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Tentative Ghost Bear/wolf/merc Agreement

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#1 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:03 PM

We're going to try to get a list of feedback to the dev. Units please add your issues/suggestions to the following thread: http://mwomercs.com/...sed-to-the-dev/

Update 3: If we can't agree on a compromise lets all agree that this beta has issues for both clans and mercs. Lets see if can at least get some ideas to take back to the devs as to how we could make CW more enjoyable.

Update 2: My friends this thread is also about how we can get along a bit better. At the end of the day it is just a video game and if people are really angry at each other and taking things personally its not going to be much fun. Lets all at least agree to try to move away from personal attacks.

Update: Once we get enough ideas and discussion I will compile the suggestions and see if we can't reach an accord. Please keep the ideas coming. Please post your ideas in only one of the threads. I promise we will compile them. :)

This is in regards to a discussion between Ghost Bear/Wolf/Associated Merc units. It details some issues and tentative ideas. Your comments are appreciated along with any feedback. More meetings will probably be needed to finalize an agreement. Members in attendance at the recent meeting included (Hybrid Black,Saace, Crovus, CoffiNail, sansDaedalus, Aresye, Sandworm, Antoniusrex, Bobf, Blueduck, Ihasa, Ax2Grind, Vxheous)

Merc/Bear Issues: Kurita is not doing much to defend themselves which results in turret drops. Part of the reason wolf attacks have been happening is a pure lack of anything better to do.

Wolf Issues: Having to continuously fight more experienced Merc units is wearing down a lot of the newer players. Likewise wolf never receives any merc support making things even more annoying.

The merc units favor a corridor through wolf territory to open up more attack routes. This does not stem from a desire to hold planets but rather a desire to have more planets to attack so more money can be earned. Wolf naturally has no desire to hand over planets. A few possibilities to solve this issue included:

1) Dropping any pretense of a wolf/bear treaty and allowing free reign; if a corridor is opened so be it.

2) A 1 vs 1 exchange of planets. In short a wolf planet will be exchanged for a bear planet until a corridor to falcon is opened up.

3) Bears will take a planet a night with wolf following and immediately retaking the planets resulting in a net movement but no wolf planets actually disappearing.

Some other issues with associated resolutions included:

1) New players are being treated rather poorly or are being trashed talked in CW. A list of wolf/bear/merc units pledging to help new players while avoiding trash talking them would be formed. Naturally if the new players trash talk come what may. xD

2) Often times merc attacks come across unintentionally as sneaky. To avoid this a mechanism will be explored so coming attacks are declared so teams can get their people on. Possible solutions are direct TS communications or a thread where people give notice to their intentions when an attack will be starting.

3) A thread will be formed so objectives of merc/wolf/bear will be declared openly. Not everyone will be in agreement but at least no one can be aaccused of lying.

4) 12 vs 12 will be used as a way to settle disputes as opposed to forum warrior. Essentially if you're pissed and think someone else is trash put up or shut up. If you win be sportsmanlike, if you lose be gracious and learn from it.

5) Clan vs clan is lame right now in that no one wants to fight each other. Treaties will exist but they should still allow clan on clan fighting. It may be possible to explore a way for clans to declare limited hostilities for a set time duration so that corridors and objectives can be achieved.

6) MercStar CI and other merc units will consider a stint in wolf to occasionally even out the merc disparity. Mercstar has some limitations on flipping form ghost bear but others are more open. If nothing else the merc units are will to let clanners flip to them on a temporary basis when they go to IS to receive training and learn IS tactics/meta

With that said, what we need now is your feedback (wolf/bear/merc only plz). Please provide it below an we can set up more meetings as needed. Hopefully this is the beginning of a common accord and gentleman/lady agreement. :)

Edited by Blueduck, 27 January 2015 - 06:52 PM.

#2 Gyrok


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:17 PM

If merc units want to fight CJF and Steiner and FRR and so many other groups...they can join Clan Wolf and fight from our borders and arrange skirmishes with CJF accordingly.

EDIT: As long as they do not mess with our plans, I could care less...they are going to cause sh!tstorms anyway...so if they want to scrim with CJF, they can join Wolf and do it that way.

Edited by Gyrok, 25 January 2015 - 06:18 PM.

#3 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:20 PM

That was the first thing wolf mentioned my friend. I too feel that is the best choice.

The problem is mercstar is a giant amalgamation of units some of which want to stay ghost bear whenever they flip to clan.

That said many of the merc units are fine with flipping to wolf.

Do you have any ideas in regards to what might be done?

