RoyalWave, on 28 June 2012 - 05:28 PM, said:
...... this is the opposite of balance. Balance by "premium" is not balance. It's giving a select few, who already have more time played, even more advantaged over other people. also IS units all fielding clan tech because it's better is just bad. Parity is the only solution.
It is if you're using the in-game (not bought) credits. Also, it's realistic - the Houses are NOT going to dump valued tech to anyone who asks for it - in canon, there's Davion Heavy Guard unit, I believe, who are even issued captured clan mechs - so rare that it's actually mentioned in the books.
It also gives players something to work towards and not just get a free lunch. If you want something good, you should have to work hard to get it - not just have it handed to you.
Clan tech, as it is, is fine - let the devs sort it out, but I say that the salvage opportunities would be very restricted - House units would have it confiscated for research purposes and merc units would have a clause that gives their employers the rights to any interesting salvage - this is standard practice in the canon universe. It therefore makes sense not to allow widespread access to the tech.
I'm just firing ideas out for people to discuss, not trying to cripple the pre-established balance like you seem to be - how about coming up with a few more ideas?