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Dawn Of A New Beginning Between Csj, Cgb And Eventually The Rest Of The Clans And Inner Sphere

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#101 circumvention


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:11 AM

Allow me to add some clarity to this thread, since some of you are confused.

First, addressing the ghost drop victory on Byesville, did QQ really "practice" dropping on an empty planet, and "got better?" Laughable. The actually good units of this game detest those boring drops, and get them done ASAP. Good units practice against pugs.

Secondly, an answer to the apparent, alleged hypocrisy on display by various merc units who did the "same thing" as QQ is doing now. To wit: when CI and MS were running around in the rear of Clan space, causing trouble, we could plainly see it was for the lulz. Sure, Antonius made a wonky post about exchanging worlds to open a CJF front, but then a curious thing happened to both merc units it seems: they GREW UP. Diplomacy was extended by both the mercs and CGB, and now you see the result. MS and CI have balls, they actually join the IS faction fighting whom they want to fight, and create opportunities for PvP in the theaters they choose to fight in. They are the kind of mercs looking for actual fights, and real PvPers respect that. QQ on the other hand, is (barely and transparently) trying to play CW political PvP, while claiming "we dont care about politics, we're mercs." Okay there sparky. I suggest you follow in the footsteps of CI and MS, reach out to Kurita or whoever is actually opposite of your hated opponents, and make friends. You'll get respect, allies, create PvP, and get these good fights you're so desperate for. Turrets are not good fights, and it should be obvious that CGB won't waste time with you. As for any "losses" incurred by you guys, CSJ has already shown here that those worlds are open for repatriation to CGB space. So you fools are basically wasting time, flailing about like small children in an area of space that's the lowest priority for everyone involved. GGclose, nimrods.

Thirdly, regarding the strong bonds and friendship between CSJ and CGB, the benefits are obvious to both. CSJ, being a smaller faction, enjoys the immense security that goes with a friendly neighbor, as CGB is willing to defend CSJ worlds under dire circumstance, and holds the aggressive forces of FRR at bay. CSJ then has free reign to engage their Kuritan foes any way they please. CGB enjoys expanding its Kuritan corridor while CSJ takes the lead there; they open up opportunity for CGB (when the attack algorithm works anyway). CSJ likewise will help with CGB defense when the situation warrants, as we saw with Hermagor. It's simply a highly comfortable, mutually beneficial relationship that stands little chance to collapse, since both parties get great benefits and both factions have been 100% loyal and honorable in upholding it. Do a bunch of punk griefers really think they can undermine that? I highly doubt it.

Hope this treatise clears things up for some folks.

#102 J0anna


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:13 AM

Such vitriolic replies - seems my idea has hit home. I especially like this freebirth...

View PostPeter2000, on 17 January 2015 - 07:52 AM, said:


NONE OF YOU ALL IS THE KHAN. All of you combined aren't the Khan, either. PGI is the Khan for every Clan and the would-be First Lord for every Successor State.

...more whining drivel...

Actually, my suggestion fits in very well with lore. The permanent, high loyalty, members would be effectively be bloodname warriors and their vote would be replicating the clan council. I'd tell you to read "Blood Legacy", but you would need a greater attention span than your average freebirth, needless to say it would be a way to get closer to lore and make LP's worth something...

Do it PGI ;)

#103 Wing 0


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:16 AM

Go Join the Liao. They would welcome your cowardly tactic any day.

#104 TheSilken


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:18 AM

Community Warfare should be for Role Play and only Role Play. Why else have a campaign map and factions? But gamemodes in CW should be made available in normal play so that everyone can enjoy them.

#105 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:18 AM

View PostPrussian Havoc, on 16 January 2015 - 01:40 AM, said:

For reasons entirely their own, it was noted yesterday by Twitch feed that a CSJ-tagged Mercenary Unit was attacking the Clan Ghost Bear world of Byesville.

All Clan Smoke Jaguar Solos and Small Units should understand that by way of agreement, CSJ does not attack CGB and vice-a-versa. This agreement continues to benefit both Clans as it permits Clan focus to remain along the highest threat borders.

In other words, at no time should a loyal Smoke Jaguar join an UNSANCTIONED attack queue for the Clan Ghost Bear planet of Byesville.