The problem we have is that most of what mercstar wants to do at this point is simply farm battles for money as they feel the beta is really kind of messed up right now and there are now real rewards for taking planets.

Edited by Blueduck, 25 January 2015 - 06:22 PM.

#4 hybrid black


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:26 PM

we want fights, falcon gives us more fights end of story

#5 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:30 PM

This I think is one of the key issues. Mercstar doesn't care at all about planets, they only care about battles for more money. I can't blame you for this honestly given how the beta is right now.

That said wolf is still dedicated to their planets leaving us the choices outlines above.

That said it would be nice if we could get some merc units to join wolf. And certainly I'm more than a bit bored in regards to all these clan treaties where all we do is look at eachother. I like clan vs clan more than I do IS vs clan.

I think allowing a corridor opening with wolf retaking the planets afterwards is most appealing.

I would like to see more actual clan vs clan fighting assuming it follows a formalish structure.

Edited by Blueduck, 25 January 2015 - 06:46 PM.

#6 hybrid black


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:49 PM

View PostBlueduck, on 25 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:

This I think is one of the key issues. Mercstar doesn't care at all about planets, they only care about battles for more money. I can't blame you for this honestly given how the beta is right now.

That said wolf is still dedicated to their planets leaving us the choices outlines above.

That said it would be nice if we could get some merc units to join wolf. And certainly I'm more than a bit bored in regards to all these clan treaties where all we do is look at eachother. I like clan vs clan more than I do IS vs clan

im more than happy to work with people trying to get better but as it was stated mercstar is a conglomerate of units and it gets voted where we go on wednesday nights, if you want to join us when we go IS for a week or even do public drops lots of us are more than happy to work with wolf players.

#7 Gyrok


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:50 PM

View Posthybrid black, on 25 January 2015 - 06:26 PM, said:

we want fights, falcon gives us more fights end of story

Then join Wolf as we border them...

You should consider that we do not want you crossing our space to get to CJF. You can join us and fight them...or stay CGB and not.

#8 hybrid black


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:52 PM

View PostGyrok, on 25 January 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:

Then join Wolf as we border them...

You should consider that we do not want you crossing our space to get to CJF. You can join us and fight them...or stay CGB and not.

Did you even read anything? we have units in MercStar that will not join wolf, and its not just MS ghost bear wants a lane in to falcon

#9 Vxheous


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:52 PM

Ishould have mentioned this at the meeting but what if we give ghost bear a corridor to Jade Falcon in exchange for a Wolf corridor to Smoke Jaguar? This would show goodwill from both sides and also open up new possible opponents for both ghost bear and wolf to test themselves against (as well as march towards Terra)

#10 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:56 PM

I actually do sympathize with the mercstar position on this though. If they join wolf then all they will be able to do is fight falcon.

What they actually want is the ability to fight a few clans at once due to how dismal it is to try to get non-turrets against Kurita.

Some of the merc units are already considering flipping to wolf right now. There are a few though that want nothing but the ability to have more fights a night. Its hard to get battles right now and that's why not everyone was completely opposed to the idea of letting them open a cooridor that will be immediately reabsorbed by wolf.

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 25 January 2015 - 06:52 PM, said:

Ishould have mentioned this at the meeting but what if we give ghost bear a corridor to Jade Falcon in exchange for a Wolf corridor to Smoke Jaguar? This would show goodwill from both sides and also open up new possible opponents for both ghost bear and wolf to test themselves against (as well as march towards Terra)

That's actually a really good idea. It would be a nice show of faith and a way for the clans to actually fight eachother if they want.

View Posthybrid black, on 25 January 2015 - 06:49 PM, said:

im more than happy to work with people trying to get better but as it was stated mercstar is a conglomerate of units and it gets voted where we go on wednesday nights, if you want to join us when we go IS for a week or even do public drops lots of us are more than happy to work with wolf players.

We really appreciate this as I know there are a few people in my unit that would like to experience the IS for a bit to learn the meta.

#11 Shaitan Kerensky


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:11 PM

what about having designated battle planets?

aka setting up a planet i.e. Ferris (picked it cause I knew I could spell it, not because of any logic) and then dropping against it for organized skirmishes. I personally enjoyed playing some clan v clan Friday, but the good feeling was pretty ruined but all the hate and negativity going on at the time.

The above would require a gentleman's agreement though between clans. If no one chooses to drop against you, you cannot take the planet. And if you do reach 46% you must stop attacking. If its just pugs continuing to fight, the defenders should be able to crush them and bring down the numbers.

