VoodooLou Kerensky, on 04 February 2015 - 11:53 PM, said:
Just a few more ideas to discuss, praise and/or bash.
I used to play in a MW4 league where all resources, production facilities, and asset locations were tracked by a server. If a planet only had 10 Bushwhackers on it, then that's all you had to defend it with. You couldn't swamp it with more pilots to defend it, because as soon as all 10 of those Bushwhackers were destroyed, you had nothing left with which to defend that planet. If a faction wanted to bring reinforcements to the planet, it took time to transit those mechs from other worlds.
It was a hardcore game mode. With consequences. None of this stuff about getting a particular mech cheaper or getting paid more or whatever. Losing a planet meant losing its resources and its production capabilities.
But damn was it a fun game, where every battle had meaning and context behind it. My fondest memory was of a drop in which we won while vastly out-tonned, using a battle plan our drop commander had devised, which honestly I couldn't quite believe it worked, but it did. That match wasn't "fair" if looked at in isolation. But how that match came to happen in the first place was fair, our opponents had just out-maneuvered us strategically in how they'd allocated their resources and moved their forces into place to strike us.
MWO doesn't offer that kind of strategic vision or possibility for lopsided battles. Our mechs magically resurrect and repair themselves to fight over and over and over again, to be damaged and destroyed again and again, without any consequence. Just hit the Launch button again.
That fan-operated MW4 league had much more engaging community warfare than MWO.