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Piranha Games 15 Year Anniversary Customer Appreciation Rewards

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#321 Aleski


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:36 AM

Thanks for the gift!

Now i can pack two builds at the same time.

It should be cool if we can offer this mechs to other players!

#322 elismallz


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:36 AM

View PostRip Snorgan, on 04 February 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:

Here's the thing. Some of us are Founders in spirit, but through the whims of fortune, had to miss the deadlines for Founders packs. If you look at my registration date, you'll see I've been here since virtually the beginning, but as it happened, had just quit my job of 16 years, to move my wife and 3 kids to California, to care for my Grandmother, right BEFORE Founders packs became available.

By the time I found a new job, Founders packs were no longer available.

Since then, I have purchased the top tier of every available pack (except the Gold Khan, no way I was getting that one past my wife ;) ), and early enough to get every single early bird bonus except for the month one reward on the Phoenix Overlord pack. And you bet your last banana I'd buy a top tier Founders pack if they made them available again, since the ONLY reason I didn't when they were available was that I just didn't have that kind of money.

My point is, how do we know that many of these folks who missed the "Loyalty" rewards aren't in a similar position? Is "not being broke" the only measure of "Loyalty" PGI should consider?

I know if they made Phoenix packs available to newcomers, I'd care not a single iota, since I fail to see how it affects my enjoyment of my own content.

Just some food for thought.

Yep. The founders need to get over themselves. They have been given what was promised when they bought in. The deal is done, there is no need to give them anything more than anyone else..

#323 C E Dwyer


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:02 AM

For those that missed out this is a great offer.

For those that had the three already, just why ?

I know it sounds ungrateful but I now have three mech's that are, of no use cluttering up the place, I can't sell them to have three shiny mech bays (which would be a great reward), I can't even paint them to make them look different.

#324 HammerMaster


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:03 AM

Love that PGI is doing these Loyalty items at all. I have SO MANY PACKS Now I don't know even what to do with all my mechs. Love it. Though :/ I sort of don't agree with DUPLICATE Rewards. An alternate choice or just a different loyalty pack would be more appropriate. I could see as someone suggested previous with the "NOIR" clan wave one mechs but lets be honest. People would complain about those also.

#325 Syncline


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:09 AM

I'm definitely grateful for the rewards. I just wish it were possible to sell the second (duplicate) round of reward mechs. I don't really use assaults and I already have a CN9-YLW, so these duplicate reward mechs won't get much (if any) use.

#326 Cait Ramsay


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:12 AM

Wow, that is a great reward, thanks PGI. :)

But what about the other tier packs? I think every tier pack is a gift and donation to you and you need all the money for developing the game. So I would have been happy if the buyers of the other "lower" packs get something donated too. Of course not all three mechs, but if I spend 40 dollars for a resistance pack, why not give me one mech? Everyone here is a part of mechwarrior, so I think everybody would be happy if you do not only celebrate with a few of us.

Or do I misunderstand (english is not my native laguage) and everyone will get a surprise when logging in at your birthday?

#327 Drake67


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:16 AM

Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the content.

Please for future rewards use different mechs and either offer a choice of clan variations or a yen yang approach of one IS and one clan.

I would have liked to have had clan variants this time like maybe the dire wolf s timber wolf d and Stormcrow a.

#328 Appogee


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:18 AM

Thanks for the free Mechs.

I'd have preferred new chassis with +30% earning potential, but hey, free stuff is always welcome, thanks.

#329 Sky Hunter


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:03 PM

Thank you PGI for the extra mechs.

To those that complained about what was given before being given again, they are free. You cannot sell them, but they have 30% C-Bill boost, so now when you get whacked while in one of them, in battle you can exit and jump into the other one without having to wait for the first battle to complete. Maybe they will allow you to sell them at a later date. Appreciate what you are given, do not lessen they act of generosity by wanting something else, the entire reason for this was PGI's way of thanking those that did the more recent orders, giving you an extra 3 because you also made more recent top tier purchases. They had a plan, the plan changed and grew, they did not plan on giving the reward out a second time but did not want to snub those whom had already received the rewards and neither did they want to give the middle finger to those that purchased beyond the rewards date.

