Ok, so I have a plan. It doesn't matter who completes the primary objective (which team), as only one side can win at a time (so points will be rewarded win or loss), so make sure as a community, even if it's lame, complete Conquest and Assault using the PRIMARY objective, which means capping. Now that being said, It doesn't hurt to rack up kills and do damage in the process, so that you get enough c-bills for the modules, just stop yourself before you kill the whole enemy team in those game modes, and THEN complete the primary objective. This way, as long as it's not a fight to the death when you have no choice but to defend yourself, cause the other team doesn't use this method, we should as a whole community rack up much more points, as the "Primary" objective is constantly maxed, AND you will have the c-bills for modules. Skirmish is easy, only have to kill the enemy team for max points, and
community warfare gives double the points but I heard matches take twice as long so it evens out, and those will always end up with max points (same as above, only one team can win, so even if you lose the max points still get added).
Just re-read, so community warfare is either 20 or 40 depending on who wins, so it is possible to get half points, if you are defending. That solves that.
Have fun!
Edited by DB123M, 06 February 2015 - 10:18 AM.