To allow this to work, the fighting has to stop first and then agreements be made. I notice CGB is still attacking wolf while wolf is trying to retake territory. There are too many members in wolf who won't be happy unless they get their land back. If, once land is returned, a planet swap is negotiated, I can see it going well. The planet swap would have to be well publicized though so everyone knows what they are doing and everything is clear.

Edited by Shaitan Kerensky, 25 January 2015 - 07:16 PM.

#12 Joe Psycho


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:20 PM

sorry i missed this.

#13 Hardin4188


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:33 PM

I think it is a bad idea. If they want to fight Jade Falcon so much then they can join Steiner. They have good groups of talented players putting up a fight against Jade Falcon, but could use the help. Clan vs clan combat can't be boring if your end goal is to fight Jade Falcon anyway.

PS: I actually like clan vs clan combat, because I do not have to hear anyone complain about how op hax tdr-9s is.

PPS: My mortal enemy is Jade Falcon so if you were to join our clan, then I would not mind dropping on Jade Falcon worlds. I have nothing personal against Falcons, I just want to crush everything they represent.

Edited by Hardin4188, 25 January 2015 - 08:08 PM.

#14 Ax2Grind


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 07:55 PM

Gyrok has given such good advice. :ph34r:

Edited by Ax2Grind, 25 January 2015 - 07:55 PM.

#15 Vxheous


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:09 PM

View PostHardin4188, on 25 January 2015 - 07:33 PM, said:

I think it is a bad idea. If they want to fight Jade Falcon so much then they can join Steiner. They have good groups of talented players putting up a fight against Jade Falcon, but could use the help. Clan vs clan combat can't be boring if your end goal is to fight Jade Falcon anyway.

PS: I actually like clan vs clan combat, because I do not have to hear anyone complain about how op hax tdr-9s is.

It is more than just the mercs that want a corridor to fight Jade Falcon, as loyalist CGB would like it as well. We could potentially figure a way where Wolf can get a corridor towards another faction that we currently do not have access to through ghost bear territory in return. I understand that as clan, we should push towards Terra at all costs, but as it stands right now, without some sort of compromise, that simply cannot happen.

#16 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:27 PM

View PostShaitan Kerensky, on 25 January 2015 - 07:11 PM, said:

what about having designated battle planets?

aka setting up a planet i.e. Ferris (picked it cause I knew I could spell it, not because of any logic) and then dropping against it for organized skirmishes. I personally enjoyed playing some clan v clan Friday, but the good feeling was pretty ruined but all the hate and negativity going on at the time.

The above would require a gentleman's agreement though between clans. If no one chooses to drop against you, you cannot take the planet. And if you do reach 46% you must stop attacking. If its just pugs continuing to fight, the defenders should be able to crush them and bring down the numbers.

To allow this to work, the fighting has to stop first and then agreements be made. I notice CGB is still attacking wolf while wolf is trying to retake territory. There are too many members in wolf who won't be happy unless they get their land back. If, once land is returned, a planet swap is negotiated, I can see it going well. The planet swap would have to be well publicized though so everyone knows what they are doing and everything is clear.

I like it my friend. :)

Keep the ideas coming and maybe we can reach a common accord.

Edited by Blueduck, 25 January 2015 - 08:27 PM.

#17 Shaitan Kerensky


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:30 PM

the biggest issue though is that the Merc companies and CGB have to be the bigger men about this. There are too many strong personalities in Clan Wolf AND Wolf is on the defensive. If Wolf wasn't feeling threatened, then I imagine logic could prevail and a calm discussion could be had.

#18 Summon3r


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:37 PM

this may be one of the funniest threads i have read in 2.5 years on the MWO forums. like seriously you guys sat around a campfire and had peace talks? no way the mercs arent laughing at us, lol im laughing at us.

#19 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 08:41 PM

View PostSummon3r, on 25 January 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:

this may be one of the funniest threads i have read in 2.5 years on the MWO forums. like seriously you guys sat around a campfire and had peace talks? no way the mercs arent laughing at us, lol im laughing at us.

Sir, lets be frank. Do you really think they care for the planets. Everything out there indicates they just want more battles to fight to farm more money.

I really don't blame them either at this point as there really is no incentive to actually take planets.

#20 Seth


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Posted 25 January 2015 - 10:12 PM

If MS and CI wants to fight CJF, I do not understand why they cannot simply join CW for a week. Seems a whole lot more reasonable and less cringy than all this prosaic butt kissing. For you RP types, if Nicholas Kerensky could see you guys wheeling and dealing right now, he would have some serious regrets about binding his genetic legacy to Clan Wolf.

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