Greenjulius, on 30 January 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:
Yeah, but you have lag armor with locusts. All the MLX has is sneaking and jumping. You can't outrun much at 124kph.
Nah, you really don't, not without JJs. Or, at least, I really don't; ping is too low. If that were the case, you wouldn't have been able to PPC plaster me so easily from that damaged TDR-9S when I was sprinting at your backside, juking hard right just before you fired.
(That was a good match, btw. Desert Canyon, if you don't recall, us two being last standing.)
Still, MLX ain't easy. A normal, properly kitted out Locust (read: not what I have on the 1E) is the better 'Mech, I think, so pulling serious weight in an MLX gets mad respect.