s3nate, on 28 January 2015 - 07:25 PM, said:
Is this a random occurrence that evens out over time ? I've spent the last CW games with pugs facing large organized groups. How is that fun ? we got murdered every time.
Yes, that's part of the "skill" of CW. Look around this form and you'll see no shortage of try-hards who speak out of both sides of their mouth: that CW is the land of "skilled" players, but somehow at the same time, nothing should be done to reduce the constant PUG-rolling that has driven away most players while inflating their egos. It's hypocritical nonsense, but I guess they think nobody notices.
Once you get past the laughable "this is war!" and "get good or get wrecked, noob!" idiocy that is used to defend the constant one-sided games that waste everyone's time, you'll run into the second string of absurdity. "Uh, well... join a team, so that way you can do the rolling!" Because I suppose wasting a half-hour rolling helpless PUG's is fun? Maybe if winning is all one cares about, but by that logic, arm-wrestling 90-year old women should be a acceptable and fun hobby, too.
It's simply BS. Until an optional matchmaker or some other system is added to CW that vastly reduces the one-sided and utterly pointless games, the format will be a miserable gaming experience and mostly devoid of players, as it is today. No amount of additional maps, objectives, or whatever will change the fact that throwing 12-random people (or a few small teams and the rest random) vs. a practiced 12-man team (or comparable) is a total waste of everyone's time.
The CW format, if it is to survive, needs to cater to more than the sadists who enjoy crushing helpless targets and the masochists who like losing over and over again because "it's realistic" or because they hope that if they keep trying someday they'll be the ones rolling helpless targets.