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Is House Kurita The Weakest Faction?

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 07:39 PM

Its ok, I a assume shortly QQ will be over here trying to rally the troops. Telling everyone what they should/shouldn't be doing and then once again in the final days stomp off clamoring about no one would follow them trashing talking the whole way.

They have proven to be quite the QQ for sure.

#42 Sky Hunter


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 08:17 PM

Came into the middle of the topic as opposed to actually reading the first post and some of the replies, thus my reply might seem way off topic to which I apologize if such is the case.

I would estimate that less than 5% of the actual active player base is active in CW. 6 Houses (Kurita, Davion, Steiner, Marik, Liao, and the FRR and ATM 4 Clans (Smoke J, Ghost B, Jade F, and Wolf.

Now add to this 2 factionless merc sides, I consider Comstar as the 7th house, neutral with it's own agenda, and Freebirths (clanners without a clan and it is my assumption that there are clanners without a clan, though I have not checked to see if that is an option.) I count Comstar (Earth) as Mercs as they are essentially neutral to all houses.

I see only 1 or 2 worlds active in defense for each Clan/House meaning about 10 to 20 worlds actually being fought over daily (I mean that as active defense and active attackers because lets face it, no defenders and 100% captured = no more attacks so they move on).

When CW started, those first few days there was allot more activity, currently I think the activity level is about 1/3rd what it was and I am still seeing people new to trying CW who do not know how to open the gates and have no clue where to shoot the Omega Gen.

2 worlds in each House or faction actively defending, with maybe 1 world at 60+/60+ and the other about 24/38. Do not get me wrong, 60+ is at least 5 units and may be many more people there but what I am seeing is that there are fewer worlds in contest than are available to be contested, with defenders giving up on 100% captured worlds rather than trying to take it back.

BUT, I go to pugs (public user Games) and Group Unit games and I see those people that could be defending/attacking, getting a match normally within 30 seconds of launching for pugs and under 2 minutes for groups. I tend to see 5 to 9 minute Pug/Unit matches and on the other side of the coin I tend to see 10 to 20 minute times to just get a group for CW matches and then a 25-30 minute match.

I tend to earn 150k to 240K for Pug/Units matches, and am able to do 4 to 7 in an hour and with CW I am lucky to see 2 in an hour and a half for which I tend to earn 150k to 650k for each (regardless of Attacking/counter attacking or Defend/Hold but depending or whether I am doing damage/killing/tagging/assisting (mo money) or rushing in with objective or have a totally messed up no cooperative useless team that gets it's butt ROFLstomped (no money as I spend more on UAVs/Strikes than I make).

Is House Kurita weakest faction.... No, quite the opposite, they are among the strongest and more populous houses but the majority of the units are not entering CW. I base this on PUG/Unit matches where I often see Kurita people more than I see Mariks, Steiners and Davions, and far more than I see FRR or Liao. Normally up to 1/5 of both teams in a pug I see Kurita (1/3rd would be 4 people, 1/4th 3 people, 1/6th = 2) being 5 out of 24 players on average which tells me that House Kurita has allot of people Pugging, as for the skills, that is always up in the air as some players excel one map/match and scrub out the next, some are totally oblivious to tactics and others pay attention to every detail (like me who actually looks at every teams names/Ftags/mechs/loadouts (for those targeted)), and yet others who might be good except their GPU sucks or do not care.

Of course all of this is based on my personal point of view.

If you want more active players in CW, petition PGI to double the match rewards for each CW match regardless of Win or Lose so as to keep CW competitive with PUGging, and at the same time reduce the rewards for Damage done reward while increasing team players rewards greatly plus increasing reward for length of match. This would make teamwork and long matches a preferred over the RUSH IN and wipe them out quickly matches. Defense/holding would not be rushing out wiping out offense in 6 -9 minutes as often, and would decrease the blitz in and kill the Omega in even less time tactic which offers neither side good rewards. If the defense/holding reward were actually greatly reduced for shorter than 20 minute matches with win the Blitz rushing the offense would likewise detered because the damage kills would not earn the higher bonus for that type of tactic.

