MischiefSC, on 21 January 2015 - 11:54 PM, said:
Loyalty points, faction perks mostly. Cbills are nice but giving Faction loyalists units a % bonus to give to mercs for example? A lot of things can be worked out.
MischiefSC, on 22 January 2015 - 12:06 AM, said:
Don't want to brag but... 400 million for a whole unit in a couple of weeks isn't a lot of scratch. That's, what, 100 matches? I have more than 10 most days of the week. A unit with 30-100 members... is making a lot more than that every week. Plus, you know. Additional perks for loyalists to make up for their 1/10th the total rewards available for LP gain among every faction.
Well, PGI has already said straight up that no units will be getting total control over a faction, so I highly doubt there will be a fair way to decide who gets to assign LP bonuses to other units. I'm thinking strictly in terms of one unit removing money from their coffer to be given to members of another unit, or added to another unit's coffer.
It's true that a unit the size of HHOD or RRB can probably grind enough money in a week to have 400m to spare, but what will that get them? A week of the services of a mid-range 20-man unit? What kind of money will it take to buy the services of larger, stronger merc groups? What about a behemoth like MercStar? They probably gross billions of c-bills a week. Will 400m split among all of their members mean anything to them?
Unless PGI gives faction units access to some sort of "House Bank" to pay units from, which I really hope they don't do for obvious reasons, Faction units can't afford Mercs.