Dawn Of A New Beginning Between Csj, Cgb And Eventually The Rest Of The Clans And Inner Sphere
Posted 20 February 2015 - 08:44 PM
I am very inclusive and embrace other opinions when they are transparent and honest about them. Your "political" speech is neither of those, and I will continue to point that out whenever needed. Call me elitest or whatever you want - I have definitely been called worse.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:55 AM
Cimarb, on 20 February 2015 - 08:44 PM, said:
I am very inclusive and embrace other opinions when they are transparent and honest about them. Your "political" speech is neither of those, and I will continue to point that out whenever needed. Call me elitest or whatever you want - I have definitely been called worse.
I am not looking to call you worse, though your stated intent to troll my threads and posts is disappointing, I have always and will always respect your right to participate as you believe you must in these forums we both enjoy so very thoroughly.
As a matter of fact, IMO the best facet of these #FabuloulsyFreeAndFieryForumFloors is that it is the simple strength of your rhetoric, the obvious truth in your messages as well as the clear veracity of your arguments that either compels common ground with viewers or devalues your own perspective, thus weakening your PoV when engaged in a debate.
As to my propensity to post items, "over and over and over and over?"
Mea culpa...
Posted 21 February 2015 - 02:21 PM
Yes, CSJ returned the favor of previous day's end gaming by CLAN GHOST BEAR UNITS -MS- and CI.
And given the fact that #GamersNeed2Game ( an argument often used by CGB Leadership), I find this to be RIGHT and PROPER as the taking of Babuyan in NO WAY obstructs the admittedly intermittent CGB Attack Vector into House Kurita.
In similar fashion, I fully expect and now condone CGB (once it has secured its House Steiner Attack Option to meat CSJ forces on the field of honorable battle on the Clan Smoke Jaguar world of Keisen. These combats for rear area worlds, keep BOTH Clans practiced and prepared for future Inner Sphere combats.
If there be any question, I will endeavor to answer them in a timely manner.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 21 February 2015 - 02:27 PM.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 03:46 PM

Edited by Von Blumen, 21 February 2015 - 03:54 PM.
Posted 22 February 2015 - 02:49 PM
ATTACK OPTION ONE - Clan Smoke Jaguar
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 22 February 2015 - 05:53 PM.
Posted 22 February 2015 - 03:11 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 22 February 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:
ATTACK OPTION ONE - Clan Smoke Jaguar
ATTACK OPTION TWO - Clan Smoke Jaguar
So we are lucky that we can attack more than a single Clan (but not the FRR..

Seriously, do not get mad for the Trollgorithm , it hates Clan Wolf much more than anyone else..
Edited by CyclonerM, 22 February 2015 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 22 February 2015 - 03:34 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 22 February 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:
ATTACK OPTION ONE - Clan Smoke Jaguar
ATTACK OPTION TWO - Clan Smoke Jaguar
Because we have to have Paul babysit the system to get a decent attack lane, apparently...
CyclonerM, on 22 February 2015 - 03:11 PM, said:

Seriously, do not get mad for the Trollgorithm , it hates Clan Wolf much more than anyone else..
Let us compare the current queue status...
Wolf: 3 atk and 3 def
Bear: 2 atk and 7 def
I think we win the Trollgorithm Award, sadly