#43 Stealth Raptor


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 11:14 PM

View PostVlad Ward, on 19 January 2015 - 07:21 PM, said:

Planets aren't won on teamspeak. That pretty much sums it up. CSJ took Heinz ketchup from 0% to 100% only a couple hours after yesterday's ceasefire. It has sat at 100% all day, without any CSJ unit taking notice of an attempt to retake it.

Considering that planet's queue is still empty an hour before ceasefire, the only conclusions that can be drawn are either that Kurita hates planets or Kurita can't effectively mount a resistance, even when CSJ units aren't in the queue.

This is especially annoying for mercs currently aligned with CSJ because Kurita is literally one of two total attack lanes, with the other being CGB, and there's nothing for us to do but sit around and defend the wolves' planets for them if Kurita doesn't bring it.

speaking for myself, why should we come defend when even if we brought every kurita unit who cares about CW out and even if they win every single match (unlikely vs the teams currently on csj) they wouldnt make a dent due to the sheer number difference? either we play you guys and we lose the planet, or we dont play you guys and lose the planet either way. dont like it, go somewhere else :P

#44 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 01:50 AM

I like how certain players are saying that HK doesn't have an organized force for CW and then leave HK to attack us instead.

Guess it is more fun to stomp PUGs huh?

CSJ has several units doing CW including SA, JGx, SJR, 228th. House Kurita currently has NS and 9th (who are busy with MCW at the moment) in the NA time zone. There is literally no way for us to stop the CSJ advance regardless of how many wins we pile up. Why should we bother defending against CSJ when we can take a davion or steiner planet instead?

#45 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 01:58 AM

View PostVlad Ward, on 19 January 2015 - 11:41 AM, said:

Uh, huh? I've only been with CSJ for, I dunno, 3 days? And I've never lost a game against NS 9-12 mans, even using PUGs. I get that perception is 9/10ths of the truth on the internet, but making bold claims like "We've only ever lost to these couple units here, and never against PUGs" is just asking to get whammied by the truth stick.

I originally took this screen to demonstrate to certain members of CSJ that merc pilots are good enough to not chase out of their faction, but it works just as well here:

Posted Image

Upon further inspection, you were even in that drop, so you can't really claim ignorance. I've also played a few more games against NS 9+ mans in the past couple days where we've won with either PUGs or scattered 3-ish member groups from different CSJ teams, but I didn't feel the need to screenshot them all because who the hell does that.

Don't take this the wrong way. Each of those games was played well. NS isn't a bad team by any means. It's just useful to remember that making bold, sweeping claims leaves you open to being called the heck out.

I'd like to point out that we were down a player, which was clearly shown in your screenshot and was missing another player for over half of the match. Even with these handicaps we were ahead on kills as attackers and literally ran out of time to attack your base.

I'd also like to point out that I carried a 100% solo pug team (no 228th 3-man) to beat your 6-man group and tonight we beat your premade again fairly easily. I'd be happy to set up a 12v12 CW match whenever you'd like if you really want wave the e-peens around.

#46 Chef Kerensky


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 04:25 AM

View Postkamiko kross, on 19 January 2015 - 06:57 PM, said:

Many people I used to run with got tired of the huge wait times, heck in fact I've spent fully HALF my free time of an evening trying to get just one single game. They also don't like facing the clans very much, especially on Boreal with the clan range advantage etc.
Plus from what I have seen, Kurita lacks "comp" teams, most of the ones I have seen are casual units who simply aren't up for facing the metawall. Then add the fact your opponents can drop twice as often at the same time as you can and even if you win 100% of your games they still win. It's very demoralizing.

But you ARE making bold sweeping claims and ARE running your mouth that bit too much for proper decorum to be maintained. It's not making you look good, nor your fellows. Enough fella? ;)

lol watch out guys, here comes the metawall, insurmountable to anyone who doesn't take the game extremely seriously. *puts together a TBT dropship to fight a planet populated by timer wolves*

#47 pbiggz


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:47 AM

View Postpwnface, on 20 January 2015 - 01:58 AM, said:

I'd like to point out that we were down a player, which was clearly shown in your screenshot and was missing another player for over half of the match. Even with these handicaps we were ahead on kills as attackers and literally ran out of time to attack your base.