PGI since the changed has been holding out an olive branch, they have distinguished themselves from IGP adequately and have continued to do so. They are still trying to fulfill the promises made to use over a year ago and have been bending over backwards in an Atlas (100 tons) of data programming to give us what they have given since the change and in record time.

While it is true they have been errors in the coding they have also been repairing the coding quickly and efficiently. 1 Gigabyte is 1,000,000,000 bytes, or 8,000,000,000 bits. A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. Half a byte (four bits) is called a nibble. In some systems, the term octet is used for an eight-bit unit instead of byte. In many systems, four eight-bit bytes or octets form a 32-bit word, in computer architecture, a word is a unit of data of a defined bit length that can be addressed and moved between storage and the computer processor. In IBM's evolutionary System/360 architecture, a word is 32 bits, or four contiguous eight-bit bytes. In Intel's PC processor architecture, a word is 16 bits, or two contiguous eight-bit bytes.

Confused? Think that is just a little hard to understand? You should see the programming language, it is so complex that it takes a computer that is less fallible than the human brain to understand and read. 6.6 Gig of data just in the Piranha Games folder, allot more on their end....

so give them a thumbs up and a smile because lets face it, they are dealing with a nightmare of programming that you cannot begin to imagine the scale of complexity that is involved.[/color]

Edited by Sky Hunter, 05 February 2015 - 12:05 PM.

#330 HelBound


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:18 PM

Thanks for the free mechs PGI. The Crab and Atlas will make a good addition to my well used AH.

Pretty sure the AH came with an engine and weapons....the Crab and Atlas are devoid of engines and weapons but have ammo?
Is this...right?

#331 Sky Hunter


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:21 PM

They come stocked. Weapons and engine, ready to go!

I got mine already.

View PostHelBound, on 05 February 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:

Thanks for the free mechs PGI. The Crab and Atlas will make a good addition to my well used AH.

Pretty sure the AH came with an engine and weapons....the Crab and Atlas are devoid of engines and weapons but have ammo?
Is this...right?

Just a side note, I could not afford to get the Urbanmech Collectors pack and the Newest Mad Dog, so I got the Urban Collectors pack (I said I would buy it if they offered it and like so many others we did what we said even though everyone knows it is a crappy mech (stock) but it is also the Minnie version of the Mackie which was the very first Battlemech ever and we Battletech fans would never willingly pass on buying such an iconic mech.
So i bought another Prime Mad Dog with MC so I would have 4 Mad Dogs for CW, and if i swap to IS I can run 4 Cents... cept I only own the D and AH and now AH.... ok so bad example there.... but I do not mind duplicates and all my Mad Dogs have the exact same build as do almost all my Clan mechs. There is something to be said about multiplicity.

Edited by Sky Hunter, 05 February 2015 - 12:37 PM.

#332 HelBound


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:26 PM

Guess it was a momentary glitch. I reloaded the client and everything worked out. When I first signed in the Atlas and Crab had no engine or weapons. They are all set up now.


#333 Sky Hunter


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:39 PM

View PostHelBound, on 05 February 2015 - 12:26 PM, said:

Guess it was a momentary glitch. I reloaded the client and everything worked out. When I first signed in the Atlas and Crab had no engine or weapons. They are all set up now.


Yeah, that glitch happens, less often that is used to for me.
To fix the glitch I normally open Home then back to Mechlab.

#334 Tiger Dad


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:40 PM

Happy Birthday PGI. The community (whether they admit it or not) appreciates the work you put into making this a fun game. Many say there are still flaws and still some improvements to make. I even will rage-quit regarding somethings that occur sometimes. But I have to say, you are doing something right when you (and the game lore and context) can bring so many people together on one platform night in and night out to blow each other away in giant robots (imaginarily).
Thank you and I hope you guys and girls have a chance to look back at when you started and celebrate the milestone. Here's to another 15 years (and more).
I salute you,
Tiger Dad

P.S. I didn't spend money to get Top Tier stuff but, "Can I has crabs? Besides the one I's scratching now". J/K. Much love.

