Bush Hopper, on 25 January 2015 - 12:14 PM, said:
But...but...the dictionary tells me it is accessible!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, you are either a troll or a real tool. Have your pick.
Look, I understand the desire for the PUG player to play CW.
I also understand that hey, you're having a hard time in CW as a PUG.
But that doesn't mean you can't play as a pug in CW now does it?
By Defination, PuG's have access to CW, thus CW is "Accessable"
Now then, what you mean, is that pugs have trouble in CW because it's pug vs group like in the old days.
And while yes, you are correct, the even BIGGER failure, is in the Player mentality. for 3 years prior to CW, we had a gamemode that was glorified TDM with some extra win conditions here and there. There were no tactics, there was no real thing other than "KILL EVERYTHING YOU SEE."
Why do you think the defense que's are always heavily populated in CW, while the attacker que's are barely filled outside of larger units? Because the larger units know to use stragety, the pugs that make up a big part of the defense que on a planet often times, only know "Kill the enemy."
The problem lays with players mentality. If Pug Players would LEARN, instead of taking a 100% lone wolf mentality. we literally would not be having this conversation.