration, +20% range)!
CDA-X5 - +12 RA/LA armor, ML(-20% heat,-20% dur,+40% range)!, missile cd (25%)! *HERO

Blackjack Chassis Quirk Level: HIGH
chassis general: torso yaw speed (25-43.8%!), +11 RT/LT ST!
chassis focus: mid-range support.
BJ-1 - AC2 (25% cd, -25% heat)!, ML (-25% heat)! *JJ
BJ-1DC - AC2 (25% cd, -25% heat) ML (-25% heat, -15% dur, +15% range)!
BJ-3 - PPC (velocity 20%, cd 20%, heat -20%) *JJ
BJ-1X -ML (-20% heat, +20% range, -20% dur, +12.5% cd)
BJ-A - MG (+40%), LPL (-20% dur, -12.5% heat, +12.5% range). *HERO

Vindicator Chassis Quirk Level: High
chassis general: 7+ arm st, +11 leg st.
chassis focus: Sniper support (PPC) or brawler depending on which chassis.
VND-1AA - PPC (velocity +40%, -20% heat, 12.5% cd)! *JJ
VND-1R - ML (20% cd, -10% heat) PPC (+40% velocity, -10% heat) missile (12.5% cd)! *JJ
VND-1X - PPC (velocity +25%, heat: -25%, cooldown 15%) Missile (15% cd) *JJ
VND-SIB - Missile (10%), Generic Laser duration (-20%), LL (Range +15%) *JJ *HERO

Centurion Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-High
chassis general: +16 R arm st. +16 L arm armor, torso yaw speed (25% except YLW 56%)
chassis focus: brawling, mid range support.
CN9-A - AC/10 (20% cd, 20% vel), Missile (12.5% cd), Gen. Laser (-12.5% dur)
CN9-AH - AC20 (20% cd, 20% vel)!, Missile (12.5% cd, 12.5% range)
CN9-AL - LL (20% cd, -20% heat, -20% dur), missile (12.5% cd)
CN9-D - LBX-10 (40% CD, 20% velocity -10% spread)! Missile (12.5% cd)
CN9-YLW - AC20 (20% cd, 20% vel, 20% range) Energy (12.5% cd) *HERO

Hunchback Chassis Quirk Level: High
chassis general: +37.5% yaw speed!, +18 RT armor, +12 RT st for 4g/4h/4p. +12 RT armor & +12 RT st for 4J. +12 LT/RT armor and st for 4sp.
chassis focus: Lots of weapons on up-armored hunch. Multi-role chassis, mostly brawling.
HBK-4G - AC20 (25% cd, 25% vel, 25% range!), energy (15% cd)
HBK-4H - AC10 (20% cd, 20% range), ML (cd 20%, heat -20%)
HBK-4J - LRM10 (50% cd, -25% heat)!, Energy (15% cd, -15% dur, -15% heat).
HBK-4P - ML (15% cd, -15% dur, -10% heat).
HBK-4SP - SRM6 (40% cooldown)!, ML (heat -20%, -25% dur)!
HBK-GI - MPL (25% CD, +50% range)! Gauss (50% cd)! Missiles (15% cd). *HERO

Enforcer Chassis Quirk level: Moderate-high
chassis general: +8LA/RA st, +12 LL/RL st +25% torso turn (!)
ENF-5D - LBXAC10 (+20% range, vel, and CD), lasers (-12.5% dur)
ENF-4R - AC10 (20% cd), LL (-20% cd, -12.5% heat, -12.5% dur +12.5% range)
ENF-5P - UAC5 (+20% vel, cd, -20% heat)!, lasers -12.5% dur

Trebuchet Chassis Quirk Level: High
chassis general: +25% torso yaw speed. +8 RA/LA st
chassis focus: Almost all are long range support (LRM/PPC/AC5).
TBC-3C - LRM15 (40% cd, -20% heat)!, Energy (-12.5% heat, dur)
TBT-5J - ML (-20% heat, -20% duration, +20% range), +12.5% cd *JJ
TBT-5N - Missiles (+12.5% cd, -12.5% heat), Energy (-12.5% heat, dur, +12.5% range, cd)
TBT-7K - AC5 (20% cd, 20% velocity), PPC (20% cd, -20% heat), Missiles +12.5% cd
TBT-7M - LRM15 (40% cd, -20% heat)! *JJ
TBT-LDG - Missiles (+10% cd, range), MPL (+15% range, -10% heat, +10% cd) *JJ *HERO

