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Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides


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#1 Ovion


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 11:29 AM

I quite often write full and micro guides for people, in random topics, random people or random threads.

To consolidate it all, so people can see them for themselves easily, and for me to quote at people easier when I need to, I'm creating this thread.

Each guide will be a seperate post in this thread, formatted for easy quoting in other threads, and linked to the contents in this post here.

Contents: Any empty guides are placeholders waiting for completion, and are coming soon.

Edited by Ovion, 23 February 2015 - 04:40 PM.

#2 Ovion


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 12:25 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How Camo and Colours work:
Camo Specs
Camo Patterns come in 3 flavours - Unlock, One-Shot and Unique.
Unlocks are a permament unlock for that Chasis. You can change the pattern and colours as often as you like.
They are pricey though, running you either 750 MC for a 'Standard' pattern, 1250 MC for a 'Premium' pattern or 1500MC for a 'Faction' pattern.

One-Shot camos are one-use patterns. You can change the Colours as often as you like, but if you change the pattern, you lose the One-Shot.
They're great if you don't intend to change the pattern around.
The bonus of this is they cost 1/10th that of an Unlock, at 75 MC for a 'Standard' pattern, 125 MC for a 'Premium' pattern or 150MC for a 'Faction' pattern.

Unique patterns are limited to Heroes and Unique Geometry mechs.
You can change the Colours as much as you like, but can never change the Camo Spec.
Additionally, certain colour panels may be locked on Unique patterns.

So if you only want to do 3 mechs, and leave them at that single pattern forever, then One-Shots are the way to go for you!
You can even have 3 different patterns if you want.

There have been Camo sales in the past (normally 50% off), so you could always wait for one of those, but I generally recommend one-shots.
If it's on sale and there's 2 Camo's you'll regularly want on one chasis (or 5+ mechs you want it on), then go unlock.
Example -
I have bought One-Shot Camo Specs for each of my 3 Spiders, 3 Catapults, and one Cicada (Phranken), 1 for my 4th (Urbie)Spider (Sherman), and 1 for my Dire Wolf B (Snowfall).
That's 9 mechs with Camo, for less than the cost of 1 unlock.
I'm considering buying one-shots for a couple more of my mechs, like my Jaegers, new Cicada and Ravens.
I don't really want to change any of these, mostly because the others are sort of pants on those mechs (in my opinion) so it works out MASSIVELY cheaper.

I've also bought the Phranken and Hotrod Unlock for my locusts when it was on sale, as I have 8 of them and at that point it cost the same as getting the One-Shots.

While I understand that Camo can be seen as expensive, and it can seem annoying or cash grabby for it to be per chasis, please understand that each Camo Spec must be made specially for each chasis, taking time and money and there is a reason they've done it this way.

Colours come in 3 flavours - Basic, Standard and Premium.
All colours are a universale unlock - purchase once, and that colour is permamantly available for all your mechs.
Basic Colours are the 5 free colours in the game.
You get Basic Green by default, and the remaining 4 are available for 1.25million C-Bills each.
They're actually not bad, I think the Red is nicer than most of the Premium Reds too.
Especially good as a Block colour, or highlight.
As modeled by the lovely Locust below:

Standard Colours are generally, just a straight shade really.
These cost 500MC and come in a wide range.

Premimum Colours are either more desirable (i.e. - pure black and white), or specifically linked to particular Premium Camos (i.e. - the colours that are 'meant' to go with the scheme).
These cost 1000MC and come in a wide range of slightly nicer shades.

Ultimately, I recommend never buying any colours apart from Basic, unless it's 50% off.
Additionally, Camo shades are a fantastic range of matte Standard colours, so 250MC on sale.
I've got 1/3 to half of the Camo colours and tend to buy more each time they go on sale.

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 11 June 2015 - 08:49 AM.

#3 Ovion


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 02:37 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
What are the different types of Mech:
There are 2 types of Mech and 4 types of Variant

Mechs are split into Battlemechs and Omnimechs.

As a family, each Mech is a Chasis, and each Chasis is split into Variants, with 3 Variants required to unlock the Elite and Master level skills of the Mech Chasis.
All Mechs have at least 3 Variants for this reason.

Battlemechs are single Chasis that have fixed Hardpoints and an available Engine range. Each variant also has a number of upgrades to choose from.
Battlemechs are primarily used by the Innersphere.
Inner Sphere Battlemechs may only use Inner Sphere weapons and equipment.
Clan Battlemechs work on the same principle, but may only use Clan weapons and equipment.

Omnimechs are a modular system, that have a Center Torso 'Core' with a fixed engine, hardpoints and upgrades, and interchangeable components known as Omnipods.
Omnimechs are able to select whether Artemis IV is installed on the Missile Systems of the mech or not. This is determined by the 'Core' of the Mech
The base Variant of the mech is determined by the Center Torso 'Core' of the mech.
Each Omnipod has fixed hardpoints, and some fixed equipment, but is interchangeble among Chasis cores.
Omnimechs are currently only used by the Clans and may only use Clan weapons and equipment.
The payoff is, even though Omnimechs have less options with speed and upgrades, they have more freedom with Hardpoints and the equipment is Lighter, meaning you can take more of it.

