The ticket system crap and respawn modes also hampered MW:LL so I guess in that regard there gameplay was worse, but I digress.
Im curious during what period of MW4 you played, because during the time HC was up and running maps had quite a few options especially considering the massive size of them compared to these reinforced the scouting phase of the battles.
Example, NB-Krakatau (if I still had this installed I'd post a pic) was a fairly open map. It had a giant volcano that was probably about as big as the river city boundaries that went up a good ways. It featured rolling hills scattered on the surface of the volcano. Bearing in mind the volcano wasn't active so there was no lava except in a pit at the top which was smaller than Terra Therma's and unfortunately required JJs to get out should you waltz in. Around the volcano was a short basin of flat ground that was often deadly to be caught in as you had the volcano inside it and outside it was rocky terrain that worked great for jump snipers. Now if you compared the heat maps of that map to that of any of PGI's maps you would be wildly surprised at what you find particularly because of how often it required rolling engagements or how it supported different strategies in many different areas in just the one map. It allowed you room to maneuver in a attempt to gain the terrain advantage over your enemy.
This game has never brought the depth of gameplay that matched the glory days of NBT:HC and has been this way really since the glory days of Closed Beta which is the closest they have ever come to a deep and varied game and that is even considering that Gaussapults were king of the heavies.
Sure sometimes you could play nascar trying to chase each other, but unlike maps like caustic, once a head catches the opposing teams tail, you have no cover to turn to leaving engagement the only option. Granted that is all provided neither team uses scouts either which generally stops that nascar mentality.
Edited by WM Quicksilver, 05 February 2015 - 11:00 PM.