Ax2Grind, on 27 January 2015 - 06:35 PM, said:
I did but then the post didn't post and I got logged out so I didn't.

I was correcting every point he brought up including the Helots (slaves) that the Spartans brought and who they kept with them at the end of the battle (2-3 thousand troops right there)...the fact that the Persians were trying to stop the revolts that the Greek States were causing in Ionia...the fact that the Pesian army was indeed victorious and that Xerces and the bulk of the army left for home...etc etc. But hey....what is the point of being factual when discussing history.
This is why we can't have nice things! Next you'll bring up the fact that Isbella was only 10 years old when William Wallace died and so Braveheart the movie is as fake as 300!
This is why we can't have nice things!