Standard Mechs are the regular variants of all mechs.
They are available for C-Bills and MC.
They have no special bonuses or restrictions to gameplay, beyond those mentioned above.

Champion Mechs are Standard variants that come pre-upgraded.
They are only available for MC.
They often have a semi to almost optimised loadout, with all practical upgrades already in place (ES, FF, DHS, etc, if commonly needed, generally useful weapons for the frame, and if Clan with 'popular' Omnipods)
These mechs have a 30% bonus to XP and GXP generation.
They are found in the Champion section of the Mechlab, with a C on the 'info card'.
Champions are good for the impatient and the lazy, providing a near-ready-to-go mech, that will level and provide GXP faster, but otherwise provide no particular bonus over Standard variants.
Authors opinion - They're only generally worth it in half-price sales, as they provide good gear on the cheap.
Especially the Jenner which comes with an XL300 for peanuts on sale.

Hero Mechs are unique variants of mechs that have a special locked Camo Spec.
These mechs have a 30% bonus to C-Bill generation.
They are found in the Hero section of the Mechlab, with a H on the 'info card'.

Unique Geometry Mechs are 'mini-Hero' variants. They have special models and a special locked Camo Spec, but are otherwise the same as their base Standard variant.
They are Limited Edition Collectors items, received through the purchase of Packages, or through special Events.
These are the Founder, Phoenix, Invasion, Gold, Loyalty, Resistance and Urbanmech Collectors variants so far.
Their names include (F), (P), (I), (G), (L), ® and TBD respectively.
These mechs have a 30% bonus to C-Bill generation.
They are found in the Champion section of the Mechlab, with a C on the 'info card'.
Additionally, these mechs cannot be sold and once received are a permanent addition to your collection.

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 02 November 2015 - 06:04 AM.

#4 Ovion


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 02:51 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How to Optimise MWO if you're having Framerate Issues or are using a lower spec computer:
Not everyone has a powerhouse computer, and often MWO won't run amazingly well even if you do have a decent machine.
And even if you do, it may be worth optimising the game to improve overall performance regardless.

I've spent a long time dealing with the problem of a lower-spec PC and I've gathered quite a bit of info about improving performance out of necessity.
Much of this infomation is on the forums and in patch notes, but buried in the distant past and often spread across several threads and sub-forums.

The first thing and most useful thing is to adjust your user.cfg file.
This will be in C:\Program Files\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online (or your personal install location for MWO)
If you don't have a user.cfg, you can create a notepad file and name it user.cfg (ensure you have 'view file extensions' turned on, to void a file called user.cfg.txt)
If you have User Account Control active, you're best off copying (or creating) the user.cfg to the desktop, editing it there, then pasting it into your MWO directory.
If you have UAC active, in addition to the above, run MWO as admin (by right clicking on the launch icon and selecting 'Run as Admin') at least once for the changes to take effect.

In that file put the following:
  • fov is the Field of View, from memory this shouldn't be set higher than around 90-95, or lower than around 60 to avoid errors.
  • Cockpit Glass is the texture on the glass, Flim grain adds film grain, depthoffield is blur. These don't really do much gamewise, just eat quite a bit of resources, or obscure the screen a little.
  • MaxFPS is an FPS cap, meaning it won't attempt to run higher freeing up additional resources rather than trying to push for FPS, which can go to other things.- If you're hitting 30FPS fine, you can attempt increasing it to 45, then 60.
  • The rest are things I still don't entirely understand, but they help, so I continue to use them!
In game go to Settings (found in the bottom right of the screen), then Video.
- Start by ensuring you've set the System Specifications setting on LOW.
- Screen Resolution should be set to your screen resolution. Lowering it will help performance though.
- - If lowering the Resolution, ideally start by retaining the Aspect Ratio of your monitor (refer to the following chart to find out what resolutions match the aspect ratio of your moniter)
Reducing the Aspect Ratio to 4:3 will further increase performance, at the cost of visual area and overall quality.
- Under Windowed Mode Full mode is the least graphically intensive from memory, though Full Window allows for alt-tabbing out easier, and multi-screen without your secondry (or more) monitor(s) freaking out.
- For Direct X Version, DX9 is often better than DX11 currently but it's hit and miss, though you'll need to compare performance with both to find out which works best fo you.
- Motion Blur should be OFF.
- 3D Vision Mode if you have the option for it, should really be OFF.
- V-Sync should be ON.
- Damage Glow should be OFF.

Under Advanded Options:
Start with everything in Advanced at LOW or OFF.
The most important one to have set 'LOW' is the Envoironment setting.
This is the single biggest resource drain.
After that, you can attempt raising Object Detail and Texturing to MEDIUM and see how it affects performance.

From there it's just tweaking the settings, raising each option Advanced Option one at a time to a point you still get a reasonably consistent 25-35FPS+ with the best graphics you can.

I would say improve Envoironment only after most settings are at MEDIUM, and Object Detail and Texturing are set to HIGH.