Griffin Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-Low
chassis general: +10-25% torso yaw speed.
chassis focus: Top tier close range jumping brawler.
GRF-1S - +9 RA ST, ML (+15% cd, -12.5% dur, +12.5% range), missiles (+12.5%cd) *JJ
GRF-3M - ERPPC (+20% vel), SRM4 (+10% cd) *JJ
GRF-1E - ML (15% cd, -15% heat), PPC (+20% vel) *JJ *HERO
GRF-1N - PPC (+20% vel, -7.5% heat), Lasers (-7.5% dur/heat), missiles (+7.5%cd) *JJ

Wolverine Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-High
chassis general: +25% torso yaw speed.
chassis focus: Medium range brawler/Skirmisher.
WVR-6R - +18 RA st!, AC5 (40% CD)!, Missiles (Range +12.5%)
WVR-6K - +18 RA st!, LL (+25% range, +15% cd, -25% heat, -15% dur), Missiles (+15% cd)
WVR-7K - SRM6 (20% CD, 20% range), Energy (12.5% range, -12.5% dur)

Kintaro Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: +25% torso yaw speed.
chassis focus: Long range support or brawling, depends on build.
KTO-19 - SRM4 (20% CD, -20% heat, +20% range)!, Energy (-12.5% cd)
KTO-20 - LL (-20% heat, +20% range, -10% dur)!, ML (-20% dur +10% range), Missile (12.5% range)
KTO-GB - MPL (15% CD, -12.5% heat, +10% range), Missile (12.5% cd, -12.5% heat) *HERO
KTO-18 - LRM5 (15% cd, -15% heat), Energy (-10% dur)

Shadowhawk Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-Low
chassis general: 0-25% torso yaw, 0-5% turn rate
chassis focus: Still a great overall chassis, generally top shelf for most tasks.
SHD-2D - AC5 (10% cd, +7.5% velocity) *JJ
SHD-2D2 - Energy (-7.5 dur), Missile (10% cd) *JJ
SHD-GD - Missile (7.5% cd), Energy (-7.5% dur), AC's (+7.5% vel) +9 arm struct *HERO *JJ
SHD-2K - Missile (7.5% cd), Energy (-7.5% heat), PPCs (+10% vel) *JJ
SHD-5M - UAC5 (10% cd), Missile (7.5% cd), Energy (-7.5% dur) *JJ
SHD-2H - AC's (15% cd) *JJ


Heavies are the workhorses of your mech stable. Typically occupying the TOP role in CW drop decks, it's crucial to pick ones that play to your strengths. Even though the Thunderbolt is superb right now, I've personally played at least 75% of the rest and found them excellent. There are no ECM inner sphere heavies at the moment - so take that into account.

Dragon Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-high
chassis general: CT st(ructure) +24(!), +10% yaw speed
chassis focus: High speed multi-role heavy skirmisher. Very durable with quirks.
DRG-1C: +6 RA st, Energy (15% cd, -15% dur, +15% range), AC (15% cd), missile (15% cd)
DRG-1N: +6 RA st, AC5 (50% cd!), energy (15% cd, +15% range), missile (15% cd)
DRG-FLAME: +9 LT st, AC (10% cd, +10% vel, +10% range), Energy (-10% heat, -10% dur) *HERO
DRG-5N: +6 RA st, UAC5 (25% cd, +15% vel, +15% range -5% jam), Energy (15% cd, -15% dur)
DRG-FANG: +6 RA st, AC10 (25% cd, +25% vel)!, Energy (15% cd, -15% heat -15% dur) *HERO