Indeed, I make a priority of dropping to the defense of Clan Ghost Bear worlds, during lulls in CSJ activity. I won't attack them now.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know

In keeping with my OP caretaker responsibilities, I now bring the thread back on topic.

Also please consider just how informative this thread will be in a week's time when the ICONS besides all those who have so far contributed to this threat #SelfCorrect (ie when QQ and others move on to their next Inner Sphere contract and their current Smoke Jaguar ICON is revealed for the Inner Sphere duplicity it truly is.) THEN there will be a reckoning of to just which of the Smoke Jaguar ICONs currently in this thread are loyalist perm Smoke Jaguar AND our TRUE-PARTNER Mercenary Corp Allies who have stood by CSJ throughout the #TimeOfDisturbance.

And let me take this break in the #FlamesOfOthers to thank ALL the many Mercenary Corps Units who have stood true to to their own Honor and what being a member of the Smoke Jaguar Mercenary Cohort really means...

We are resolute when standing by our agreements.

We are loyal to those who show us loyalty.

We respond with determination when confronted by duplicity.

We retain Unity of Effort and focus on priories of effort despite the transitory and eventually ephemeral actions of third parties. (When Byesville is returned by uncontested drop, AFTER QQ moves on there will no longer be ANY CSJ planets with a QQ tag.)

We look ever forward to our day of reckoning with those who have proven false to the CSJ intent to reach Terra. A unified Clan effort to liberate the people of the Inner Sphere will ensure the reaching of Terra all the sooner.

And finally allow me to thank all those who have chosen to constructively contribute to this thread. I welcome a debate, lively discourse and informative discussion. THAT is why I start many of my threads. I would ask that those who only contribute with flame, vitriol, posturing and divisiveness to "raise your game." Cast aside simple caustic comment and work to build a better QQ argument with regard to CGB.

Some few will continue the flames, vitriol and caustic comment.

It happens and it is fine with me.

BUT some will marshal better points and argument, AND it is these future contributors that I most look forward to engaging with,

And my final thanks to ALL those that play our game, without YOU, the PGI servers would soon run cold. MWO is a game we all enjoy and PGI is constantly working to make it better and compel us deeper into their version of MechWarrior.

Kudos to all for that.

Edited by Prussian Havoc, 17 January 2015 - 11:52 AM.

#106 Von Blumen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:20 AM

View PostShredhead, on 17 January 2015 - 11:04 AM, said:

I "cried"? I "ran"?
I told the Kuritans to get their act together, else they'd suffer in the future from their lack of coordination. That is exactly what happened. I am also not the unit leader, nor am I the majority of my unit when it comes to contract votes. I would have never contracted with one of the clan factions, and voted accordingly.
I like how you take the Game of Space Robots so seriously.

Me too. I remember clubbing Smoke Kittens quiet well. But as I said earlier, I am neither unit leader, nor the majority in my unit.

[Citation needed]
Like you, when you said the 9S will be nerfed because it is oh so OP?

"False flag operation"? Do they give out tinfoil neurohelmets now for clammers?
"get out of our -- CSJ -- space"
The funny thing is, it is not your CSJ space. You have no rights to this faction, and your funny little Osis name doesn't prove anything.


Need a tissue? Come see us on the field and club a kitten. When it is over and you are picking up your teeth, I will give you your tissues...

#107 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:21 AM

View Postcircumvention, on 17 January 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:

First, addressing the ghost drop victory on Byesville, did QQ really "practice" dropping on an empty planet, and "got better?" Laughable. The actually good units of this game detest those boring drops, and get them done ASAP. Good units practice against pugs.

everyone should do a ghost drop and get a tour from a good guide. you have 30min to show all the little dips and hills ppl can hide/snipe from, and the best places to get too/defend the gennys. it makes a difference in training players that they cant experience while fighting pugs. players would prolly be a lot less whiney about ppc fire if they knew where not to stand on those hills.

#108 Shredhead


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:21 AM

View PostPasha Osis, on 17 January 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:

Join House Kurita if you have any manhood or ounce of self-respect. Also, 0/10 on the troll bait.

Edit: If you would like to understand what the "little Osis" name means, be on the receiving end of the warm kiss of my Gauss slugs.

Sunday evening, hit me up on the Mercstar TS, little kitten.

