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Cw Population Needs Pugs... But Pugs Are Bored Of Roflstomps


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#101 Apnu


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 10:56 AM

View PostKilgorin Strom, on 30 January 2015 - 10:32 AM, said:

Ok, here's the problem with your thought processes: Comms only allow a team to speak with each other. It does not mean your team is adequately blaanced or that your "C.O." for that match is better than theirs.

There are times when you drop when you are doomed. The opponent just has the right kit, and you don't. It happens.

What will people blame losses on? Anything that makes them feel better about losing, because the art of using your mistakes to learn is not something many people posses. It could not be my fault, I'm peerless!

It'll be hit detection, cheese mechs, c-bills, maps, the servers, PGI themselves, VOIP is too distracting, and that QWERTY keyboards have latency issues. Heck they might blame it on the heat or cold.

Anything, really, that's what they'll blame their inability on, why? because they lack the predisposition to improve.

Yeah well this is a gamer problem in general. I've seen premades whine and moan as much as I've seen it in pub queue games. There's usually one guy moaning and they often have unit tags on. Its pathetic.

Case in point, last night. A player complains in chat "kill me now" He was in an Atlas and got pummeled hard by the enemy on Caustic. I'd already received my beating but was still alive. The HBK-4G just had his head ML left but I was still in the game trying to flank. The atlas ran into the same horrible death ball I did, even though I warned everybody about it. Oh well. Then he starts complaining how clueless the team is and losing was predestined. I try talking to him, and I get this lecture about how complaining does nothing to improve the game and I should look at my own mistakes. WTF? He's dead, I'm not. The game doesn't end in a stomp it was like 8-12, we still lost tho and I died.

#102 Mangonel TwoSix


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 11:07 AM

What I would like to see is a CW matchmaker that looks to match pre made 12s with each other and looks to match Pick up Groups with each other.

Now don't park a 12 man for 10 minutes waiting for another 12 man, but just put in a short waiting period like up to 5 minutes or so. That will make it more likely that PuGs will play PuGs, wont get destroyed by a 12 man, and will have more fun. Coming back to CW more often.

#103 Basilisk222


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:06 PM

View PostApnu, on 30 January 2015 - 10:56 AM, said:

Yeah well this is a gamer problem in general. I've seen premades whine and moan as much as I've seen it in pub queue games. There's usually one guy moaning and they often have unit tags on. Its pathetic.

Case in point, last night. A player complains in chat "kill me now" He was in an Atlas and got pummeled hard by the enemy on Caustic. I'd already received my beating but was still alive. The HBK-4G just had his head ML left but I was still in the game trying to flank. The atlas ran into the same horrible death ball I did, even though I warned everybody about it. Oh well. Then he starts complaining how clueless the team is and losing was predestined. I try talking to him, and I get this lecture about how complaining does nothing to improve the game and I should look at my own mistakes. WTF? He's dead, I'm not. The game doesn't end in a stomp it was like 8-12, we still lost tho and I died.

Far too many of these games to count. Sigh...

#104 wanderer


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:20 PM


PUGS can form a 12 man

You forget that the very nature of PUGs is against anything of the sort.

There is no solution to having 12-man PUG teams, other than making smaller-scaled content- since by it's nature, CW is open to any 12 pilots of a given faction. If there -was- other solutions, they'd never have ended up with solo & group pubbie queues being needed in the first place.

PUGs will be bent over and reamed without lube by organized groups. The vast majority of PUGs, despite the unpleasant sensations of having a giant robot fist in their orifice without benefit of gallons of WD-40 will either continue to get pounded or quit anything that exposes them to groups entirely.

Since CW splitting queues on a planet would lead to massive abuse (what do you mean, our unit has to try to sync drop or we can't stop the PUGs?), the real cure is building scaled-down content that has player numbers where being a PUG isn't crippling.

#105 Czarr


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:33 PM

Its pretty much impossible to win a CW match. Im so done with this game the deathmatches are way to short and CW is boring, Pay 20 to 40 dollars for mechs....why? so i can lose real life money and get curb stomped?

Edited by Czarr, 30 January 2015 - 05:34 PM.