Quickdraw Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: +7 leg st, +10 arm armor, arm yaw speed +33% and pitch +33% on 4g/iv4
chassis role: mobile high speed brawler/flanker.
QKD-4G: ML (-25% heat, -15% dur, +25% range, 15% cd!), Missiles (+15% cd) *JJ
QKD-4H: LRM10 (+20cd, -20% heat)!, ML (+20% cd, -12.5% heat) *JJ
QKD-IV4: AC5 (20% cd, 20% vel), missile (12.5% cd), energy (+12.5% range) *HERO *JJ
QKD-5K: ML (+25% range, -25% heat, -12.5% dur, 15% cd) and ...
LL (-25% dur, 15% cd, -12.5% heat, +12.5% range) *JJ

Catapult Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: +10 arm and CT st. Arm armor +8 on c1/c4.
chassis role: Mid-long range support mech, sometimes brawler. Solid mech.
CPLT-C1: LRM15 (20% cd), energy (12.5% cd, -12.5% dur, +12.5% range) *JJ
CPLT-C4: LRM20 (25% cd, -25% heat!), energy (15% cd, +15% range) *JJ
CPLT-K2: PPC (+20% vel -10% heat), ML (-15% dur -10% heat), AC's (+10% range)
CPLT-A1: missiles (10% cd, -10% heat) *JJ
CPLT-J: LL(-10 heat, -10 dur, +15% range) *HERO *JJ

Jagermech Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-low
chassis general: +7 LT/RT structure.
chassis role: Direct fire support. Superb IS ballistics platform. Not Durable. High mounted arms.
JM6-A: AC's (+20% range, +10% vel), missiles (+20% cd, -10% heat), lasers (-10% dur)
JM6-DD: UAC5 (+15% cd, +15% range -5% jam), lasers (-10% dur)
JM6-S: AC2 (+15% cd, +7.5% vel, +10% range), AC5 (+15% vel, +10% range, 7.5% cd), energy (-10% dur, heat)
JM6-FB: PPC (-15% heat, -10% cd +20% vel), lasers (-10% dur) AC's (+10% vel) *HERO

Thunderbolt Chassis Quirk Level: HIGH
chassis general: +15 LT/RT structure (!).
chassis role: tough, tanky, sonuvabitch with pulse laser focus. META/Best in Tier.
TDR-5S: LL (25% cd, -12.5% heat, -12.5% dur, +25% range)!, ML (12.5% cd, -25% heat, -25% dur, +12.5% range)!, missiles (15% cd)
TDR-9SE: Missiles (12.5% cd), LPL (-20% heat, -12.5% dur, +20% range)! *JJ
TDR-9S: ER PPC(25% cd, -25% heat, +30% vel)!, energy (-12.5% heat, +12.5% cd, -15% dur), missiles (+15% cd)
TDR-5SS: MPL (+50% range, -15% heat, 15% cd)!

Grasshopper quirk level: High
chassis general: accel +10%, +11 RA/LA armor, +15 RL/LL Armor
chassis general pt2: +11 CT struct (5H/5J), +9RT/LT ST (5N)
chassis focus: Viable, fast, high speed energy boats with jumpjets for the IS.
GHR-5J - ERLL (+20% cd, -12,5% heat)! , +10% ams range (yawn) *JJ
GHR-5H - ML (+20% cd, -12.5% heat)!, +12.5% missile cd *JJ
GHR-5N - PPC (-20% heat, +12.5% cd)!, +7.5% torso yaw speed. *JJ

Cataphract Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: 1x/2x/4x - LT/RT +7 st, arm +5 st, IM/3D = nothing
chassis role: Sort of meta but bad hitbox. Good skirmishers/fire support.
CTF-1X: ML (20% cd, -12.5% heat, +12.5% range, -12.5% dur), AC's (+12.5% cd, +12.5% vel)
CTF-2X: AC's (+12.5% cd, range, vel), missiles (+12.5% cd), Energy (-12.5% heat, dur)
CTF-4X: AC5 (12.5% CD, 20% vel, 10% range), energy (-12.5% dur)
CTF-IM: ML (15% cd, -15% dur), AC5 (+15% CD). *HERO
CTF-3D: lasers (-7.5% dur), AC's (-7.5% vel), uac5 -3% jam *JJ