#109 TheSilken


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:23 AM

View PostShredhead, on 17 January 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:

Sunday evening, hit me up on the Mercstar TS, little kitten.

*Goes out and buys popcorn and soda*

#110 Shredhead


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:25 AM

View PostVon Blumen, on 17 January 2015 - 11:20 AM, said:


Need a tissue? Come see us on the field and club a kitten. When it is over and you are picking up your teeth, I will give you your tissues...

I already did this, and it was you guys who had to pick up their teeth afterwards. I give you the same offer as this funny Osis guy. Hit me up on Mercstar TS sunday evening for a 1 on 1.

#111 Von Blumen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:27 AM

Out of respect for Prussian, I stand down from posting on this thread any more so it can get back on topic.


Edited by Von Blumen, 17 January 2015 - 11:28 AM.

#112 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:29 AM

View PostEagle vFv, on 17 January 2015 - 09:38 AM, said:

If CGB is so great in numbers why would anyone feel they should "gift" planets back to them? Sounds to me like CGB has already won CSJ, CSJ cowers before them.

Have your politics, just know that you both are hurting your reputation where by choosing not to allow mercs to do their jobs. I have no loyalty to CGB or CSJ so when we're gone and we come back it may be from a faction you'll have no choice to fight. Then you'll wish you had some mercs fighting for you, only you won't have any because you bad-mouthed them and skipped out on the check.

Have a good day!

No you are hurting my brain by saying not allowing mercs to do their job for CLANS hurts our reputation. Think before you type. We as units agreed to not fight each other & engage IS forces, you who NEVER got our permission (I mean ANY Clan) to fight for us now barge in & want to ***** & moan because we did not want you? We NEVER wanted you. What part of that does your brain not understand? We know you guys are here because the IS need to destabilize us. Now every post is going to be "well looks like cgb beat csj, they pwn you guys". We never fought them, until you idiots showed up. That line is so stupid it makes me laugh.

You guys are here to help CSJ right?

So tell me this:

Posted Image

If the goal of the Clans is to get to Terra & Smoke Jaguar is a Clan then they want to get to Terra right? So if the road to Terra lies southward shown by the red arrow, how are you helping Smoke Jaguar by attacking the rear of the CGB invasion corridor which is northward, shown by the blue arrow? If the DC is as weak & fractured as you say, then you should be able to push through with ease to Terra. Your forces should be aiding the main Jaguar forces & go down south. Instead you want to fight way up north? You see how stupid & transparent that sounds? Maybe you should have put more thought into it huh? ;)

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 17 January 2015 - 02:27 PM.

#113 Peter2000


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:30 AM

View PostTheSilkenPimp, on 17 January 2015 - 10:51 AM, said:

We may be proud but we are not brash and impulsive. Attacking Ghost Bear would only waste resources and create enmity between our Clans. Go back to the Inner Sphere surat and stop trying to create political issues between us Clanner bros.

What resources? Kurita STOPPED DEFENDING their planet nearly an hour prior to ceasefire. Units queued on that planet had no opposition - not even turrets. Why not do something with those resources, instead of limiting yourself to a single planet against one of the weakest factions in the game?

Edited by Peter2000, 17 January 2015 - 11:30 AM.

#114 circumvention


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:32 AM

View PostGeist Null, on 17 January 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:

everyone should do a ghost drop and get a tour from a good guide. you have 30min to show all the little dips and hills ppl can hide/snipe from, and the best places to get too/defend the gennys. it makes a difference in training players that they cant experience while fighting pugs. players would prolly be a lot less whiney about ppc fire if they knew where not to stand on those hills.

The more serious units have players, videos and other resources that explain all this without wasting 30 mins during the Golden Window of 2 hours before ceasefire, which is when the brave invasion of Byesville occurred.

Otherwise, for beginner units or clusters with large amounts of new players, what you describe is effective during off-peak hours.

#115 Odyssey420


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:56 AM

we pulled two actual 12 mans to defend byesville, killed them, took the planet for the last two ticks. we had better fights those two fights then we did for 4 hours after the ceasefire ended roflstomping pug groups in kurita space. When everything is said and done this a goddamn game and you guys are taking this whole thing entirely too seriously.

#116 SixstringSamurai


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:59 AM

I'm still laughing that they think having 12 players sitting in an empty queue farming ghost wins was like a godsend for our faction....(insert slow clap).