Posted 22 February 2015 - 09:46 PM
Exceptionally nice.
CGB is once again firmly established in the Drive on Terra, and indeed now leads all Clans as having liberated a world closest to Terra. While there is still approximately180 light years to go, CGB is well and truly on the march.
We can put all the "rear area practices" behind us for the most part (even though I have no doubt as forward edge planets get taken to 100%, some Clan Units will RIGHT and PROPERLY look toward each other's planets for some violent rest and rehabilitation) and commit more fully toward our Liberation Corridors.
It is about time!
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 23 February 2015 - 09:34 AM.
Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:57 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 22 February 2015 - 09:46 PM, said:
Exceptionally nice.
CGB is once again firmly established in the Drive on Terra, and indeed now leads all Clans as having liberated a world closest to Terra. While there is still approximately180 light years to go, CGB is well and truly on the march.
We can put all the "rear area practices" behind us for the most part (even though I have no doubt as forward edge planets get taken to 100%, some Clan Units will RIGHT and PROPERLY look toward each other's planets for some violent rest and rehabilitation) and commit more fully toward our Liberation Corridors.
It is about time!
Our Grand Overload Sir Paul Inouye added the planet of Gram mid-window. We all rejoiced.
Now, if we could just get out from under the Trollgorithm Curse and have something decent when Paul is not manhandling it personally, we might actually have an invasion again...
Posted 23 February 2015 - 09:06 AM
Von Blumen, on 16 February 2015 - 03:27 PM, said:
Bro, I hate to rain on your parade, but it's been a beta and largely unchanged for some 70 days now. Maybe they'll have it fixed in another 60 to 90 days.
Edited by Vassago Rain, 23 February 2015 - 09:06 AM.
Posted 23 February 2015 - 02:35 PM
Cimarb, on 23 February 2015 - 08:57 AM, said:
Now, if we could just get out from under the Trollgorithm Curse and have something decent when Paul is not manhandling it personally, we might actually have an invasion again...
THAT was an excellent "save" by PGI. Some timely remedial action and very nice "planet selection" once PGI's #ManInTheLoop arrived on the scene!
Great job PGI and most excellent planet selection Paul!
With both CGB and (occasionally, my own) CSJ once again pushing toward Terra, our dual LEFT FLANK salient will draw attention Inner Sphere response. As Inner Sphere resources shift our way, I trust Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon are prepared to exploit EVERY weakened defensive position and stave-off any thinned out Counterattacks. (as ALL gamer hours are FINITE, if more emphasis is placed on two Clans, the other best be ready to take advantage of that.)
PGI's algorithm needs to be cut some slack. Please consider that it is supposed to replicate 10 Faction Governance and Military Leadership chains influence on planet selection and pathing toward Terra for the Clans and inter-Factional combat for the Houses of the Inner Sphere.
I do have three suggestions for logarithm/conflict-narrative management:
1). ALWAYS have someone QA/QC all planets from each Ceasefire Cycle BEFORE they are released. And no it shoulder be Paul, HE has more important coding decisions, gameplay questions, graphic selections/approvals to be worrying about / making that trying to parse through all the very (interesting to a Lorist but, no doubt dull as a box of rocks to everyone else) many permutations and merits of individually tailoring world selection for each of 10 factions. There is a lot of value here... and potential I will expand on in #2 below, that to leave it ALL in the hands of an algorithm. This is true. But most BattleTech Lorists can advice planet aelection... Paul has moe important fixes to make, changes to craft and guidance that needs developing.
2). NO ONE would really mind if the algorithm's "World selection" selection process was biased toward Weekend Euro-cycle and NA-cycle #EventsOfEPICNESS. The two most significant Lore-centric Battles thus far have been the Battle of Tukayyid and the Battle of Luthien. With just a little bit of build up (more on one possible way to do this will be included in #3) entire Factions would have looked forward to participating in both, rather than the very few for Tukayyid and barely more than a double-handful for Luthien.
3). Publish to each Faction a list of the next three systems LIKELY to attacked next for each sister-Faction that can be attacked. I say "LIKELY" because it can ALWAYS be superseded (this happens in real-life Military Operations as intelligence collection either realizes unexpected opportunities OR discovers suddenly unacceptable risks.) Thus carrots AND sticks can be held out to each Faction. If CSJ knew that Tukayyid would be "uncovered" and vulnerable to FRR attack should a nearby world be lost, CSJ CW-gamers just might react appropriately and invest more gamer-hours into that "shielding" planets defense. Similarly CSJ knowing that if we took and held BOTH Kilmarnock and Leiston, we would indeed have a shot at the Second Battle of Luthien... WELL that would coalesce an exceptionally large Faction/Community response in preparation for just such a possibility.
4). Have 3-5 biographies be developed for each Faction, ensuring all manner of political motivation is present for each Faction. That way as the logarithm/man-in-the-loop chooses Stars:
- in a direct line to Terra
- back out toward the periphery
- pinching off another Clan's path to Terra
- or just meandering aimlessly from honey-cultivating/mead-swilling planet to honey-cultivating/mead-swelling planet, like an FRR MechWarrior stumbling his/her way home after a head night out at the Clubs, just looking for that one-more late night mead-hall.
...there will be an easy to find rationale for just such a pathing decision leading to that world's selection.
As a matter of fact MANY true BattleTech Lorists / MWO Gamers would actually COMPETE to have 1000-word write-ups of their favorite Faction (CSJ and Kurita for me) used as the basis to establish MWO Faction Leadership non-player-characters once posted to their respective Faction Tabs in-game.
There... I feel better now. I'll post this in Features suggestions and then Tweet it to Paul and Russ.
Vassago Rain, on 23 February 2015 - 09:06 AM, said:
Vassago Rain, my brother from another Gaming-Mother... days here in MWO see so very much more DEVELOPMENT than we enjoyed in the final year of MWT... http://en.m.wikipedi...Warrior_Tactics (darn IGP for mismanaging both games!)
Posted 23 February 2015 - 02:39 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 22 February 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:
ATTACK OPTION ONE - Clan Smoke Jaguar
As a level 20 Khan, I can't help but wonder if the attack lane choices are somehow your fault.