Orion Chassis Quirk Level: HIGH
chassis general: LT/RT/LL/RL +16 ST ( :o)
chassis role: Jack of all trades, heaviest IS heavy. Very NOT meta. Can be a nasty brawler.
ON1-K: AC's (+12.5% range, cd, vel), Energy (-10% dur, +12.5% range, -12.5% heat)
ON1-M: LBX10 (40% CD, -10% spread) energy (-12.5% heat, dur, +12.5% cd), missiles (+25% cd)!
ON1-V: AC10 (20% cd, 25% vel), Missiles (+12.5% cd), energy (+12.5% cd, -25% dur)
ON1-VA: Missiles (+25% cd, +25% range)!, AC's (12.5%cd, vel), energy (-12.5% dur)
ON1-P: SRM6 (20% cd, 20% range), AC20 (20% vel, 20% range) *HERO


With assaults, bear in mind that due to the number of hardpoints, available tonnage, etc - the bigger the number, the more impressive the quirk results as. So for the AWS-PB, for instance, the 25% LL cooldown adjustment is just game-breakingly good. Good thing no one uses it yet. NUDGE NUDGE.

Likewise, the 15% cooling reduction on LPLs for the banshee(s) is pretty impressive too since you can fit more heatsinks than a similarly equipped heavy.

Awesome Chassis Quirk Level: VERY HIGH.
chassis general: +20 CT st, +10 LT/RT st, +10 torso yaw, +10% pitch.
chassis role: fire support, high speed tank? Very durable since quirks.
AWS-8Q: PPC (25% cd, -25% heat, +25% range, +25% velocity)!
AWS-8R: LL (25% cd, -25% dur, -15% heat), LRM15 (25% cd, -15% heat)!
AWS-PB: +5% turn speed, LL (-25% heat, +25% range, -30% dur, +30% cd)!, missiles +15% cd *HERO
AWS-8V: PPC (+15% cd, +25% vel, 15% range)!, lasers -15% dur, missiles (+15%cd, range)
AWS-8T: Missiles (15% cd, -15% heat), energy (30% cd, -15% heat, -15% duration)!
AWS-9M: ER PPC (+25% vel, +25% range, -25% heat, 15% cd)!

Victor Chassis Quirk Level: Low.
chassis general: +10 leg st
chassis role: formerly meta, still very competitive despite low quirk levels.
VTR-9B: -7.5 laser dur, +7.5 AC vel *JJ
VTR-9K: Gauss (10% cd), energy (-7.5% dur) *JJ
VTR-DS: Gauss (10% cd), PPC (+7.5% vel) *HERO *JJ
VTR-9S: missiles (7.5% cd), AC (+7.5% vel) *JJ

Zeus Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate.
chassis general: +15 CT armor, +17 RT/LT/RL/LL armor(!)
chassis role: High Durability, moderately decent speed for an assault, good ranged damage output.
ZEU-6S: AC-5 (+20% range, +12.5% cd), missiles (+12.5% cd)
ZEU-6T: PPC (+20% range), missiles (+12.5% cd, +12.5% range)
ZEU-9S: ERLL (+20% range, +12.5% cd), missiles (+12.5% range).

Battlemaster Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate-high
chassis general: +14 arm armor.
chassis role: Depends on chassis. Each one fits a diff role. Pretty good ATM.
BLR-1D: ML -20% dur, +12.5% range &cd, +20% ppc vel, AC's (12.5% cd, +12.5% vel)
BLR-1G: ACs(+12.5% range, CD), ML (-20% heat, -20% dur, +20% range)!, +20% PPC vel
BLR-3S: MPL (20% cd, -12.5% heat, +20% range)! missiles (+12.5% cd, +12.5% range)
BLR-3M: ERPPC (+25% vel, +10% range, 12.5% cd), ML's (-20% dur, +20% range, 12.5% cd) missiles (12.5% cd)
BLR-1S: Missiles (+12.5% cd, -12.5% heat), ML's (-20% heat, +25% range, -12.5% dur)
BLR-1GHE: PPC (20% cd, 20% vel, -12.5% heat), lasers (-12.5% dur), Missiles (12.5% cd) *HERO
* Note, this mech has a "50% insulation" type quirk currently unique to it.
* google it, it's called 'external heat transfer'. it's too weird to summarize.