Additionally, if you have Graphics Software that comes with your cards Drivers (Such as Nvidia Experience, ATI Catalyst, etc), see if it has a 'Game Optimisation' tool.
If so, run that on MWO to see if it yields any performance improvements.

Computer Architecture
MWO now has the option to run using a 64bit client, better utilising the RAM and CPU of your computer, if it is running a 64bit OS.

It's not always going to help, it ultimately depends on exactly what and where the throttling issues causing your performance issue lie, but it's definately worth checking to see if it helps.

Instructions for how to switch to 64bit mode are:

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 11 February 2015 - 03:46 PM.

#5 Ovion


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:23 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How to run Mechwarrior Online through the Steam Client, with the Steam Overlay:
With the release of MWO on Steam, this is now mostly irrelevant, but I will leave it here for those that still wish to use the external client, with the steam overlay for some reason.

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 27 April 2016 - 07:15 PM.

#6 Burktross


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:53 PM

View PostOvion, on 04 February 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:

How to run Mechwarrior Online through the Steam Client, with the Steam Overlay:

Continue this please! :C

#7 Ovion


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 05:02 PM

Certainly will be.
Need enough time /consciousness after work to sort it.
To do:
Steam overlay {hopefully tommorow or Thursday, it's not an especially long one)
How Mastering mechs works
Buying and selling mechs
Possibly an introduction to Locust theory.
If you can think of more to do, feel free to ask.

#8 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 03:13 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How Mastering mechs works

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 11 February 2015 - 03:44 PM.

#9 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 03:38 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
Buying and selling mechs

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

Edited by Ovion, 11 February 2015 - 03:44 PM.

#10 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 03:52 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
Locust Theory

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

#11 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 03:59 PM

View PostOvion, on 02 February 2015 - 02:37 PM, said:

Unique Geometry Mechs are 'mini-Hero' variants. They have special models and a special locked Camo Spec, but are otherwise the same as their base Standard variant.
These are the Founder, Phoenix, Invasion, Gold, Loyalty, Resistance and Urbanmech Collectors variants so far.
Their names include (F), (P), (I), (G), (L), ® and TBD respectively.
These mechs have a 30% bonus to C-Bill generation.
They are found in the Champion section of the Mechlab, with a C on the 'card' in the inventory.

One thought on these.

They do NOT show up under the Inventory section of the Home menu.

#12 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:12 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 11 February 2015 - 03:59 PM, said:

One thought on these.

They do NOT show up under the Inventory section of the Home menu.
True, they can't be sold, which is worth noting.

When I refer to Inventory, I meant Mechlab, I'll change that now.

#13 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:25 PM

View PostOvion, on 11 February 2015 - 04:12 PM, said:

When I refer to Inventory, I meant Mechlab, I'll change that now.

I noticed, which is why I clarified to the section of the Home menu. :P

#14 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:40 PM

Pointing out the problems is the only way to fix them!
Hopefully they help.

#15 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:42 PM

About that...

View PostOvion, on 11 February 2015 - 03:13 PM, said:

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How Mastering mechs works
Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

As you work on that, want to give some advice with mine? :P

I do not mind you making one as well (The way I phrase things confuses some people - but works better for others)
But I do not want mine to get buried either

#16 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:48 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 11 February 2015 - 04:42 PM, said:

About that...

As you work on that, want to give some advice with mine? :P

I do not mind you making one as well (The way I phrase things confuses some people - but works better for others)
But I do not want mine to get buried either
I'll take a look later on, will probably use it for reference too.

I wouldn't worry about it getting lost / buried, as mine is going to be a basic guide like the rest here, formatted to easily quote or reference in other threads, and just one of numerous here.
And as much as anything, a place to save things so when I rant at people it's easy to find to educate them.

My guide to Mastering will basically be 'This is why you need 3 mechs, and a basic overview of what that means'.
Mine won't have pictures either.
May even link yours as part of it for extra laziness on my part. :P

Edited by Ovion, 11 February 2015 - 04:48 PM.

#17 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:52 PM

View PostOvion, on 11 February 2015 - 04:48 PM, said:

May even link yours as part of it for extra laziness on my part. :P

I would appreciate it, because it DOES get buried. :lol:
(Just before they added the (L) to the other two (L) mechs, it was on page 7!)

Hardest part of XP mastery seems to be the variants rule though - as that is the one that gets asked the most

#18 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 05:03 PM

Which is a shame.

We ever find out what happened to the master help guide list?
At a time when they really want to improve the new player experience, not having it is confusing.

Also trying to remember what I wrote that was on it...
Possibly the optimisation guide...

#19 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 05:05 PM

View PostOvion, on 11 February 2015 - 05:03 PM, said:

We ever find out what happened to the master help guide list?
At a time when they really want to improve the new player experience, not having it is confusing.

Spoilered for risk of name and shame

#20 Ovion


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Posted 11 February 2015 - 05:11 PM

Ovion's Handy Guide to:
How Armour and Internal structure work

Part of Ovion's Collection Of Handy Dandy Guides

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