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#61 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:36 PM

View PostNoesis, on 19 January 2015 - 05:29 PM, said:

That is stereotyping however and you have to remember we are only declared enemies by your definitions and attack.

Posted Image

Cursed frivolous definition stereotyping!!!!! How dare Sarna give you guys such a definition!!

#62 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:37 PM

View PostKyocera, on 08 January 2015 - 12:06 PM, said:

Basically Space Communists right?
klanners are all about saving you from you by ethnic cleansing their way across the universe. they get rid of weak klanners too when the mood suits them, so I see them more as space {Godwin's Law}.

#63 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:38 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

This is from the source you just posted and the only instance of the Dark Caste existence and workings.... them siding with pirates to take Clan Worlds...... Anything more to be said?

That is the future, and that associated is the war of the reavings. My crystal ball does not extend into the future the relationships of the Dark Born to factions in MWO.

But from lore there is also huge civil war amongst the Clans and other altercations of Clan vs Clan. Even with some anihilation events. Even some defections and then "anihilations" by Clans and IS houses. (titter)

However yes from lore the Dark Caste does become more significant in the future. Which I guess is encouraging for the Dark Born. ;)

Edited by Noesis, 19 January 2015 - 05:42 PM.

#64 Molossian Dog


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:45 PM

Boinking siblings.
Dehumanizing children.
And pitting them against each other.

Argue about how exactly their form of gouverment is called if you wish.

I know what I call them.

#65 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:48 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 05:39 PM, said:

Right that is why 70% of the Clans are Freeborn and all castes but the warrior caste exhibit family relations most notable in CGB.
little help for the new cub. Medical/Genetics[edit]

The one area where Clan technology really took off however was in the medical field, a result of heavy investment due to the Clan homeworlds' harsh nature and the need for a large military. Advanced life support and regenerative techniques means the Clans can sustain an injured warrior indefinitely and regrow nearly any body part. Genetic modification techniques are similarly advanced and are responsible for the creation of some of the Clans' totem animals, such as the Smoke Jaguar.[45][48][49]

Ironically while the Clans' eugenics program is the centerpiece of their society, in many ways it is the least technologically advanced. The birthing chambers known as Iron Wombs are based on technology over a thousand years old, little different from the life-support systems used to save premature babies first pioneered by Jutendo University on Terra. Ethical concerns kept these artificial wombs from being used for any other purposes, concerns discarded by Kerensky and his scientists in their need for a larger population.[45][48][47]

The eugenics program proper began in 2819, though it wouldn't be until 2858 that the three distinctive phenotypes associated with modern-day trueborns first emerged.[50] Surprisingly scientists associated with the program take a hands-off approach to their work, preferring for the most part to let nature take its course. Genetic modification to alter physical or mental traits is used only sparingly beyond correcting adverse recessive traits or ensuring an equal balance of males and females to each Bloodhouse. This latter reason remains more for the sake of tradition than any true need, as it is relatively easy to take DNA from two individuals and splice them into sperm and ova gametes, creating a zygote irrespective of the donor's genes: theoretically a male warrior can be a "gene-mother" and vice versa, though again this is a rare occurrence. Another theoretical yet rarely occurring practice is the ability to create clones, known as a "retread." Simply replicating an individual however implies stagnation and goes against the Clans' belief in evolution and natural selection. Lastly Clan law discourages the combining of genes from related warriors, usually within three generations of each other; despite genetic screening ****** remains a taboo.[51]

While the eugenics program is popularly associated with trueborn warriors, it also applies to the civilian freeborn castes as well. Officially the scientist caste is responsible for pairing individuals based on their genetic compatibility, but in practice most "marriages" are given approval after the fact. These pairings are mandatory however for the production of many children, and individuals caught "eloping" as it were can faced severe punishment for interfering with the eugenics program. Such punishments are left up to the individual Clan to determine, but can range anywhere up to chemical reprogramming or execution.[20][19]

#66 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:49 PM

View PostMolossian Dog, on 19 January 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Boinking siblings.
Dehumanizing children.
And pitting them against each other.

Argue about how exactly their form of gouverment is called if you wish.

I know what I call them.

I was gonna say, is it the trailer park south? then realized its about the clans.

#67 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:50 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 05:39 PM, said:

Right that is why 70% of the Clans are Freeborn and all castes but the warrior caste exhibit family relations most notable in CGB. Also Inner Sphere stereotyping the Clans on the acts of Smoke Jaguar alone...... how original. Yeah read your lore more carefully. Cause House Liao, and the Combine don't exhibit anything better. Neither does Marik.

Yeah and the ONLY source for this is in the future. So lore wise you may not even exist lol. And only ONE Annihilation event you are really bad at this lore stuff aren't you? Also not prominent. You guys are pirates that can barely survive with the Clans barely batting an eye at you thus why Sarna says the Clans may not even be trying to destroy you that much. Again you are just nit picking the lore so you can make an argument. That doesn't work when EVERYONE has access to the same information. Your Dark Caste are official enemies of the Clan based on the only source available on them and they are nothing more. The end. Give me a new source to prove me wrong cause until you do you are an enemy of the Clans that deserve the oppression you get.

