Fenrisulvyn, on 12 February 2015 - 10:45 AM, said:
"You should look at your own posts before you tell me what I responded to. I responded to the 'shut down to run out the timer' statement you made"
Uh no. I never said anything about a timer. You have me confused with another. And should take your own advice
"you are NOT allowed to refuse to engage the enemy and hide until the timer runs out."
[sigh] No one is arguing that. Everyone agrees that's a douche move and should be reported.
What we are talking about is griefing an active pilot in game because he won't give up fighting. Others here have said that because the match is "over" at that point, he is griefing them by prolonging his "inevitable" defeat.
How can you be cool with that?
Hey, stop, take a minute, READ what I quoted that you wrote...I'll wait...
Ok, do you see that bit,
"powering down your mech for the purpose of letting the clock run out and maintaining your K/D ratio does not fall within the intended spirit of the shutdown mechanic, and is considered an act of non-participation."
Which makes perfect sense, if you can show he's shutting down to maintain a K/D ratio. How are you guys doing that again? Telepathy?
THAT was you trying to make it seem that powering down to avoid engaging the enemy is acceptable because you don't KNOW that's what the person was thinking when they did that.
You are correct, I do NOT know that is what they were thinking. I DO know they violated the CoC by shutting down and refusing the engage the enemy and letting the timer run out, and THAT is what I report them for.
And how exactly are WE cowards for using the ONLY approved method of reporting offenders in MWO? We are NOT allowed to name and shame, we are NOT allowed to name people on these forums for blatant violations of the CoC, we aren't even allowed to name players who do things on the FORUMS that violate the forum rules. We are to REPORT THEM TO PGI EACH AND EVERY TIME, PER PGI. So, pray tell, why are WE the cowards when we are following the rules and others are not? Let me guess, you subscribe to that 'don't snitch' gangster mentality? You toss out threats when someone says they'll report you for your violations ingame? I personally don't give a rat's furry rear end, you break the rules in MWO when I'm around, I'll report your sorry rear end and be done with it, it's the ONLY avenue PGI has given me to deal with the likes of you.
Dock, he didn't try to use valid points or reason, he says that we can't KNOW why someone is breaking the CoC, so we can't report them for doing it. Sorry, that's not a valid point OR reasonable. We don't report you for saving your KDR, we report you for shutting down to avoid the enemy and running the clock out in Skirmish. That's against the rules, whether you like it or not. It's not a 'different' way of playing either, it's quite simply not playing the game.
Raggedy, the reason some of us will tell someone who's doing this action that we'll report them is so that they get a chance to NOT break the rules. Maybe the person isn't aware it's not allowed, now they know, now they have a chance to avoid breaking the rules. I've had most of the people I've seen pull this respond with 'oh, didn't know it was against the rules, sorry' and the powered up and engaged, some of them even pulled off a win. It's a chance to do the right thing, even if it takes a little peer pressure, I believe it's better than letting them break rules and report them for it.
PurpleNinja, if you go somewhere obscure or hard to see, face the wall or edge of the map and shut down, and STAY shutdown for the rest of the timer in Skirmish, I'm gonna guess you did that on purpose, may be going on a limb there, but that's my take on it and I'll report for it. If you go somewhere, shutdown, toss out a quick teamchat 'setting ambush', I'll let you do your thing. Intent is obvious with this move, anyone pretending otherwise is full of it and they know it, odds are it's a move they make and they don't want to start getting in trouble for it.
How does PGI determine who did what? Little hint for you folks who don't know this, EVERYTHING is logged in MWO, every single thing. We report you, PGI asks for your side of the story, THEN they look at the logs and see what really happened. You shut down in a hideyhole and run out 8 minutes as the last man standing in Skirmish. I report you. PGI asks your side, you say 'I was setting an ambush'. PGI looks at the logs, sees that you were shutdown in a hideyhole facing away from any enemy movement, guess what is gonna happen. You will get a warning to not repeat that behaviour. There's a reason they want it reported and they handle it, they can see exactly what took place. There's no guessing involved, they don't take our reports as fact, just as an indication that something may or may not have happened and they need to look into it. Your state of mind or reasoning behind it doesn't matter, you broke the rules, and to be blunt, there's no valid tactic that involves hiding until the timer runs out in Skirmish if you are the last man standing, you are either preserving your KDR or you are griefing, pick one.