Posted 24 February 2015 - 07:59 AM
Davers, on 23 February 2015 - 02:39 PM, said:

Cimarb, on 23 February 2015 - 04:24 PM, said:
Actually Tweets about Faction Leaderboads have recently resurfaced: https://twitter.com/...253091372699649
If/when these come on line it will make setting up a PM Council of the Leading 5 Smoke Jaguars that much easier.
And of course when such a Smoke Jaguar Council is realized, we will indeed be proving all manner of input back to these forums and to the Twitterverse in general.
It is unfortunate when the gamers who have clearly invested themselves and their gaming time into CW have their opinions discounted out of hand.
Who has a better chance of truly understanding the MANY and VARIED nuances of the Community Warfare Meta-game than our 20th Level gamers?
While some understand Comp Gaming better.
While some understand Public Queue Gaming better.
NO ONE is as positioned to better understand CW than those who have through repetition gained experience none other have yet replicated.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 24 February 2015 - 08:15 AM.
Posted 24 February 2015 - 08:26 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 24 February 2015 - 07:59 AM, said:
Actually Tweets about Faction Leaderboads have recently resurfaced: https://twitter.com/...253091372699649
First, it was a light hearted jab at you.
Second, those tweets are yours, yet you promote them like this is something lots of people are asking for...
Kudos to you. You have more free time than anyone else in the whole community. Great.
Posted 24 February 2015 - 08:30 AM
Posted 24 February 2015 - 08:56 AM
Cimarb, on 24 February 2015 - 08:30 AM, said:
Excellent personal choice.
I would not second-guess your expertise or proficiency at performing your Unit's Administrative Work...
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 24 February 2015 - 09:10 AM.
Posted 24 February 2015 - 09:12 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 24 February 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:
Excellent personal choice.
I would not second-guess your expertise of proficiency at performing your Unit's Administrative Work...
I am not second guessing your ability in a match, nor saying that I am not your equal in that arena either. I have no need to bother with such worries, as it is irrelevant on these forums.
All I am saying is that loyalty points, beyond earning an achievement in game that shows how much free time you spend in it, means little. I could spend 90% of my time doing something, and still be horrible at it. I could spend the other 10% of my time doing something else, and be outstanding at it. I am currently level 13 (I think), and I only have, on average, an hour or two each night to drop in CW. I do not get in a lot of matches each day, but I make the most out of the ones I do.
I also spend 2-3 hours a day, again on average, doing everything else that is involved in MWO and helping to run a unit.
Have you thought about maybe putting your considerable free time to use helping to run your unit? I am sure they could use the help, as all units could.
Posted 24 February 2015 - 02:55 PM
Maybe you guys need to tweet Russ some more.
Posted 24 February 2015 - 03:24 PM
Deathlike, on 24 February 2015 - 02:55 PM, said:
Maybe you guys need to tweet Russ some more.
Paul updated the map.
Now CGB has a Kurita attack and a FRR.
And for some reason CJF can not attack FRR anymore even though FRR can attack us but we can attack CGB but they can not attack us
Kurita can also not attack Steiner while Steiner can attack them, even though that does not matter.
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