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The Bear-Wolf Conflict

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#1 Antonius Rex


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 05:44 PM


I am writing this to inform those who are interested, that the -MS- led war of aggression against Clan Wolf is now over.

Our objectives, known for over 6 weeks at this point, have been achieved. Bear finally has their attack lane into Falcon, and within a few days, will have another into Steiner.

As mentioned both in person and in forum posts, our goal has always been to open up another attack lane for Ghost Bear. When ever we engage Wolf in battle, it is always after we have taken the FRR and Kurita lane to 100%, and we have nothing else to do. It isn't anything personal, and in fact, we have gained quite a bit of respect for a number of wolf units in this conflict. Specifically, CWI, SWoL and GK.

As mentioned before, our goal has always been to open up another attack lane, either into falcon or steiner, that the bears can work towards, rather than being forced to attack our frenemies in wolf, due to lack of anything else to do.

I envision a glorious day where Wolf and Bear can work together for the common cause of pushing to Terra. We have also been in the beginnings of Contract negotiations to possibly secure MS and possibly some of her other allies, for a stint or two fighting for Wolf.

I have been involved in numerous conversations with CWI leadership, on a nearly daily basis at this point, and the discussions are very encouraging. Let me just say that I look forward to the coming day that MS will get to work with our Wolf brothers in glory.

With regards to the recent wolf attacks, and the wolf planets currently under Bear control:

We will defend all planets under our control. Not just MS, but all of Ghost Bear. We welcome the fights, and frankly, do not take any of it personally. But we will defend the territory we have bled for.

That being said, Ghost Bear, and MS specifically, know well the sadness of limited attack lanes. And the reality is, Wolf is taking a heavy turn getting screwed by PGI's CW planet algorithm. GB knows what its like :)
You guys should have had a Steiner lane for quite a while now.

Here is what I would like to propose. And for the record, this is more than any faction has offered to us, Wolf included (Though there were a few Wolf Leaders who were willing to work with us, but sadly not enough to make anything happen).

If/When a GB planet opens up to wolf for attack, and it is in a position that would advance Wolf's goals of reopening their FRR/Steiner lanes, MS, and I suspect all of Ghost Bear, would be willing to let Wolf take the planet uncontested. Or at the very least, lightly contested.

MS truly does understand the ****** map algorithm. And I believe we are willing to work with Wolf to open up lanes that will allow us to work together the way we were meant to be.

So, if a GB planet opens up that would be strategically advantageous to wolf, in order to reopen their IS attack lanes, MS, and likely all of Ghost Bear, would be willing to give you that planet in the interest of peace and building a Wolf/Bear future together. Possibly even multiple planets.

I would only request that Wolf contacts GB and MS and lets us know that you are coming to take said valued planets. You can always find us on the mercenarystar ts.

pass: metagame

Letting us know your intentions will go a long way to avoid any "unnecessary" bloodshed. Not to mention Wolf can only take GB planets by ghost dropping us to victory. Lets be honest, MS has a 90+% win rate. Wolf only wins when they can outnumber Bear 2:1 and take the planet by default.

So, let us know when there is a useful planet that will get you closer to taking back your IS lanes. We are willing to work with Wolf to get you guys to where you want to be.

Lastly, I just wanted to mention again, and for the record, that Gyrok sucks.

The most recent Wolf-Bear conflict is directly the result of Gyrok, and CWDG's actions in the sacking of New Caladonia. If that planet had been left alone, we were only 1 jump from competing our objectives, and with said completion, the most recent war with Wolf would have been avoided. Completely.

But alas, poop heads will be poop heads.

We do not hold all of Clan Wolf responsible for said ******'s actions, but we would like to not be ever associated with one of his repute. We are very open to working with Wolf, but not them. They are outcasts to us, forever to be hated, until the time that Gyrok steps down from his position of leadership.

But on a brighter note, MS is done attacking Wolf. We have achieved our goals. And we are also willing to let Wolf take a few of our planets in order to get back the IS lanes they need to feed their people. (Salmon for everyone?)

We look forward to our future with Wolf, and look forward to any Wolf responses from anyone other than the most despised fool.

Antonius Rex,
of The Swords of Kentares,
and The MercStar Alliance

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Edited by Antonius Rex, 31 January 2015 - 05:55 PM.

#2 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 06:25 PM

We're looking forward to working with you guys when we can. :)

That said, the beta sucks right now and we feel your pain about not being able to find opponents.

I still have to go push our suggestions to the devs hopefully we can get them make it so a good system actually exists for the mercs.

PS. I'm still bundling up everyones suggestions to the devs, should have it done by tomorrow. If you haven't commented please do such if you want to I can get the mercs feedback in as well.

Edited by Blueduck, 31 January 2015 - 06:26 PM.

#3 Doc Sav


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:05 PM

I am glad to hear our conflict with the GB and MS is drawing to a close. Although I was perhaps not as involved during the recent battles as some of the clan, the fights I did participate in were marked with great honor both by the Bear clan and MS, including the extension of one glorious duel in a situation where we were otherwise helplessly outmatched.

It is clear to most of us (whether or not we choose to accept it in a clan-like way or not) that MS has been far more prepared for the invasion of the Inner Sphere, both strategically and organizationally, than any of our number in the clans thus far. I for one appreciate the gesture of allowing us the chance to at least maintain some fields of battle as we continue to build ourselves into an effective fighting force.

