Apnu, on 30 January 2015 - 06:50 AM, said:
Sure, that's possible. But keep in mind who we're talking about.... PUGs and newbies. Do they know how to take a screenshot? I work for a company that follows the markets. Screen shots are a big deal for newsletters and market analysis. A week doesn't go by that I have to show some employee how to take a screenshot.
Lots of PUGs are so ignorant of the game they probably don't know how to hit print-screen in game and even more where to go to find the image.
It can be done, but its a kluge at best. then you have to send friend invites to someone and hope they remember who you are instead of ignoring you because people naturally fear strangers coming out of the blue.
Hence why the game needs social tools. We have nothing right now. The game's been in development for 3 years and we just recently got unit chat and faction chat will come in early Feb.
if you do not even know how to take a screenshots (aka looking into options to find the assigned key) which is rather common basic game knowledge. Then no matter what PGI does, such a Pug gamer will always be lost hoplessly, no in CW, group queue or even solo queue. So we ask to cater the game for people who can not even do this? Cmon, you can't be true, no player is so dump. He may be so inexperienced at the beginning, but this is then the time where he clearly does not belong into CW anyways and should lernhow the game works first.
Same with the "some don't know how to enable chat" SERIOSULY? how ar epeople not even able to use the most minor common sense to look into options if there is a chat key and a option for chat, even able to install and register to the game, which is a way more complex process.
A lot of this sounds like we truly have a lot of lazy fools playing or people who just hide their true intentions with strange excuses.
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Exactly this!
Ty for that post.
I really still can´t believe how many people here think that this game could survive without pugs in CW. Like all other players pug players did wait for CW so their effort in matches will mean something. But now they learn that they are meant to be excluded from it when they don´t want to play in a unit (and there are many good reasons for that) or don´t want to be farmed by 12 men clan teams (Clan-IS balancing is an issue on its own).
Those are not only players that don´t spend a dime on the game, but also players like me who did spend hundrets of dollars or even more so far. I personally know dozens of those players from real life who left the game because of this and took their money elsewere and since im only interested in playing with real life friends i think this is only the very small top of the iceberg. Those players i know where looking at CW to see if it´s worth to come back to this game, only to get roflstomped in every single match they played. Not hard to tell why they will never come back again.
And even i as an absolute addict to BT and this game am again considering to leave forever.
Continue to say learn to play - many pug players know how to.
Continue to taunt pugs when you stomp them - that will make the experience more lasting.
Continue to spawncamp instead of taking out Omega - pugs love that.
Continue to say get into a unit - many pug players have their reasons why they don´t want to.
Contiune to say play a flavor of the month build - many pugs want to play the mechs they like.
Continue to say they are working on it - after all these years they did their mistakes from the beginning again.
Continue to say leave if you don´t like the game like it is - THEY WILL MOST LIKELY DO! And you wont have someone to stomp who also pays your game.

you are wrong very wrong.
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Continue to say learn to play - many pug players know how to.
If true, they would not get stomped, but reality is, many of those Puggers don't want to play together, they just want to play their little by their rules and so fail the attemp to coordinate. they wait until soemone goes in, tanks the damage cores the opponent just to come by grab the kill and blae that guy for being useless to die first.
Thats the typicall pug complainer that has "good scores" - wouldn't call that skill
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Continue to taunt pugs when you stomp them - that will make the experience more lasting.
Not related to pugging/not pugging, you have people with equally bad social skills amongst the puggers.
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Continue to spawncamp instead of taking out Omega - pugs love that.
I pugged a lot in CW and was only spawn camped when I was the last dropping alone. And guess what even more casual units said the get spawncamped. This issue is not pug/non-pug related.
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Contiune to say play a flavor of the month build - many pugs want to play the mechs they like.
And again, what you describe are CASUALS, not PUGGERS, a giant differences. yes a lot casuals are puggers, but those are not the ones that cry here in the forum, because they don't even have time for this.
And sry you if you enter competitive gameplay you probably have to use whats bets, this is the nature of competition since ever. Even in PVE games and the harder stuf in it. You can't come with your VW beetle to the Formula 1 and cry about not having fun when you rely fun on winning. Then you should go to a competition of different style (aka solo queue)
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Continue to say they are working on it - after all these years they did their mistakes from the beginning again.
The only mistake was making no voip, no global chat in the mechlab and unit-only grouping at the start of CW. And one of this is solved, and other features will probably come too.
Der Hesse, on 30 January 2015 - 07:19 AM, said:
Continue to say leave if you don´t like the game like it is - THEY WILL MOST LIKELY DO! And you wont have someone to stomp who also pays your game.

A game is meant to be fun, game is also meant to have features. Different features have different requirements. As a player you have to judge what feature with your game behavior will be achiveable and which not. Denying voip and grouping and crying CW is unfair is NOT clever, nor even righful.
Egoistic gamers are those who come to a game, want to be part of any feature and want to claim all the success of that feature withouth ever putting any effort into them. But this never happened in any Game. It is a reason why many turn to cheating, because thats the fastest way to achieve exactly this.