#106 Ax2Grind


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:38 PM

View PostCzarr, on 30 January 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

Its pretty much impossible to win a CW match. Im so done with this game the deathmatches are way to short and CW is boring, Pay 20 to 40 dollars for mechs....why? so i can lose real life money and get curb stomped?

If it was impossible to win a CW match there would not be so many CW matches won. :)

#107 Czarr


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:43 PM

View PostAx2Grind, on 30 January 2015 - 05:38 PM, said:

If it was impossible to win a CW match there would not be so many CW matches won. :)

Yes, im sure the 20 or so people who play this stupid game are having fun pug stomping and turret fighting. What are they going to do when all the PUGS stop playing CW?

"Hey folks wait 30 mins to play TWO maps with the same objective and if your faction isn't doing anything (like Marik) then go to Draconis Combine or FRR and get curb stomped by 12 mans....ohhh and can you give us 40 dollars for an urbanmech so we can take your money and curbstomp you as well?" They might as well advertise it as "how would you like to get pwned in a urbanmech? Just 20 dollars!"

Edited by Czarr, 30 January 2015 - 05:44 PM.

#108 Ax2Grind


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 07:04 PM

View PostCzarr, on 30 January 2015 - 05:43 PM, said:

Yes, im sure the 20 or so people who play this stupid game are having fun pug stomping and turret fighting. What are they going to do when all the PUGS stop playing CW?

"Hey folks wait 30 mins to play TWO maps with the same objective and if your faction isn't doing anything (like Marik) then go to Draconis Combine or FRR and get curb stomped by 12 mans....ohhh and can you give us 40 dollars for an urbanmech so we can take your money and curbstomp you as well?" They might as well advertise it as "how would you like to get pwned in a urbanmech? Just 20 dollars!"

I don't see the purpose of you bashing groups. Lots of folks, pugs and groups play CW still, and like it, even as we want it to get improved.



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Posted 30 January 2015 - 08:20 PM


Cw Population Needs Pugs... But Pugs Are Bored Of Roflstomps

ya so are the organized units...

Posted Image

View PostCzarr, on 30 January 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

Its pretty much impossible to win a CW match. Im so done with this game the deathmatches are way to short and CW is boring, Pay 20 to 40 dollars for mechs....why? so i can lose real life money and get curb stomped?

Posted Image

uhhh, quit w/the solo bs and join in a unit as cw or continue w/the fail, I don't know...but I do know that no matter what pgi does it will suck for solo puggers regardless and they will always get stomped by units.
You should consider yourself lucky to even be included in cw's, in wot pugs are not capable of participating in cw's and fairly so as they just diminish the quality of matches for the organized units who play for endgame competition.

#110 InspectorG


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 08:46 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 29 January 2015 - 10:17 AM, said:

I feel I have the opposite opinion; I have no intention of PUGging, since I prefer to have a minimum level of competence in my drops. PUGs can't consistently offer that.

The normal PUG queue is bad enough, while CW can make it worse. Now, I won't go as far to say PUGs shouldn't be allowed to play, but they occasionally do more harm than good, barely offering more resistance than a ghost drop. XL, Gauss Rifle Atlai come to mind. I've seen far too many of those.

I can second this.

Dropped in a Pug earlier today.
I tried to talk to the team. We were on counter attack. They tried to play like a regular pug. Camped at the gates and tried to peek vs 2 pre mades+ randoms.
I told them if they didnt push they would be spawn camped. They kept falling back.
It was 6-25 when i decided to make my last stand and get out of that mess. Not a mech on our team made it past the gates.

So, yeah, plenty Cbills to be made...farming pugs.

#111 InspectorG


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 08:54 PM

View PostCzarr, on 30 January 2015 - 05:43 PM, said:

Yes, im sure the 20 or so people who play this stupid game are having fun pug stomping and turret fighting. What are they going to do when all the PUGS stop playing CW?

Enjoy less QQ in the forums?

#112 Triordinant


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 09:24 PM

When they rolled CW out, PGI plainly stated that it was a "hardcore" mode without Elo matchmaking that favored premade teams and that it would be hard on PUGs. In the weeks since CW rolled out, a lot of PUGs have tried it and decided it wasn't fun while a handful of PUGs enjoyed it and still do. Based on how CW was designed and what PGI said it was, this was to be expected.

