Kristov Kerensky, on 08 February 2015 - 09:56 AM, said:
You mean the big open designs that actually ended up being played exactly like the MWO maps, where everyone converges on certain map locations every time because that's where the real or perceived tactical advantage is? Yeah, lets do that..oh, hang on a minute, they DID do that! Alpine and Tourmaline, which people seem to hate because they are so big and it takese so long to get into you even bother to read the comments in this thread?
Think what you like. Unlike you i actually played MWLL, and almost all maps were properly balanced for brawl sneaks, for long range engagements, for jumpsniping. You could make any build work on any map.
You compare alpine to MWLL designs? You might just as well become target of laugh. While i admit that each map visually looked wide open, it was nothing alike when actuallly being on that map. (Speaking of official MWLL maps ofc)
Alpine Tourmaline... People seem to hate? That is only what you like to see, but there are in fact tons of people (like me) who like playing those two. Especially because those two are the only 12 men maps.
You know what you'll figgure out? Most people i noticed agree, that PGI map designers are failos. You call Canyons, Hellbore, caustic, Terra Therma balanced maps? Comparing to MWLL, they in fact are not. Each map is good to play in with a specific range build. You call that balance?
Do me a favor and think twice before you brainlessly comment, trying to bash someone's opinion, and turning out to fail in it.
Edited by MechB Kotare, 09 February 2015 - 07:19 AM.