You are welcome to take that prejudicial view if you like Marack.

However you might find that the Dark Born are a little more complex and involved than just following the script of what is indicated. It is not a catch all situation, just like treating human beings really, I find that taking people on a case by case basis is more healthy an interaction than using stereotypes.

Also please remember that none of the Player units at the request by PGI represent any official lore faction. So we are free to some extent to interpret the events and culture of our units to some extent. I think the Dark bOrn interpretation does not lose the flavour of the lore even if it might not be clear of our attitudes.

Normally however it is actions that provide the evidence for such things, for which the Dark Born if anything so far have been very active with Clan Crusader interests in mind. Even more than some factions and units who kind of gave up recently due to IS aggression and are now waiting to feel invigorated again to feel up to helping the Clan society with its aims as part of operation Revival. So again the Dark Born have perhaps been more honourable bya ction so far than some regular Clan units.

#68 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:00 PM

It pains me to do this Noesis but i can semi understand. The future isn't certain when we can change the outcomes of the Inner Sphere. You and your Dark Caste can do whatever but the definition stays the same cause, well, thats what Sarna has.

Honorable you say? Not likely the case. Seems like your group is just jumping to the better faction that has more to offer then standing your ground and fighting in honorable combat.

#69 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:01 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 05:51 PM, said:

Right and the IS idea of government is- Slavery, torture, dehumanization of people.......

So you are here to troll? Cause nothing I say will have any affect so in short you are just a trolling gnat. This explains everything.

Just leave. You have no baring in Clan society and obviously don't know anything about it and have brought nothing to the table of classifying what the Government is. So just leave.

Erm, no. You have your intepretation. I have mine. Please allow me to have my opinion for which I have substantiated reasons why. I have been only cordial with the debate as to why you may not be completely accurate with judging the Dark Born. From an RP perspective I don't mind if the Clans people do not like the Dark Caste, it is their way as we have identified. But stating my interpretation of the facts and how the lore is stated does not make me a troll simply because it does not aggree with the labels or branding iron you want to use for the players associated.

And again you are not in a position to dictate the actions of others despite this or how people want to play this game just because it does not agree with your blinkered view of things.

#70 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:06 PM

View PostLastKhan, on 19 January 2015 - 06:00 PM, said:

It pains me to do this Noesis but i can semi understand. The future isn't certain when we can change the outcomes of the Inner Sphere. You and your Dark Caste can do whatever but the definition stays the same cause, well, thats what Sarna has.

Honorable you say? Not likely the case. Seems like your group is just jumping to the better faction that has more to offer then standing your ground and fighting in honorable combat.

Says CNC unit in Ghost bear space and it being the wrong corridor from lore doing the same thing perhaps?

Plenty of recordings of Dark Born assisting both CGB and CSJ with their efforts in honorable combat. And if anything we are in CSJ space that has less population and capabilities than CGB. If anything it appears that CNC alpha are the ones hiding here. At least the Dark Born are taking it to where the real fights are, though Clan space is a bit of a melting pot atm.

Edited by Noesis, 19 January 2015 - 06:08 PM.

#71 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:11 PM

View PostNoesis, on 19 January 2015 - 06:06 PM, said:

Says CNC unit in Ghost bear space and it being the wrong corridor from lore doing the same thing perhaps?

Plenty of recordings of Dark Born assisting both CGB and CSJ with their efforts in honorable combat.

Last time i checked we havent moved, even when our contact is up. should i refer you to Praiah's vids of our CW fights? Its funny when its about the Dark Caste not being lore official you are all up in arms about lore not mattering but point at us when we are altering history as well? Hypocrite.

#72 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:17 PM

View PostLastKhan, on 19 January 2015 - 06:11 PM, said:

Last time i checked we havent moved, even when our contact is up. should i refer you to Praiah's vids of our CW fights? Its funny when its about the Dark Caste not being lore official you are all up in arms about lore not mattering but point at us when we are altering history as well? Hypocrite.

Wll the Dark Caste are Nomadic and insurgent in all the Clans. CNC from lore had a more definative history which decribes their corridor involvement. So not being hypocritical at all.

The reason we took the fight to CSJ was and is to help them with their interests as an underdog within the Clan structure. This also evident from inclusion within the Smoke Alliance and have been contributing to those efforts since we arrived. If anything as a deabte with more professional units under the cosh some of the initiatives the smoke alliance have undertaken in that time have helped to galavansie the CSJ community. In addition we have been providing advertised technical services to assit both CSj and CGB attack corridors amongst other interests with the Dark Born web tools.

So I'm quite proud of the decision to move to a smaller Clan where these efforts are better appreciated.

But please continue to hide under the Ghost Bear apron with minimal effort. E.g. waiting for PGI to ready the state of the game so that you feel up to re-engaging with CW interests.

#73 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:25 PM

View PostNoesis, on 19 January 2015 - 06:17 PM, said:

Wll the Dark Caste are Nomadic and insurgent in all the Clans. CNC from lore had a more definative history which decribes their corridor involvement. So not being hypocritical at all.