#117 Eagle vFv


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:06 PM

View PostJaroth Corbett, on 17 January 2015 - 11:29 AM, said:

We as units agreed to not fight each other & engage IS forces, you who NEVER got our permission (I mean ANY Clan) to fight for us

If the goals of the Clans is to get to Terra & Smoke Jaguar is a Clan then they want to get to Terra to right?

I don't need anyone's permission to play the game within its design. The game was designed to have mercs, so thanks but I don't need your almighty permission to stomp where I please. The contract and map offers all of that to me.

You may have your goals to get to Terra but nothing states we have to play the game this way. There are no "rules" that mandate factions do it this way or your way or anyone's way but the game's way. There is no "lore" other than what the game sets forth for us and in the end we make our own battles based on the way the players play not based out of a story. If CGB and CSJ were meant to have an alliance the game would not allow the two factions to attack each other. If clans are supposed to be all united then they would not allow clans to fight each other. If this little discussion hurts your brain I hate to see how you fare in combat.

#118 Blackgodzilla


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:10 PM

Eventually you all are going to realize (the hard way) you are getting screwed by CI and MS, and all QQ is doing is trying to strengthen factions against their BS.

They care only about having their names on planets, but are feinting friendship to you Clans so you defend their planets when they contract out. We in QQ want fights - period. CI and MS are contracting wherever they want, with massive numbers, and taking the planets they want by tactics that you know you don't agree with. We at least straight up fight you. We don't BS you with cheesey tactics or rhetoric. Our motive is strictly about making units fight honorably and up front. You want to zerg a single faction? We'll contract out to help that faction or contract to another to strengthen them to fight you. Everyone should have even strength in CW - it makes it more exciting. CI and MS have taken the fun out of dropping in these fights. Before either of them showed up to Ghost Bear, we were having straight up, mech to mech, fights. It was awesome and that's what CW is about. There is no honor in Stormcrow rushing pugs and zerging planets. There is no honor in creating massive ghost drops to flip planets.

To those in CSJ who wish to fight hard and fight well, we will gladly join with you in order to strengthen your faction - so that when we contract out you have a foothold to make your push towards terra safely. This game isn't about agreements - it's about fighting.

Think about it.

#119 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:25 PM

View PostEagle vFv, on 17 January 2015 - 12:06 PM, said:

I don't need anyone's permission to play the game within its design. The game was designed to have mercs, so thanks but I don't need your almighty permission to stomp where I please. The contract and map offers all of that to me.

You may have your goals to get to Terra but nothing states we have to play the game this way. There are no "rules" that mandate factions do it this way or your way or anyone's way but the game's way. There is no "lore" other than what the game sets forth for us and in the end we make our own battles based on the way the players play not based out of a story. If CGB and CSJ were meant to have an alliance the game would not allow the two factions to attack each other. If clans are supposed to be all united then they would not allow clans to fight each other. If this little discussion hurts your brain I hate to see how you fare in combat.

I fare quite well in combat thank you very much. You want to oppose CGB. OK then fight for the FRR & the DC who are in our invasion corridor. You want to help Smoke Jaguar. OK then head south, smash through the DC who YOU say is weak & fractured. You have done neither; instead you join Smoke Jaguar ( a Clan) to fight CGB (another Clan) instead of the real enemy (the DC) to get to where the Jaguars actually want to go to (Terra). You want to help the Jaguars or the FRR or the DC & you want to attack all the way in the back up north BEHIND our invasion corridor? And we are supposed to believe that? Please.

Posted Image

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 17 January 2015 - 12:36 PM.

#120 Drunk Canuck


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:26 PM

View PostNAZGUULL, on 17 January 2015 - 10:35 AM, said:

You seem to be under the delusion that by attacking our rear we are going to halt our advance quiaff? By all means stay in the rear and attack all you want it will gain you nothing. CGB is committed to the goals of the invasion and by that driving forward not back. If you truly wished to fight The frontline units of GB...wait for it..... You would be on the front lines. Your attempt to create friction between CGB and CSJ simply won't work. Your only hope to slow the clan war machine is to repeat the offensive from the first of the year, and make a better attempt to maintain it.

We have no intention of creating friction, if that is what you think our goal is, then you know nothing of our motivations.

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