Serpieri, on 13 February 2015 - 01:01 AM, said:
Simple Fix - Dead People can only talk to team - disable all chat.
That deals with most team treason. This issue is far bigger than just that.
Personally, I'd like to see the end of spectating regardledss of how cool it is. Now the problem solved because nobody's time is wasted and the dead can't influence anything or gripe about it. You can complain about not being able to know how the match ended till later, or you don't get to watch the cool match. But is this really a big deal? Not really. All these cool toys are causing the issue because of trolls and jerks who really should have the toys taken away from them. And now with Rejoin, you can't just quit match and be free to go into another one.
Maybe the gripe is you don't have access to your mech and someone else is holding your mech hostage. You really have no grounds to stand on. That mech was committed for up to 15 minutes. Blame PGI's response to farming and get them to change it. Of course, to silence the entitlamentations, I'll go so far as to suggest ending PGI taking people's mech hostage for the full agreed 15 minutes even though this will cause rampant farming and abuse of the system. But this is why we can't have good or cool things. Then there is no more of this horse hockey. You play the game and die early, you are out, you get your mech and go.
Technically, why aren't you doing that anyway in another mech you should have already gotten set for when you die? You have trial mechs available too. Answer? Pure egotism and false entitlement. The exact same degree of selfishness accused at those 'time wasters'. I paid my money probably the same as you, and if I want to spend it another way, I should be able to. Why is your money better than mine?
So you don't want to look for that last mech that's hiding? Fine, quit the match, start a new one. There. done. Nobody's time is wasted and nobody is being accused of trolling another. KDR doesn't matter to you anyway, only the hider it seems. Oh wait... the loudest in this discussion are usually the ones to get the kill, aren't they? Who's KDR obsessed again?
See. This all seems to boil down to one thing and one thing only. PGI's solution for farming through the 15 minute/end of match mech hostage mechanic. If someone dies, and they could hop right back into the same mech they just died in, poof, no more problem. Force people out of matches at death, and allow them to spectate completed matches from a saved twitch server or something, no more team treason is possible.
Ghost Rider LSOV, on 13 February 2015 - 01:12 AM, said:
Few days back, we had a pilot in a Cicada standing still on the spawn for the whole duration of the game. After a not-so-optimal battle, we lost.
Since he was the last person left and not doing anything all that time, I gave out his coordinates.
When the first laser shot landed, he started moving! I didn't know if I should laugh or "cry" about that...

"Bottom feeding" is a legitimate tactic that is now de-facto banned from Skirmish. I call that a mixed blessing.