The reason we took the fight to CSJ was and is to help them with their interests as an underdog within the Clan structure. This also evident from inclusion within the Smoke Alliance and have been contributing to those efforts since we arrived. If anything as a deabte with more professional units under the cosh some of the initiatives the smoke alliance have undertaken in that time have helped to galavansie the CSJ community. In addition we have been providing advertised technical services to assit both CSj and CGB attack corridors amongst other interests with the Dark Born web tools.

So I'm quite proud of the decision to move to a smaller Clan where these efforts are better appreciated.

But please continue to hide under the Ghost Bear apron with minimal effort. E.g. waiting for PGI to ready the state of the game so that you feel up to re-engaging with CW interests.

So, its okay you can change the history of what your group of target practice bandits gets to do but not any faction that currently in this game's time line?.. yeah, thats being hypocritical.

Only I am awaiting for some fixes to the current CW program and people are still dropping. The parkinsons type algorithms and 24 hour attack phase time is garbage. If i am correct will be addressed tomorrow by via patch.

To me seems like you are doing it only for the cbizz buff and thats not at all honorable. but we can settle that issue on the battlefield if you wish.

Edited by LastKhan, 19 January 2015 - 09:44 PM.

#74 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:30 PM

I think a trial of grievance might be good therapy for you Lastkhan. I couldn't lose from such an encounter, especially if you need to let out some angst about your situation.

As a service for scrims or as training we would need to negociate a appropriate transfer of c-bills however to cover the use of my time. ;)

#75 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:34 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 06:28 PM, said:

Makes you a troll because you hijacked the thread and aren't contributing anything to this topic. Saying random stuff is trolling. And also you are a hypocrite. Using lore to tell us crap and then when we use it against you, you say it doesn't matter is hypocritical in every definition of the word. Yeah LastKhan I think we are talking to a lost cause of a Clan wannabe.

As per your perception Marack, which I dont agree with and my points have been cordial and on topic. But please now take the debate to posting behaviour as opposed to the issues. I will bow out however as I have better things to do and will take it as a small victory as a result in debating this issue to the conclusion you have to resort to these measures.

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 06:33 PM, said:

Well its official. the Darkborn are just common rabble Mercenaries.

For further details please consider our "public" brochure: http://1drv.ms/1uYnkAz

#76 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:37 PM

View PostNoesis, on 19 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:

I think a trial of grievance might be good therapy for you Lastkhan. I couldn't lose from such an encounter, especially if you need to let out some angst about your situation.

As a service for scrims or as training we would need to negociate a appropriate transfer of c-bills however to cover the use of my time. ;)

Couldnt lose huh? I think you are quick to forget me and my atlas. Now with clan mechs you care to bolster such a comment?

I only said so not only to release some tensions by beating your mech's face in. But a good way to see if you can walk the walk instead of talking the talk. After seeing your ssrm mad doge build vid i doubt it.

Edited by LastKhan, 19 January 2015 - 06:40 PM.

#77 Noesis


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:42 PM

Give me chance to arrange something Lastkhan when it is more convenient to other concerns.

Then we can have some fun in a private match. Especially if it helps you find some connection with the Dark Bron as being potentially considered as human beings. Have to be careful though of associating with the Dark Caste, people might talk.

Couldn't lose. means if I win well I win, if I lose, you feel better with your situation, I win.

#78 LastKhan

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:50 PM

View PostNoesis, on 19 January 2015 - 06:42 PM, said:

Give me chance to arrange something Lastkhan when it is more convenient to other concerns.

Then we can have some fun in a private match. Especially if it helps you find some connection with the Dark Bron as being potentially considered as human beings. Have to be careful though of associating with the Dark Caste, people might talk.

Couldn't lose. means if I win well I win, if I lose, you feel better with your situation, I win.

No need to be careful with you are of course human. Emo, but human after all. I dont care if there is a winner or not. I want you to shut up and show me your strength. Only then you can show that you are as you say, "Honorable."

Edited by Marvyn Dodgers, 22 January 2015 - 04:32 PM.

#79 ClannerJake


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:56 PM

i can end the arguments, and teach you all a neat trick, its called famous quotes.
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
Aristotle, Metaphysics
woot, history doth win agian sire!

Edited by ClannerJake, 19 January 2015 - 07:00 PM.

#80 Molossian Dog


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 02:22 AM

View PostMarack Drock, on 19 January 2015 - 05:51 PM, said:

Right and the IS idea of government is- Slavery, torture, dehumanization of people.......

I got no problems being a fan of a morally dubious fictional faction.
But some Clan players obviously do. They fight quite doggedly for moral high ground when there is no such high ground to gain.

View PostClannerJake, on 19 January 2015 - 06:56 PM, said:

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it...


Yeah but entertaining it instead of accepting it is absolutely useless.

And here people have bothered with dialectics for hundreds of years.
If you only had been born sooner to tell them they were wasting their time.
But it was not to be... *sadface*

Edited by Molossian Dog, 20 January 2015 - 02:23 AM.

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