#335 Timto


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 01:25 PM

A second King Crab . thx

#336 Stoned Prophet


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 01:52 PM

View PostValkeer, on 04 February 2015 - 05:25 PM, said:

Oh, Stoned Prophet, I absolutely understand what your point is. You paid more money and feel that as such you deserve more of the free stuff. You've been with the game longer, and as such you deserve more of the free stuff. You are offended that those that have paid less are getting the same amount of free stuff. You are offended that those that haven't been with the game as long are getting the same amount of free stuff.

Your point is quite simple. I understand you point, and your right to have it. I just disagree with it. I find it pretentious and snobbish.

I like the allegory that you and several others have tried, comparing it to employment where someone else pays you for your work. except this isn't. It's an internet game, that allows it customers to play for free, or buy as much additional content as they wish. You have chosen to pay more. outstanding. I am truly glad that life has been kind enough to you to allow for that. I pay money for this game because I enjoy it, not for recognition and reward. I am not offended when those who pay less get the same treats.

You mentioned communism in a post above. But what you would have them create is a aristocracy in the game. Only those privileged enough to be here at the beginning, and fortunate enough to be able to afford all the extras, are entitled to receive the rewards that the developers generously chose to bestow.

Meh. Maybe my problem is that I just have more empathy for the unwashed masses than the games elites.

No, you do not understand. You just disagree so you feel the need to insult me. Why i do not know. But you can be that guy all you want. Haters dont bother me a bit ;)

View PostBasskicker, on 04 February 2015 - 05:51 PM, said:

Please stop your analogies about how this situation is similar to work perks/bonuses. It's not... this is a game... this is also a game that is in the need for more active players. So if by giving these mechs to other players helps to get more players spending more money on this game, I am ok with that.

You got those mechs for buying a Top Tier Package right? Well so are these people. I seriously doubt there is a huge population buying the subpar Urbanmech that also havent bought another package. They have most likely also bought the Wrath, other Clan packs, or pheonix in 2013.

You say that people shouldn't get what you got because they didnt pay what you paid? Look in your mech garage. I bet there are a bunch of mechs there that you bought that were in the packages that you bought. Darn, looks like I discovered that you did in fact get something they didn't. All those mechs you bought that they didn't. Seems they didn't get what you got after all.

It's not like PGI is putting these peoples names in the credits and not yours. They are getting 3 mechs because they also supported this game. Maybe they didn't do it in the timely manner like you did, but their money is just as good as yours. Even if it comes a month or so later.

The analogy is completely apt. You just have no argument against it. If its supposed to be a LOYALTY reward, why is it given to those not loyal? How come this new version wasnt just the plain mechs? And i have every right to feel the way i do, a d i M justified in having this opinion. No amount of snark or insultwill change that.

#337 Fuax


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:01 PM

So if I understand this correctly, since I purchased my Resistance Wrath pack before 12/16 and redeemed it, I will not be getting the three 1year anniversary mechs.

Do I have that correct?

#338 Basskicker


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:09 PM

View PostStoned Prophet, on 05 February 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

The analogy is completely apt. You just have no argument against it. If its supposed to be a LOYALTY reward, why is it given to those not loyal? How come this new version wasnt just the plain mechs? And i have every right to feel the way i do, a d i M justified in having this opinion. No amount of snark or insultwill change that.

They are not giving these mechs out to everyone. They are going to the people who bought top tier packages. Those packages cost anywhere between 80-240usd. I left the Urbie package out because there are most likely a very small amount of people who are getting these mechs based on the Urbie only. Which means that most paid $80+usd on this game. How much more loyal do you want them to get? At what point are these players considered "loyal" to you?

The fact is that these mechs were never advertised as a one time thing. No matter how many people made that assumption.

#339 Dawnstealer


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:50 PM

View PostTimto, on 05 February 2015 - 01:25 PM, said:

A second King Crab . thx

I loaded my second one with UAC5s - not a build I would have run because of the AC20 quirks, but with a second one? Why not? Oh man....so much fun.

#340 Ripper X


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 06:32 PM

View PostFuax, on 05 February 2015 - 02:01 PM, said:

So if I understand this correctly, since I purchased my Resistance Wrath pack before 12/16 and redeemed it, I will not be getting the three 1year anniversary mechs.

Do I have that correct?

Yes that is correct. I am in the same situation as yourself.

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