I'd also like to point out that I carried a 100% solo pug team (no 228th 3-man) to beat your 6-man group and tonight we beat your premade again fairly easily. I'd be happy to set up a 12v12 CW match whenever you'd like if you really want wave the e-peens around.

So what you were down two pilots, you were still a 10 man on coms and that is more than enough to tip a match. We arent here arguing how good your unit is though, were arguing that house kurita is chasing away its mercs with hardcore RP and burying its own head in the sand.

Edited by pbiggz, 20 January 2015 - 07:53 AM.

#48 Scoops Kerensky


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 08:18 AM

NKVA is also working on grinding out the necessary 4 mechs with elite skills for our playerbase so we can start adding our weight to the North American timezone. Expect to see more of us filtering into CW groups over the next month until we have the strength to run our own daily 12 mans.

#49 Scoops Kerensky


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 08:21 AM

View Postpbiggz, on 20 January 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:

So what you were down two pilots, you were still a 10 man on coms and that is more than enough to tip a match. We arent here arguing how good your unit is though, were arguing that house kurita is chasing away its mercs with hardcore RP and burying its own head in the sand.

We were? This was the first I'd heard of it. What hardcore RP, the one where we all laughed on teamspeak about the 'whats your favorite anime' thread being the most popular or talked about whether mw2 mercs or mw3 was better?

I also haven't seen any head burying. The long-term kurita units we've all met are surprisingly open minded and friendly to older and newer players alike. I can vouch for myself and 40+ players who started this game again 2 weeks ago, what's been this experience you all keep talking about?

#50 Karpundir


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 08:44 AM

View PostChefGerstmann, on 19 January 2015 - 05:37 PM, said:

Who better qualified to comment on the state of Kurita high command than a guy who's never spoken to them? I'm not really sure why anyone's asking the clanners for their opinions at this stage.

If you are referring to me, I was in The FRR when I reached out to Kurita high command and communicated with Lord Ikka. As an FRR merc, we pledged support on defense whenever our resources were not needed for The FRR.

The reference to a lack of organization came from other mercs who had contracted under DCMS, so it is a third party impression that we were left with. If it is simply a population issue + multiple fronts, then it is even more essential for DCMS to make a concerted effort to build better relations with other IS factions.

Edited by Karpundir, 20 January 2015 - 08:45 AM.

#51 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 09:02 AM

View PostKarpundir, on 20 January 2015 - 08:44 AM, said:


If you are referring to me, I was in The FRR when I reached out to Kurita high command and communicated with Lord Ikka. As an FRR merc, we pledged support on defense whenever our resources were not needed for The FRR.

The reference to a lack of organization came from other mercs who had contracted under DCMS, so it is a third party impression that we were left with. If it is simply a population issue + multiple fronts, then it is even more essential for DCMS to make a concerted effort to build better relations with other IS factions.

We certainly appreciate the help we've gotten from QQ mercs from the FRR and CSJ fronts. 228th contracted with HK before we formed the DCMS council and our faction has been playing catch up since the start of CW. Even with the newly formed council we are still incredibly short on active units. Even with the increase of earnings bonus we've seen no new units join House Kurita for contracts.

#52 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 09:09 AM

View Postpbiggz, on 20 January 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:

So what you were down two pilots, you were still a 10 man on coms and that is more than enough to tip a match. We arent here arguing how good your unit is though, were arguing that house kurita is chasing away its mercs with hardcore RP and burying its own head in the sand.

By chasing away mercs you mean JUST Remnant who has never reached out to or communicated with ANYONE from House Kurita short of "hey guise lets attack misery" on the mwomercs forums right?

Right now House Kurita suffers a population problem along with having the most active borders to defend against. We take on 100% of CSJ offensive forces and still need to worry about the CGB, Steiner, Davion attacking from multiple fronts.

#53 circumvention


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 09:13 AM

View PostVlad Ward, on 19 January 2015 - 11:41 AM, said:

Posted Image

rekt imo.

