Keira RAVEN McKenna, on 02 February 2015 - 03:04 PM, said:
so my point still stands regardless of the pedantic details... the clans were constantly at odds with each other even during the invasion, to the point of bloodshed.
Its funny... its like you get hit by a car, the agrument is whether or not you were hit. so you are all arguing over the colour of the car, which is irrelevant to the core discussion... WERE you hit by a car.
In this case... DID the clans scrap amongst themselves during the invasion of the IS. The Answer is a resounding HELL YES THEY DID!!
SO claims of "were are only here to fight the IS and to get to Terra as a united team" are just plain rubbish. Any clan is fair game if the others feel the need to slap one about - currently thats the Wolves.
THATS what all this was about, not which clan was invading, which was watching, which was
Focus boys... focus.
Neg, actually, they did not fight with each other. When the initial invasion corridors were assigned based on bidding, the original 4 invading clans stuck to their invasion corridors, and did not attack each other's planets, period. Those planets that resided between corridors (ie Rasalhague), the right to take the planet was won by bidding between the two clans, not by actual fighting.
When the new clans were activated, Ulric forced Falcon and Jaguar to essentially give up planets, or garrison planets TOGETHER, essentially taking honor away from both Falcon and Jaguar. He wanted them to bicker with each other and have to bid against each other (see above) for the rights to take planets. When the Clans attacked Luthien, both Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cats dropped at the same time. They did not work with each other, but they did not shoot at each other's backs either.