MausGMR, on 25 November 2011 - 12:31 AM, said:
Balancing the game around relying or even hoping for members of the public to undertake zellbrigen I don't believe is going to happen, its far too much of an unmanageable variable to rely on it for balance purposes.
Our website is if you want to register and come talk to us.
It will be unmanageable if we don't get organized and infuse Zell from day one, I still have hope that we could succeed in creating Clans that fight like Clanners.
I signed up, but I don't seem to able to post, I'll look into it later.
Seth, on 24 November 2011 - 10:09 PM, said:
That would be my Clan. If we can join clan factions in game, we will be the first ones inline for a Clan Jade Falcon unit. I would make sure we follow the restrictions of Zellbrigen, but I am quite dubious of trusting the public at large to be informed of and willing to follow the RP restrictions Clans would face when fighting the no-holds barred tactics of Inner Sphere units. I would hate to see the Devs make Inner Sphere tech balanced with Clan tech for the sole purpose of making the Clan a playable faction. I really hope the work a way out to make Clan factions playable though.
Exactly, we need to build a strong base of Clan players who will be using zell. I hope that the devs are going to appoint something like "faction moderators" to weed out the players who abuse Clan tech (but that's probably just a pipedream).
My plan here is to establish all the Clan players so the devs will know that there's actual players out there who use zell.
All the Clan players would be pre-registered to their favorite Clans if I had my way.
Seth, on 24 November 2011 - 10:09 PM, said:
On a somewhat related, I made a feed that could be imbedded into just about anybody's website. The feed would allow anyone to add their Clan unit to the list and that 1 directory would be updated on everyone's website that displayed the feed. This could act like a web ring of Clan affiliated units. The way it works is this:
1: You add your Clan and website to this page:
Grand Council Directory. Doing so updates these
RSS and
Atom feeds.
2: You add this HTML script to a page on your site or a pinned thread in your forums:
or embed the feeds another way if you prefer.
An example of how this looks is this page here:
Jade Falcon Grand Council Page
This is basically a feeler for the idea, anyone interested?
This is great, now we're making some good first steps to build up some communication between the Clan forums.
I registered at your board, I'll be posting there later, I'm a bit tired right now.
Sean Pryde, on 25 November 2011 - 12:58 AM, said:
Hmmm could help solve this problem if we had some way of helping block off most of the BFG seekers...
Maybe, at least for first wave, have would-be-clanners submit a RP resume to the dev team? Like how long have you been a clanner, what campaigns have you done, lore knowledge you have, preferred Clan mech, etc etc.
Would not stop all of them *after all the smarter ones will know enough to BS their way in* But should help cement a strong Zellbrigen culture and any dezgra will be a lot easier to weed out and crush.
Just my idea to the Council
Pariah Devalis, on 25 November 2011 - 06:57 AM, said:
I like the above suggestion by Sean Pryde. It is not a total solution, and indeed I doubt we can ever keep the clan ranks completely dezgra free, but any filter is a good thing to have. If and when someone is motivated enough to centralize the Nova Cat players, I for one intend to enforce zellbrigen on myself and my fellows. It is the only way for a true test of skill between pilots, anyways.
I agree 100% with both of you, something like a moderator for each faction would be nice. A trial of Annihilation would also work for me...
Ancient Demise, on 25 November 2011 - 08:20 AM, said:
Are you thinking to have all clan units a part of just one clan, to be determined later? Or just have clans called "The Clans?"
I disagree with picking one clan to represent them all. There are far too many lore-based grudges for that to work effectively and I believe that it would limit players a lot. For example, while I like the MWLL CW and WIE guys, I hate Wolf in the lore and would have a very hard time calling myself a Wolf anywhere.
Each Clan would remain its own entity with different groups from the same Clan merging together, people from the Clan Wolf and Wolf in Exile boards for example would merge into one big Clan Wolf.
There are also various German and Russian Clan groups, getting those guys onboard would allow us to cover most timezones.
The Clans would only be unified as a way to ensure that zellbrigen is followed. Clans with lower numbers of members like let's say the Steel Vipers could potentially be overtaxed with dishonorable players, players from other Clans would be needed to help out by weeding out the munchkins.
CoffiNail, on 25 November 2011 - 09:21 AM, said:
Dem I believe they are looking to have the Grand Council where the members of each of the Clan based units will be able to toss out ideas and plans and chat. Sort of like Strana Mechty is a planet for all the clans, as too would be the Grand Council. Each individual clan would still do their thing but there is a unifying force to possibly help the clans as a whole for inter clan relations.
Yes, we only need a little bit of solidarity right now, it would also be a great tool to set up matches for older MW games.
The_Birdeater, on 25 November 2011 - 10:20 AM, said:
I love the clans, but i don't need clan-tech or OmniMechs. Personally, i would fight against the great houses with their own BattleMechs. Some of my fav. chassis are IS-mechs. I'm not a clanner to abuse IS-players or to join the "winning-team" and i don't need clan-tech to enlarge my c***k! I'm a clanner, cause i'm a Smoke Jaguar from the bottom of my heart

I don't doubt your capabilities or sincerity, I think that it is still possible to balance game with Clan tech.
We only need to make sure that munchkins don't ruin the game for us and the IS players.
Renegade, on 25 November 2011 - 11:44 AM, said:
I would not mind clantech, but I would also want numbers balanced accordingly. There's something to be said for unbalanced odds.
I prefer fighting enemies who are in larger numbers, it gives me and the others more kills to chalk up.
Edited by Stormwolf, 25 November 2011 - 01:15 PM.