Edited by Doc Sav, 31 January 2015 - 07:05 PM.

#4 Noaceik


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:08 PM

so why is it that Mercs decide what a faction should do? MS, and merc star, control Ghostbear?? That is just sad.

#5 hybrid black


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:13 PM

View PostNoaceik, on 31 January 2015 - 07:08 PM, said:

so why is it that Mercs decide what a faction should do? MS, and merc star, control Ghostbear?? That is just sad.

No this is an agreement with MS and the units that work with us and wolf, We can not control what other units in bear do but the units that work with us will abide by the decision of our alliance.

Edited by hybrid black, 31 January 2015 - 07:33 PM.

#6 Star Wolves Admin Account


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:16 PM

The real issue when you get down to it is that there just isn't a good system for the mercs to find battles in and planets really mean jack.

Hopefully a major patch is coming soon.

#7 Commander A9


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:45 PM

I'm sorry that I didn't understand the objective until now. Sometimes I think we forget another objective of this game is to make C-Bills.

The point is the play the game, not grind Clan Wolf into dust. I get that now.

MercStar can be powerful allies; I've seen their capabilities firsthand.

#8 WX Gunny Sa KhAN


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:45 PM

:rolleyes: :ph34r:

#9 Antonius Rex


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:52 PM

I think a strong message from Wolf to Bear right now would be to cease the attacks on New Olso.

As mentioned, I personally will speak on behalf of Wolf to take any Ghost Bear planet that will give you guys your FRR/Steiner lane back.

But New Oslo is not that planet...

Aggression on that planet will be met with lethal force

Edited by Antonius Rex, 31 January 2015 - 07:53 PM.

#10 Commander A9


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:53 PM

No other attack options are available. :/

It's either this, Jade Falcon, or, well, PUG drops. :/

Could view it as a skirmish; practice for future fights.

Edited by Commander A9, 31 January 2015 - 07:55 PM.

#11 Antonius Rex


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:09 PM

agreed. No other options available. Bu at least after tonight's battles, the lane should shift to a new planet.

Mission successful for Wolf as far as I am concerned

#12 hybrid black


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:12 PM

View PostCommander A9, on 31 January 2015 - 07:53 PM, said:

No other attack options are available. :/

It's either this, Jade Falcon, or, well, PUG drops. :/

Could view it as a skirmish; practice for future fights.

but we both could attack falcon lol and both win

edit: we worked for are falcon lane and haven't got to fight them yet lol

Edited by hybrid black, 31 January 2015 - 08:12 PM.

#13 Crasher2003


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:28 PM


#14 Commander A9


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:46 PM


#15 Uklistan


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:49 PM

I heard something about pushing to Terra....that's going to take.....well CW will be out of beta before you even come close.

#16 Noaceik


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 08:54 PM

well if the DC strategy works us Mariks should be able to start to climb back up northwords to reach you Ghost bears. For we almost have our desired 3025 border. So when we get there us Mariks will show you GB's a good time.

No smack talk, we honestly want to fight you guys. Your the strongest clan we are the strongest house. With Kurita willing to give us a few worlds to use for us to attack you from, then that is all the better.

#17 Odins Fist


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:01 PM

I see Ghost Bear is still using politics and Mercs to make the other Clans nothing but "USEFUL TOOLS".

Bravo Ghost Bear, I thought Wolf would have had the numbers to do better, but they performed FAR below predictions of many.

Wolf was clearly outclassed by backroom dealings and naivete.

I heard something from a guy on a Teamspeak, he said "Ghost Bears, don't trust them".
I wonder if that is an accurate statement or if Ghost Bear just happened into a beneficial situation.

Edited by Odins Fist, 31 January 2015 - 09:09 PM.

#18 Lawrence Elsa


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:31 PM

Before I bring up my concerns with this call to an armistice, I must say that you guys earned your wins against us, are legitimately great players, and I enjoy fighting face-to-face with you guys.

Take everything I'm about to say with a grain of salt, as I have obviously gone insane:

While we can take some time off from defending our worlds relentlessly, there's a huge problem: what's gonna happen when you take those 3 falcon worlds? then no more falcon attacks, and its just FFR again and Wolves. We still have no attack lanes on Steiner even though its been 2 days, meaning we're gonna have to attack falcons north of the FRR, or bears north of the FFR. I have a strong feeling that PGI's algorithm isn't going to let us move south until (or rather if) we take a ton of planets from the bears and falcons, thus inevitably removing the link between you and the falcons, causing this war to start all over.

Call me a pessimist, or even paranoid, but I am certain that PGI is taking direct action to ensure that ghost bears do not have an attack lane against the falcons, and wants Clan Wolf to attack the falcons and bears as much as possible to widen their borders.
PGI Controls Tera, therefore they are the leaders of Comstar and thus they are the Word of Blake.
The Word of Blake is controlling attack lanes
There's a single Blakist in a small computer room strapped to a chair in PGI's office who is forced to manually set attack lanes.

also the Illuminati

Edited by Lawrence Elsa, 31 January 2015 - 09:43 PM.

#19 Dracol


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:54 PM

View PostLawrence Elsa, on 31 January 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:

There's a single Blakist in a small computer room strapped to a chair in PGI's office who is forced to manually set attack lanes.

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#20 Tsig


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 10:02 PM


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