Stalker Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: none
chassis role: solid performer, lots of hardpoints, high mounted weapons
STK-3F: Missiles (+7.5% cd), Energy (-7.5% dur, -7.5% heat)
STK-5M: SRM6 (15% cd, 15% range), energy (-10% dur)
STK-5S: Missiles (-10% heat), ML (-15% dur, +7.5% range), LPL (-7.5% dur, +15% range)
STK-3H: LRM20 (20% cd, -20% heat)!, Energy (-12.5% heat, +12.5% range)
STK-4N: LL (20% cd, -20% heat, +20% range)!, missile (12.5% cd)
STK-M: +10% turn rate, +10% accel. Energy (-7.5 dur), AC's (+7.5% vel) *HERO

Highlander Chassis Quirk Level: low
chassis general: +10 leg st
chassis role: Former king of poptarts. Very weak atm, like a bad flying atlas.
HGN-732 - Gauss (15% cd), Missiles (10% cd), lasers (-10% dur)
HGN-733C - AC20 (10% cd, +7.5% vel))
HGN-HM - AC's (+10% cd, vel), lasers (-10% dur), missiles (+10% dur)
HGN-733P - PPC (+20% vel, -10% heat), lasers (-10% dur), missiles (10% cd)
HGN-733 - AC10 (15% cd), lasers (-10% dur), missiles (+10% cd)

Banshee Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: PPC VEL +20%
chassis role: Meat shield with lots of nasty weapons. Mostly. Small, well tuned quirks.
BNC-3E - AC5 (15% cd, +15% vel), energy (-10% heat)
BNC-3M - ML (15% cd, -10% dur, +10% heat)
BNC-3S - AC's (10% cd), ML (-15% dur, +15% range)
BNC-LM - AC10 (20% cd, +20% range), LPL (-20% heat, +20% range)! *HERO

Atlas Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: LT/RT +11 st, 9-17RA/LA structure!
chassis role: Tank, bruiser. A bad thing to walk around a blind corner into.
AS7-D: AC20 (15% cd, +15% vel), missiles (+10% cd), lasers (-10% dur)
AS7-S: missiles (+10% cd), AC20 (+15% vel), energy (-10% dur, +10% cd)
AS7-BH: MPL (+15% range, -10% heat), AC's (+10% range, velocity) *HERO
AS7-D-DC: AC20 (+10% vel), lasers (-7.5% dur), missiles (7.5% cd) *ECM(!)
AS7-K: Gauss (+15% cd), ERLL (+15% cd, -10% dur), Missiles 10% cd
AS7-RS: LL (range +15%cd, range, -10% dur), ac's +10% vel, missiles +10% cd.

King Crab Chassis Quirk Level: Moderate
chassis general: L/R Arm Armor: +17 (!) +25% torso yaw speed
chassis role: fire support, weapons platform on legs, pinching and eating clammers (pun intended)
KGC-000: AC20 (15%cd, +15% vel), energy (-10% dur)
KGC-0000: energy (10% cd, -10% dur), missiles (10% cd)
KGC-000B: AC's (10% velocity), energy (10% cd), missiles (10% cd)

3/24/15 - updated UAC jam quirks, LBX spread quirks, added zeus/grasshopper.
2/18/15 - Added new mechs, applied phase two quirks. I can't believe the buffed the Huginn. I really need one of those things.
1/9/15 - Bolded a few more notable ones. Specifically dealing with the CDA-X5, Jager-FB, and the FS9-A. While their quirks aren't 'spectacular' they are significant and attention should be drawn to them. The Jager can sling ppc's @ 8.5 heat per shot. The Cicada gets a major reduction on ML heat/cd/etc. The FS9A is a little monster, those quirks only further that.
1/8/15 - Bolded AS7-BH due to combination of heat and range on IS MPL
Added KGC quirks
Added 'can be a nasty brawler' to chassis gen for orion.
Fixed numerous errors in Light section due to how this was originally written (for 1st hussars forums)
Added "there are no bad ECM mechs,IMO" to ecm section
Misc changes I forgot.