#54 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 09:31 AM

Posted Image

oh hey I can find screenshots too...

#55 Vlad Ward


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 10:09 AM

View Postpwnface, on 20 January 2015 - 09:31 AM, said:

oh hey I can find screenshots too...

You guys are bragging about beating a 4-man with pug support? kay.

I have no excuses for you, we lost fair and square. I don't think we really need them, though. Fighting these close matches and losses as 12-mans facing down, at most, a single 4-man and change is hardly anything to write home about.

Your guy said "We only lose against a couple particular 12-mans and Lords, never against pugs". I said "Nuh uh". I never claimed that a lance or so of our guys could trounce your 12-mans single-handedly all day erry day. That would be silly.

Edited by Vlad Ward, 20 January 2015 - 10:19 AM.

#56 Will HellFire


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 10:30 AM

Vlad has self-esteem problems, trying to compensate in CW and the forums

#57 lpmagic


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 10:36 AM

View PostCrockdaddyAoD, on 19 January 2015 - 01:54 AM, said:

The EGO was earned. I don't normally encourage any amount of trash talking but the fact is we have put in the time and we very rarely lose. Even with several green recruits we don't lose ... not to pugs for sure but we face many 10 / 12 man units. Our clan record is massively positive and for right now there isn't a unit in Steiner, Davion, or Clan Wolf that I would expect to lose to if we do our job. JGx and Errodien Lead CGBI have been the only clan competition which has given us any losses and ask them, we have beaten them more than they have us (in drops I have been involved in). We have beaten mixed units with SRJ elements in it and fought LORDs hard (yes we lost ... no lost honor in that). We are a very competitive team. We are not perfect and sometimes we can be a bit arrogant but we at least try. No shame in that at all. 9th Sword is close in terms of being competitive and they have the numbers for CW but they are currently finishing up MRBC right now. Hopefully with the incoming changes the large number of organized EU teams can be more involved and 9th comes back we can get more agressive in CW again. I'd love to see sister units getting the attention they deserve. It takes time and this is beta ...

Not sure why you are throwing wolf under the table here Crockdaddy, I'm pretty sure there is at least one unit you would consider, at least, worthy.

#58 Stealth Raptor


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:13 AM

He is probably under the impression as was i that you guys were still kuritan

#59 pwnface


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:32 AM

View PostVlad Ward, on 19 January 2015 - 11:41 AM, said:

And I've never lost a game against NS 9-12 mans, even using PUGs. I get that perception is 9/10ths of the truth on the internet, but making bold claims like "We've only ever lost to these couple units here, and never against PUGs" is just asking to get whammied by the truth stick.

You tell us not to make bold claims and then make some yourself which are disproved by the screenshot I posted. You call out House Kurita for not having active CW units (we have very few) and then join CSJ to attack the same underpowered faction. Totally makes sense.

#60 Crockdaddy


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:48 AM

View Postlpmagic, on 20 January 2015 - 10:36 AM, said:

Not sure why you are throwing wolf under the table here Crockdaddy, I'm pretty sure there is at least one unit you would consider, at least, worthy.

IPmagic, if we had run into you guys I would have likely sang a different story. Besides I made the mistake of rising to internet trolls. My bad. If GK had been defending then no doubt the matches would have been much different against a clan wolf unit. To be honest, I wasn't at first aware you guys were still a separate entity, I had thought you went to MS with everyone else. I have a great deal of respect for GK on and off the battlefield. Just our direct experience with the wolves has been victory ... but again we hadn't run into GK yet either.

Honestly for NS it has been frustrating ... we have dropped for literally hundreds of drops. We win 92% or more of our drops. Be it full 12 man or even as a 6 man unit. Yet we can't really make must of a dent anywhere until we can pull more HK units into CW. This will happen soon hopefully based on the recent timezone changes and overall HK restructuring.

Anyway ... I made the mistake of jumping into a forum pissing match. My bad. If I insulted anyone aside from Remnant, sorry about that. Venting on the forums is almost always fail which I just fell into the trap.

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