Outer Rim News.
Breaking Exclusive: New Pilot penalties for team damage proposals.
This footage my not be suitable for younger Mech Pilots.
![Posted Image](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PalatableSharpBovine-size_restricted.gif)
PGI spokes-bots have offered no comment.
Reports of bloody clashes have been filed but at this time are unconfirmed.
There are confirmed reports of an up tick in requests for medical supplies 'Hello Kitty band-aids and Neosporin'.*
*The Public information officers for both Clan and IS forces when asked to comment stated these were normal supply requests.
More at 11:00 PM 23:00 Hours Galactic meridian time +2.
Edited by MW222, 30 August 2017 - 12:31 PM.