Bishop Steiner, on 10 January 2015 - 12:07 PM, said:
which is why I argued for something that actually would make sense, like strap on JJs being less efficient thrust/slower recharge than dedicated.
But hey, instead everyone gets hover jets.
For me this is a consistency issue.
I'd rather see those quirks just be built directly into the Nova & Summoner (which might still happen) rather than make this a global rule.
Because my IS mechs can still take just 1 JJ, so either their JJs have to be even less effective than now (which would be laughably bad) or for some reason Timber Wolves and Kit Foxes have worse JJ technology than everyone else, including IS mechs who can remove or add them willy nilly
FupDup, on 10 January 2015 - 12:09 PM, said:
The main thing that irks me is that the Fox's non-JJ side torsos are almost pointless, so the Alt-S are the only real choices most of the time...but now they have a penalty to them, on a mech that isn't particularly amazing to begin with. It also removes the choice of using a UAC/2 in the LT, which was a fun choice for trollololololol builds.
1) Taking 1 JJ is not a penalty.
2) The S STs have no in-built negative quirks (the S legs do, but we haven't gotten the real clan quirk pass yet - I expect these to be removed).
3) UAC/2 in LT, ok so ... put it in the RT and don't run something silly like 2x UAC 2s with 3 tons of ammo in a Kit Fox?
This a silly troll build that shouldn't even be encouraged to begin with, worrying that the UAC 2 can't be in the LT and can only be in the RT is quibbling over details for the sake of it, rather than for any inherent improvement to the mech or the game.
FupDup, on 10 January 2015 - 12:09 PM, said:
I'd rather have the Prime and D sides (and legs) actually be worth something. It's also sad that the agility nerfs are still present on S legs even with the hardwired jets now.
It's not sad, it's pending. The clan quirks will come, let's come back to this conversation then.
FupDup, on 10 January 2015 - 12:09 PM, said:
By that logic, they would also have any pod-mounted heatsinks be locked in as well, because some mechs (namely WHK right now) are "unfairly" locked with them, so clearly if 1 robot has them locked we need to lock them on all robots.

No, that's flawed logic.
JJs are special, not every mech can have them. Every single clan mech can take DHS - and the Warhawk's omni-pods tend to lend themselves to high heat to begin with.
We're talking about letting some mechs swap in and out of JJs, which have unique functionality, vs. mechs that have 5 locked JJs in a game where 1 to 3 tons is enough for nearly every build.
FupDup, on 10 January 2015 - 12:09 PM, said:
In the end, I've always felt that hardwired equipment should simply function more powerfully than removable equipment.
Again, wait for clan quirks before we judge this.
Edited by Ultimatum X, 10 January 2015 - 12:29 PM.