mike29tw, on 06 February 2015 - 11:42 PM, said:
The visual effect of ammo explosion has been here since CB. IIRC it even looked more spectacular than what we have right now.
Yes, we know that ammo explosions have been in the game; however, they are lame visually and acoustically.
In closed beta they used to be better, and then they got worse. I don't know if they changed it a third time to what it is now. What I do know is that three AC/2 shells impacting on a mech looks and sounds more impressive than one ton of AC/20 ammo exploding, and I think that is sad.
For the life of me I don't understand PGI's reluctance to put a big ammo explosion into the game. It could be visually and audibly stunning, and instead it's a hardly noticeable and silent. It just doesn't make sense. We should be seeing a fireball go up and letting out a cheer when someone cooks off. It should be the kill to beat all kills, the thing you play the game to see more of. Sure it's rare, but that's all the more reason to make it great when it does occur.
I wish they would increase the graphics for an ammo explosion by a factor of 2 (or more), and I wish they'd put some earth shattering kaboom to go with it. There is supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!