Many have asked why PGI would design a game mode and separate queue for such a small slice of the MWO playerbase. I'm guessing that they were hoping that there would be a huge influx of players joining established Units and forming new ones. The problem with that assumption is the many reasons why most MWO players won't or can't join Units didn't miraculously disappear with the appearance of CW, so while there was an initial surge in Unit recruitment when CW showed up, the vast majority of MWO players are still unaffiliated and will continue to be so.

Since this fact was established, several ideas on how to get PUGs to play CW have come up and some are being implemented. One of these is in-game VOIP. While it would certainly help, it can't make up for the fact that the competitive Units have trained together for months so they know each others moves; or that they've memorized the main features of all the maps and have code names for them so they don't need to use Battle Grid coordinates; or that their 'mechs are not only fully mastered and moduled but their 'mechs and loadouts are preselected to work together as a coordinated team and compliment each others' strengths while making up for the weaknesses. On the PUG side, VOIP doesn't help at all if some of your teammates don't speak the same language or have VOIP muted.

Another suggestion has been a solo-only queue for CW. Unfortunately, this won't help much either. The reason the solo-only queue that currently exists works is because the big competitive premade groups can't reliably sync-drop into it. If there was a CW solo-only queue, the big competitive premades CAN reliably sync-drop into it because each team in a match is all the same Faction so there's no chance their Unit's players will end up on opposing sides. The Natural Law of online gaming states that if something can be exploited, it will be. Not all premade teams aim for easy wins against random PUGs, but many do.

As each of these (and possibly other) bandaids are rolled out, I'm sure there will be a surge of PUGs who'll want to try the "new, improved" CW out despite the writing on the wall. Just as before, most will be disappointed but a few will stay.

I generally like to see a glass as half full rather than half empty, and there are some good things about CW. For one, it pulled a lot of top tier competitive premade teams out of the public group queue. Before CW, players would try to introduce their friends, partners, siblings or offspring to MWO by "sheparding" them in the group queue only to get curbstomped over and over again by well-trained competitive teams using maxed out coordinated 'mechs. When the comp Units are playing CW, this doesn't happen as much. Hint: if you're a small casual group, drop into the public group queue in the hours just before the CW ceasefires.

As for me, I just enjoy the current solo-only queue for what it is: the perfect "filler" game for when you have 30 to 90 minutes to spare because, unlike other online games, a match is guaranteed to never last more than 15 minutes and most of the time they last only half that. My piloting and gunnery skills have greatly improved and when I feel up to it, I try to herd my PUG teammates to victory -and it works slightly more than half of the time.

#113 HellAvenger


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 10:32 PM

funny how most pug can write long articles explaining the issues, yet all I see from the 12 men are insults

#114 Ax2Grind


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 11:13 PM

View PostHellAvenger, on 30 January 2015 - 10:32 PM, said:

funny how most pug can write long articles explaining the issues, yet all I see from the 12 men are insults

You must be reading the wrong forums then. These forums are filled with countless pages of ideas from PUG's and Groups alike.

#115 wanderer


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 11:15 PM

View PostHellAvenger, on 30 January 2015 - 10:32 PM, said:

funny how most pug can write long articles explaining the issues, yet all I see from the 12 men are insults

Most PUGs, from experience don't learn. They don't check the forums, they don't ask questions, and they sure as heck don't listen.

It's a pattern I've seen for years, and I -like- soloing. After a while, you pass the point of wanting to explain and simply attempt to get rid of Dumb and Dumber by calling them exactly as they perform. When you're getting genius builds like this one on your team:

Posted Image

...eventually, something snaps. You can only see someone manage so many barely-100-damage games in assault 'Mechs with derp builds before it becomes so irritatingly bad that you begin to feel that the quality of your game would be better if they simply no longer were in it, or making anyone else suffer. And progress to saying as much.

#116 Krivvan


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 11:20 PM

View Postwanderer, on 30 January 2015 - 11:15 PM, said:

Most PUGs, from experience don't learn. They don't check the forums, they don't ask questions, and they sure as heck don't listen.

I do my best to try and explain stuff most games when I'm feeling up to it, but the response from some players is hostility and they're way too set in their ways and it just isn't worth it to get into a protracted argument.

