Declared I was a former GB and understood and requested zellbrigen piloting an ember.
Request ignored.
Made request again piloting a CN9-D.
Was met with insults and a sniper headshot for my troubles while powered down in spawn typing followed by "easy".
When asked are you clan for tech or honor?
Answer given was for tech.
I wont name and shame but the honorable lore name you use was dishonored by your actions.
Perhaps one day the Ghostbear honor will be restored in my eyes, maybe when we get Solaris?
Oh how thou hast fallen.
With respect for those who understand my tears and why I left.
-Mechwarrior Caleb Birightmore-
EDIT: Please read ALL of the comments before responding, so as to understand my intent. Thanks

Edited by Caleb Brightmore, 31 January 2015 - 04:13 AM.