Joseph Mallan, on 10 January 2015 - 09:21 AM, said:
ONE Large Difference. Clan Warriors are Trained to NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY. Ya wanna change your structure? You have to fight the trials and win them to do it.
You are ALLOWED to change the weapons or anything Not bolted down and would be harshly punished if you tried. Cause you are a genetically engineered super soldier in the most elite military in the canon universe and should be able to beat me in my not awesome Atlas with a Fire Moth and one small pulse laser. People wanna play in a game that has a shitton of back story and then people wanna rewrite that story cause it is inconvenient.
I dropped my original $60 Expecting Omnis to be Close to TT Omnis and chose Lyran as my Faction cause I wanted to be front line against the Boogieman, Godzilla & Freddie Kruger and instead I get Lord Zed and his minions

Willard Phule, on 10 January 2015 - 09:59 AM, said:
Sure, however, you're also applying an Inner Sphere mentality to a militaristic culture as well. It's a lot easier to "not question authority" when you're considered the top of the pecking the point where you basically bully the lower castes. Each mechwarrior that passes his trial of position is going to have a number of Astechs assigned to his ride. It's the military, you know how it works.
Getting your 'techs to change out an engine, let's say, is just as easy for them to accomplish as it is for IS 'techs, possibly even easier. The difference is, in the Clans, you'd have to file the appropriate paperwork explaining the necessity of the change. Once approved by whatever level is required, it passes down to your 'techs and the job gets done.
In the IS, you find a 'mechbay and the appropriate people to get the job done, pay them and wait (or, if you're in a unit...well, we both know how that works, right? Some units have trouble keeping their maintenance up to date, let alone upgrading).
Again, it's moot. Which is probably the way it should be. How could you possibly work some kind of "issued equipment" thing into a F2P game that pretty much works like Mercenaries?
I wonder just how long the "invasion" has to take place before the question of using Clan 'tech comes up again. A year? Two? Eventually it's going to come to the point where people are going to start asking why they can't put a CUAC10 on their Atlas. Personally, I have no problem with it. Someone wants to trade their PPFLD for TTK....they're reasonably balanced, works for me.
Some Clanner wants to put an IS AC5 on his TW because he wants PPFLD instead of TTK? get to deal with the weight and space allocation, just like everyone else. Tired of your XL Stalker dying every time it loses a ST? Use a Clan XL engine.....they're damned expensive, but worth the cost.
I really don't see the big deal at this point. And the "balancing act" is a work in long as they continue down these lines, it only makes sense.
Well, if you want to be technical, outside of a complete one off, custom job for Solaris Arena, you should not be able to swap standard IS for Endo on any mech in either fiction.
This is the skeleton the whole dang mech is engineered around. Not just for weight, but bulk. You are essentially building a ground up new chassis at this point, because none of the "stock" chassis components will even FIT around the much bulkier, new skeleton. (Doubly so for a plug and play design like an Omnimech, where literally changing the bulkiness of any location is the difference between a pod socket fitting or not)
To get a properly engineered one, would cost as much, in R&D as the entire mech, if not more. You could "West Coast Choppers" one, but you would likely have a huge amount of unexpected consequences and tradeoffs involved.
Short of being ungodly rich, or a high ranking House Noble, no house military is going to go to that expense. Realistically, no Merc Unit not named Wolf Dragoons or Kell Hounds could afford it (and even they would be wasting a monumental amount of funds for essentially the whims and vanity of a single warrior) and short of being a Khan, it would never happen in the Clans, ever. (Being a Khan, especially one with Stackpolian powers, did allow the rebuilding of Grinner, after all).
That said........
we aren't really being beholden by lore, obviously, or the IS mechs wouldn't be able to swap for endo, either.
Since they can, and all the top tier Omnis that CAN realistically use Endo, already have it, and we are talking about balancing a PvP FPS video game, with 2 "different" tech bases, the simplest way to get that baseline to actually work out balance for clans and clans vs IS, is to allow Omnis to swap endo, also, though as with existing endo mechs, with predetermined, static, critical placement.