I like much of what wanderer has suggested, my only bone of contention would be the limiting to any specific group sizes. Let anyone of any group size play where they want.
There's nothing stopping a smaller group from going into the 12-man queue with this- only the option for a CW mode that involves 4 players.
The choice should be either 4 mech dropship mode for epic battles, or 1 mech Raid mode for quick strike engagements. No muss, no fuss, easy to implement using existing game assets.
4 mech dropship mode games would still require X wins to take over/defend a planet. But Raids could also be counted towards the attack/defend of said planet, but only at a fraction of the weight... say 5 or 6 Raid wins required to make up the same points achieved through 1 dropship mode win.
At that point, raiding becomes a more efficient way of conquering a planet than 12-mans. Unacceptable- you have the same 12 players getting planetary control at an equal or better rate from 6 raids (especially as total 'Mech numbers drop- we already can kill 4 'Mechs in 3 minutes if you did 4x1) as they would running a single 12-man.
The 12-man attack/defense should always be the most effective way to take a planet, and by a significant margin.
Likewise, 1x12 still fails on the critical aspect of
needing twelve players in the first place. 4x1 clogs the CW system with hordes of instances going so rapidly that 5 minute matches become the norm, which is why I suggested 4x3 and 15 minute matches instead. CW should never feel like the "instant action" matches. Even smaller groups should have that feeling of being part of a longer battle, rather than "Whelp, I got cored in the first 30 seconds. Guess I get to watch the other 11 derp around."
People should be bringing a drop deck to CW, being part of a match where they're making decisions that alter gameplay at multiple points based on what's happened in the match to date.
lol. only mechs with hand actuators should be able to cap resources. they'd finally be useful.
I wouldn't complain, but a helluva lot of Clan players would be in trouble. Just think of the looting 'Mech as pointing their guns at the locals and going "This is a stickup! Put all the spare parts in the cargo net and nobody gets ventilated!"
Making the middle games Conquest or Skirmish would also help bring some of the Public queue back to CW and not keep it such a grind playing the same 2 (SOON to be 3?) maps ad infiniteum.
Not really. Your pubbies would still be put into a queue vs the same large units that burned them before. There's a reason for the public solo vs. group queue, and this would plow headlong into the same issues as we saw in the public queue with the need for large groups to have one queue, and smaller groups/soloists another option.
Putting raids on the older maps with appropriate modifications will give CW the smaller-scale (but still "unit") matches it needs and give those small group and solo players a place to be that isn't "fodder".