And I'm a lot nicer about it than other players I know, but the second you even hint at LRM boats and "versatile" builds not being so great you'll have a bunch of defenders come up talking about how great they are at LRMs and how they're effective with TAG/NARC, and etc. etc. etc.

Alternatively you'll have people playing horrible "versatile" and "mixed" builds for fun, which I'm fine with, but you can't then turn around and start complaining how you're not doing well at the same time.

Edited by Krivvan, 30 January 2015 - 11:23 PM.

#117 Bloody


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 03:24 AM

CW sucks because of 3 things
1. It is too complicated for the average player who has a few hours to play and just wants a fun time rofl stomping with his robots

2. It is hard core end game. Why dont you fellas who have a massive hard on for this take a good page from Blizzard. You know the creator of WoW the biggest and largest and most successful MMORPG? 10 mill subs paying $15 bucks a month ? Hard core end game content only gets seen by less than 2% of the player base. 2 PERCENT. Blizzard realised that their player base is completely casual noob and spending hundreds and hundreds of hours or huge % of their time designing end game content when 98% of your player base do not get to see it except on Youtube videos was a waste of time and money. Now i am sure you all will be super hard on thinking you are l337 or something but really as a dev you need to make things work for the majority. And the currently CW implementation does not work.

lastly the main reason is that the devs are glacial in their development except when going for cash grabs so i do not expect anything to change anytime soon.

#118 mania3c


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 04:08 AM

View PostxMEPHISTOx, on 30 January 2015 - 08:20 PM, said:

uhhh, quit w/the solo bs and join in a unit as cw or continue w/the fail, I don't know...but I do know that no matter what pgi does it will suck for solo puggers regardless and they will always get stomped by units.
You should consider yourself lucky to even be included in cw's, in wot pugs are not capable of participating in cw's and fairly so as they just diminish the quality of matches for the organized units who play for endgame competition.

I really love when "hardcore" players are presenting themselves as thinking geniuses with using gifs and smart words while casuals are lesser creatures, yet, more I see from them..more I realize that hardcore players on this forum are living in their own fantasy universe, where things are supposed to somehow magically works in some very weird way..

Here is a thing.. casuals and pugs don't need to join units ..it's not casuals who need to do something..(also hardcore players can't do much too)..but hardcore players just need these casuals to be enjoying game in their way..because without casuals and pugs, there will be no game to play..no MWO..nothing..nadda..

MWO is using model, which desperately needs healthy playerbase to stay a float..VOIP will do exactly nothing, small scale scenarios will help a very little bit. and if all resources will be put into CW and CW wont keep casuals playing, MWO is just dead..servers may stay alive but very little additional content patches will be released till even hardcore players will be bored and will quit.

It doesn't mean that there is no place for hadcore groups..it is, and hardcore community is also very important for this kind of the game. However PGI has to find way, how to make better experience for casuals in CW. (again..VOIP will do exactly nothing)..and these stupid "recommendations"..join units, l2p or CW is hardcore mode only will slowly kill this game..

Edited by mania3c, 31 January 2015 - 04:08 AM.

#119 ztac


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 04:52 AM

Maybe PUGS just need to stop playing this game... seems there are a lot of people (PGI included) that just don't really want PUGS to play a 'team' game (obvious when you look at how CW was done (no PUG queue)).. remember all the 'CW is for Units and premades' ?

#120 Lily from animove


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 05:43 AM

View PostApnu, on 30 January 2015 - 10:56 AM, said:

Yeah well this is a gamer problem in general. I've seen premades whine and moan as much as I've seen it in pub queue games. There's usually one guy moaning and they often have unit tags on. Its pathetic.

