Molossian Dog, on 22 January 2015 - 05:14 PM, said:
You drop to defend Steiner from the Clans. It is no secret, no conspiracy. It is a well known fact.
If you have one less border you have less to do. => More Daves will drop to defend Steiner
If only to find a game at low intensity times if for no other reason.
I dont even need to suspect you of malicious intent. It is a mechanic.
Frankly speaking I don´t know what you guys want. I suspect you of something you already admitted several times in this very thread.
You are all outraged and keep calling it a paranoid conspiracy theory.
*shrug* Whatevs, Dave.
No it is not.
It has these pictures of foodstuffs in it.
We told you what we want. Repeatedly. In fact it's stated all over by Davion pilots since CW started. It's not some unified goal we voted on or was handed down by a grand council of UBER L33TZ; just in general we want to fight Dracs (want them to be a good fight though) and we want to have a Clan border to fight on of our own.
We drop on Steiner when nothing else is going on. We can see your borders too you know - it's all dead save the Clan fronts and we drop there pugging sometimes. We drop on FRR and Kurita sometimes too, depending on where the action is. If Davion pilots dropping on the Steiner/Clan border actually resulted in Steiner pilots shifting swiftly and efficiently to attack on other fronts.... it'd be a completely different game. Love Steiner, love the peeps there, they're great allies and we appreciate the alliance we've got with them. I'm sure you say the same about Liao. How much time does Marik spend on the Kurita/CSJ border though? How much of that effort do you think actually translates, in any way, to an increased presence on the Davion/Kurita border when there's not an unofficial ceasefire?
So you've been told, repeatedly, what Davion wants. The huge flaws in your assumptions have been pointed out, repeatedly. You can go back on the Davion board and look at what people were talking about from day 1. Fighting the Clans at Luthien. You can make the leap of logic and recognize that the Davion/Steiner alliance has a lot in common with the Marik/Kurita alliance in terms of how your support on their northern border affects the Davion/Kurita border and how any Davion support on the Steiner border affects the Marik/Steiner border. How about you go back through your own forums and look at the Steiner posts about fighting Marik, who made them and what merc group they were and see how that timeline (when they are in Steiner) relates to the Steiner/Marik war if you want to know why you periodically get your asses handed to you by Steiner.
Yet none of that interests you because it doesn't support your otherwise baseless assumptions. You've got some bad ideas and simply ignore whatever doesn't agree with them. I actually do know what my motivations as a Davion pilot are. I talk to other Davion pilots all the time; coincidentally we're in the same faction and drop together. I'm comfortable I have a better feel for what Davion pilots, in general, want than you do.
Going to have to agree to let this one go I guess. I've told you, repeatedly, what Davion wants and what its general goals are. I've told you how Davion/Steiner support works and even related it to the very similar Marik/Kurita alliance. I've told you, repeatedly, what benefits are in that for Marik. None of it is what you want to hear though so you ignore it or don't believe it. You want a perpetual war with Davion; you don't want to look at the long view and see that Davion is overall in a better position than Marik (Liao won't last forever, Steiner will periodically get much stronger than Marik and get aggressive, Davion will periodically be in significantly better numbers, etc) and if a flat condition of our getting what we do want - a fight with the Clans on our own border - involves having to 'beat' Marik then, well, that should probably be what we look at. Good job on that. You're so obstinate with trying to create a situation that doesn't exist that you may, in fact, force it into being.