1/7/15 - initial entry, fixing ONI-M

Edited by Gevurah, 24 March 2015 - 07:50 AM.

#2 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:19 PM

This is useful!

Thanks man! (Or lady)

Edited by Shar Wolf, 07 January 2015 - 01:19 PM.

#3 Gevurah


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:24 PM

Man, but yw. Got sick of looking at 100 things and wanted a boiled down list for myself, realized others might use so here we are.

#4 Mad Porthos


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:58 PM

Very nice. One mistake in particular caught my eye, not an oversight or small thing missed, but actually an entire incorrect chassis, the Orion ON1-M, you have incorrect quirks completely. Probably just a copy and paste mistake, but you should fix it. Lbx-10 CD +20%, Ballistic CD +20%, and some dealing with srm6 and energy weapons are what should be there... having a 40% cooldown buff like the cent-d is quite noteworthy and should be included.

EDIT: Thanks for updating it. Great list.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 07 January 2015 - 05:47 PM.

#5 Bluttrunken


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 02:08 PM

Colors? Please use some colors! It's a pain to read.

#6 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 02:09 PM

View Postk05h3lk1n, on 07 January 2015 - 02:08 PM, said:

Colors? Please use some colors! It's a pain to read.

General forum users do not have access to the color codes.

#7 timaeus


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 01:46 AM

This is a great list to go by. Are King Crabs going to be added soon?

#8 Gevurah


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:55 AM

Done, plus minor tuning. FWIW I used a combination of pages for my references:

and some others

#9 Roper Band


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 07:24 AM

Nice work. Should be stickied.

#10 Eldamar


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 08:57 PM

The only thing that would make quirks even easier if there was a way to view them in the mechlab, not just when selecting a mech to work on. Would make it much easier to make sure your memory is correct when putting in a loadout. If there is some way to see this please direct me to it as I have yet to find a way before I hit save on a mech to make sure I was not wasting c-bills.

#11 5LeafClover


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 02:26 PM

This is great, thanks. Especially so since the official "Inner Sphere Quirks.pdf" contains lots of major errors. For example CN9-A and CN9-AL. I was horrified today to realise I don't have the Wubturion -AL that I thought I did.

Back to the mechlab for me! :unsure:

#12 Kalamity27


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Posted 12 February 2015 - 11:47 AM

View PostRoper Band, on 08 January 2015 - 07:24 AM, said:

Nice work. Should be stickied.

Until then it is bookmarked in my mwo folder for future reference.

#13 Gevurah


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 12:44 PM

Glad to hear this is still helpful.

Going to go through this after tuesday and update with the new quirk changes. Don't expect anything immediate but I do have this on my to-do list for this week.

#14 Gevurah


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:15 PM

Well.. that sucks. I spent 2 hours updating it earlier today and it apparently lost all the changes except the two additions I made afterwards (enforcer/panther).

I'll do it tomorrow at work.

#15 Gevurah


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 11:16 AM

Update completed. Probably, barring any typos.

#16 trtw


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 12:55 PM

thanks for taking the time to do this. Your work is greatly appreciated

#17 True Sansha


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 04:52 AM

Do "LRM 20" quirks affect LRM 20 + Artemis 4?

Edited by True Sansha, 24 February 2015 - 04:58 PM.

#18 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 07:04 PM

View PostTrue Sansha, on 24 February 2015 - 04:52 AM, said:

Do "LRM 20" quirks affect LRM 20 + Artemis 4?

I believe so, as there are NO Artemis specified quirks in the game

#19 True Sansha


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 07:27 PM

Ah, that's really good. Thanks!

#20 CaptnKrusty


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Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:27 PM

Thank you for all your work, this is excellent

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