Cw Population Needs Pugs... But Pugs Are Bored Of Roflstomps
Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:11 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:18 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:21 AM
seriously, after PGI made grouping factionwide there is no reason to not downlaod teamspeak or any other used Voip, and at leats join it to be able to listen to a leaders orders. You don't need a mic, just being able to hear is enough.
Edited by Lily from animove, 29 January 2015 - 08:21 AM.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:21 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:27 AM
Lily from animove, on 29 January 2015 - 08:21 AM, said:
seriously, after PGI made grouping factionwide there is no reason to not downlaod teamspeak or any other used Voip, and at leats join it to be able to listen to a leaders orders. You don't need a mic, just being able to hear is enough.
I thought it was "same faction in your friendlist". But I may be wrong ...
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:33 AM
Lily from animove, on 29 January 2015 - 08:21 AM, said:
seriously, after PGI made grouping factionwide there is no reason to not downlaod teamspeak or any other used Voip, and at leats join it to be able to listen to a leaders orders. You don't need a mic, just being able to hear is enough.
Then if avoid PUG is the only way to play it's the time that you and your "team" will play versus nothing. Really fun!
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:48 AM
skorpionet, on 29 January 2015 - 09:33 AM, said:
Then if avoid PUG is the only way to play it's the time that you and your "team" will play versus nothing. Really fun!
Every time you go and PUG... you join a team. Comms will (supposedly) be added in Feb. What will your excuse be that you keep losing ot a 12 man team when you are a 12 man team?
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:51 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:52 AM
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:59 AM
Edited by Legal Insurrection, 29 January 2015 - 09:59 AM.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:59 AM
Major Tryhard, on 29 January 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:
There is honestly nothing wrong with that. If you realize that you don't want to listen to someone calling the shots or just dont want to do CW that is perfectly fine.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 10:17 AM
The normal PUG queue is bad enough, while CW can make it worse. Now, I won't go as far to say PUGs shouldn't be allowed to play, but they occasionally do more harm than good, barely offering more resistance than a ghost drop. XL, Gauss Rifle Atlai come to mind. I've seen far too many of those.
Edited by Mcgral18, 29 January 2015 - 11:13 AM.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 10:20 AM
PUG or Premade, doesn't matter because that's what you do in CW... in a mech combat game. I'm not playing CW because the attack/defend mode is stupid as hell. It's great that there are objectives, but this is seriously how we interact with them? Seriously?
VOIP, yeah right voice chat doesn't do **** like people think. I know you're all imagining:
"Tangos inbound 10 o'clock, 1200 meters"
"Targeting, we got a Atlas AC20, Catapult Dual Gauss, Jenner 6 med... He's flanking!"
"I got him, got him. Delta moving behind hill... I got missile lock!"
"All units focus Delta... He's lost him leg... We got him Delta down, repeat Delta down"
"There all over me I need back up here!"
"Alpha Lance swing behind the ridge and provide supressive fire, cover our Assaults"
"They are retreating"
"Woo good job boys, this planet is ours!"
But this is what actually happens on voice chat:
*Bruuup* "Been drinkin' all night"
"Gotta go feed cat, be AFK 5 min"
"Everybody group up here" (Where the **** is this guy talking about)
"There's 2 mechs over in E7, watch out" (That's ****** E8, not E7. And those were Spiders, they are long gone, why bother reporting that)
"There they are, everyone focus the Timberwolf" (Which ******* Timberwolf, there are 3... what about that ****** Direwolf over there... or that EMC Kit Fox)
"Bravo, Targeting Bravo, focus!" (He ******* already ran behind cover)
"Delta is in the open, focus fire!" (That's ******* obvious, he's the only mech to shoot at)
"Deploy UAV" (I already did... 10 seconds ago)
"That Kit Fox has ECM!" (No ******* duh, I can't target anything, it's really obvious the Kit Fox has it.,, and it's expect"
"My CT is exposed" (Yeah I can tell by your half mangled mech chassis)
"OMG clans OP"
"Why they nerf my weapon"
There, that's what voice chat does, a bunch of nothing. Just add a charge area nav point and a designated priority target to the targeting system with a different graphic. That's all we need. An no don't make us use the ****** battle grid that removes us form the fight, incorporate it into the HUD.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 10:22 AM
Kdogg788, on 29 January 2015 - 09:51 AM, said:
Then there is always the solo queue for you. Nothing wrong with that either. I play WoT and never bothered to join a unit or do CW over there. More than happy playing around with my low tier tanks too- no pressure to grind away to get top tier, just having fun drops.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 11:08 AM
I've actually met the Underhive now. I've met the players that are incapable of landing 100 damage with 4 mechs that weren't trials. Some of said builds that may have been good in the Public Queue were the Elo spared them from good builds, but in CW? No such thing as many have noticed.
Also, ThunderRuns and StormConga Lines are boring.
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