Case in point, last night. A player complains in chat "kill me now" He was in an Atlas and got pummeled hard by the enemy on Caustic. I'd already received my beating but was still alive. The HBK-4G just had his head ML left but I was still in the game trying to flank. The atlas ran into the same horrible death ball I did, even though I warned everybody about it. Oh well. Then he starts complaining how clueless the team is and losing was predestined. I try talking to him, and I get this lecture about how complaining does nothing to improve the game and I should look at my own mistakes. WTF? He's dead, I'm not. The game doesn't end in a stomp it was like 8-12, we still lost tho and I died.

this is a very present example of whats wrong with the current gamer generation. They should go bakc to old games where you didn't had continues, play 2 hours, fail anddo it ALL again before you get another try where YOU failed. not the game, not the others, just YOU.

but allt he mainstream games perfectly are designed to cater those ego's with constant non effort "youre awesome" success moments and thats why many people can not, or do not want to get into real challanges. They are not used to it, they are educated to "enjoy" those non effort successes. And then the hard online PvP world hits them. Dang, butthurt, because "I was always so successfull and awesome, It can not be me failing"

View Postmania3c, on 31 January 2015 - 04:08 AM, said:

I really love when "hardcore" players are presenting themselves as thinking geniuses with using gifs and smart words while casuals are lesser creatures, yet, more I see from them..more I realize that hardcore players on this forum are living in their own fantasy universe, where things are supposed to somehow magically works in some very weird way..

Here is a thing.. casuals and pugs don't need to join units ..it's not casuals who need to do something..(also hardcore players can't do much too)..but hardcore players just need these casuals to be enjoying game in their way..because without casuals and pugs, there will be no game to play..no MWO..nothing..nadda..

MWO is using model, which desperately needs healthy playerbase to stay a float..VOIP will do exactly nothing, small scale scenarios will help a very little bit. and if all resources will be put into CW and CW wont keep casuals playing, MWO is just dead..servers may stay alive but very little additional content patches will be released till even hardcore players will be bored and will quit.

It doesn't mean that there is no place for hadcore groups..it is, and hardcore community is also very important for this kind of the game. However PGI has to find way, how to make better experience for casuals in CW. (again..VOIP will do exactly nothing)..and these stupid "recommendations"..join units, l2p or CW is hardcore mode only will slowly kill this game..

so solution: delete units, make the game pug only mode, done.

But the truth is, pugs can do things, but the majority doesn't wants. you can be part of a CW group, even with only a few hours time. yes tey may not beat the 12 man premades, but they may have a real battle instead of a roflstomp.

As long as some puggers don't wanna play a teamgame, and demand they want CW to be how they play you get two things:

they still complain, as they already do about MM just now including CW.
they still lose horribly by their way to play.

and then I really wonder: when puggers don't want to play a teamgame, why do they even play such a game? Because if you aren't an exceptional good player, you will not be able to succeed soloing in a team based game.

Posted Image

Many people think they are Messi's while in fact they aren't.

There are a ot of games out there that I like, but tha i do not play, because reahcign a specific amount of "success" requires an effort I can and want not put into them. But I do not go to their forums and qq about how they should cater my needs, because this would destroy what makes this game a good one. And thats the moment i wish it would be available as singleplayer, where I am not bound to servertimes and serverdynamics. But those games aren't and so I have to deal with the fact what they are. And sadly also that I may not be part of that game.

And this is what we have here in MWO too, people want to paly football in the major league but not train or join a team, hows that supposed to work? It's not working and you will never get the big trophy. And so you can join just an amateur league or fun leaguer, yet you still have to join a team. And the trophy is maybe not as big and valuable, if there even is one.
Why poeple expect online multiplayer PVP games havign to be different? I don't know, because they can not differ, they are competitive games and thats the way how competition works in out entire human Life.

Many casuals don't want to join a unit, thats true, because units often come with some responibilities, like being online regulary etc.
But as a Pug gamer not wanting to be roflstomped you can still seek out a unit that plays with randoms, there is nothing than their own decision preventing this from happening. And so they continue playing a game where they fail. But joning a temporary group will be like the amateur team, bit play for fun, less roflstomps but not the big trophy.

And people who just want to play a big robo stomping game without wanting tojoin anyone and such have a nice place in the solo queue.

I love my Nova, but its a not competitive chassis, and so I also need to decide what to do, bring it to CW with the risk of gimping myself, the team and the entire CW success for my faction, or accepting I should play solo or groupqueue with it.

CW needs casuals, but not puggers, and especially not the stubborn ones thatw ant to refuse using voip or joining groups. Trying to cater the CW for them is a nonworking concept. I have 2 people in my "unit" and they are online like 2x a month for only a short time, yet they are able to hop on teamspeak.

Edited by Lily from animove, 31 January 2015 - 06:18 AM.

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