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Panther And Enforcer Screenshots And Quirks!

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#81 Trashhead


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:14 AM

Comparison Original TT-Book-Art vs. Concept-Art vs. In-Game-Model:
Posted Image
My opinion:
Concept-Art looks great.
On the final Model, i like how the Cockpit is modeled.
Elbow looks a bit weird (bulky),
The PPC looks not as good as in the concept.
In the Concept, a lot of the Weapons (Cannons, PPC's) tend to be a bit more... pointy.
I thinks thats coolers then the plain tube-like approach of the in game models.
The... whatever it is below the PPC (are that Air-Intakes ?) looks wider then in the Concept art... i like the concept better.

Comparison Original TT-Book-Art vs. Concept-Art vs. In-Game-Model:
Posted Image

My opinion:
Concept-Art looks good.
Head looks a bit to Firestarter-ish, imho.
It looks like it's wearing a motorcycle-helmet and not a pretty one. ;)
Autocannon looks BADASS ! ... in the concept.
On the in game model.. not so much.
The Laser-Arm looks to big and bulky, while the AC-Arm looks to small (maybe it's the angle, but i doubt it).
Again, the Cannons in the Concept always look a bit pointy, which i like (it was even the case with the Original Centurion Concept vs. Ingame-Model (the one before they remodeled the arm)).
The feet appear to be a bit wider then in the Concept... :-/

I REALLY hope the arms will get remodeled to look more like the concept.
Would not mind a better looking head, also.
Make the part above the windows a bit bigger, like in the original TT-Art, and see if that looks better.
(But again, this is just my personal opinion.)

About the Camo:
Hm. Lets say i'm not a fan. -_-
The impact scares DO look good, tho.

About the Quirks:
+ 40% PPC Velocity - hmm, will give it a try. :D
Could use slightly more Heat reduction, probably, but we will see.
Missle-quirks are ok. I expect we will use SRM's as a backup weapon in most cases.

I think it could use a bit more Laser-Love.

All in all, how good they will perform remains to be seen.
The Panther might become an Inner Sphere Myst Lynx, depending on how fast they will loose their Arm... .
The Enforcer looks like a small Victor to me. I hope it's smaller silhouette will help it, and it will be agile enough to evade some shots. ;)

#82 Aethon


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:39 AM

View PostReno Blade, on 07 February 2015 - 01:50 AM, said:

Usually the only mechs without lower arm/hand actuators are the ones using AC20 stock.
The enforcer will likely have a lower arm, but no hand for the arm with the balistic, so it can't mount AC20s.
And the images shows no hand for the Laser arm either.

This is kind of what I thought as well, but...with PGI, you never know. :)

#83 Aethon


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:08 AM

IMHO, the Panther needs a right arm ARMOR buff, not an internal structure buff. When the armor is gone, you will probably lose the PPC anyway...at which point the arm doesn't do you much good.

Edited by Aethon, 07 February 2015 - 08:53 AM.

#84 Dawnstealer


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:09 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 07 February 2015 - 02:24 AM, said:

At first I wasn't very enthousiast for the Panther and the Enforcer.... But dayum! Theses screenshoot are amazing!
I simply cannot wait to have my hand on theses!

I think I will name my Panther "Raikou". :)
(And my Zeus probably something like Zekrom. pkm reference ftw!)

Enough to join the IS? :D

#85 uebersoldat


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:23 AM

I'm basically going to paint my Enforcer green and name the 'mech 'Doomguy'.

*cue DooM E1M1 music*

#86 Bloodweaver


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:33 AM

View PostTrashhead, on 07 February 2015 - 07:14 AM, said:

My opinion:
Concept-Art looks good.
Head looks a bit to Firestarter-ish, imho.
It looks like it's wearing a motorcycle-helmet and not a pretty one. ;)
Autocannon looks BADASS ! ... in the concept.
On the in game model.. not so much.
The Laser-Arm looks to big and bulky, while the AC-Arm looks to small (maybe it's the angle, but i doubt it).
Again, the Cannons in the Concept always look a bit pointy, which i like (it was even the case with the Original Centurion Concept vs. Ingame-Model (the one before they remodeled the arm)).
The feet appear to be a bit wider then in the Concept... :-/

I REALLY hope the arms will get remodeled to look more like the concept.
Would not mind a better looking head, also.

Pretty much how I feel about the models. Panther looks pretty decent. Enforcer is... plain, and ugly. And not an A-10 Warthog "ugly," either. Just boring and plain and not at all in line with the concept art. Which, I should point out, was the concept art I loved the most, even more than the Zeus. I already bought the Panther pack and was going to at least upgrade to the Enforcer pack, possibly the Zeus pack, just because of how cool I thought the Enforcer looked(and because I like its hardpoints). But if that screenshot is an accurate representation of what it'll look like in-game... :/

I'd say the issues making it looks so ugly are, in order of how strong they affect the model: head, shoulders, arms, and legs. The head and shoulders each diverge pretty significantly from the concept art. I wouldn't care so much if the arms and legs stayed the same, but the head and shoulders are honestly pretty dopey-looking. To start off, the head is just plain too big. It needs to be smaller and set further back on the torso, which will also allow the chest to jut out a bit more. And its "mandibles" that straddle the lowest cockpit window should be significantly reduced.

The shoulders are in two sections, each with their own problems. The jointed section that the arms attach to, is too bulky, and more to the point, needs to be set higher and further back on the torso. The concept art shows it pretty much at cockpit-level. The second section of the shoulders is that ring/bulwark/plate/spacer/whatever that sits between the shoulder proper and the CT. This is too bulky, and also shouldn't be so strongly attached to the head.

Fix those three sections (head, shoulder joint, shoulder spacer) and the 'mech will already be pretty close to ideal. To make it actually ideal, a couple more things would need to be done, but they're not nearly as vital. These are: the right arm needs to be more threatening(bigger). Left arm probably needs to be smaller. Feet should be smaller too, but also note that the center portion of the legs, particularly from the knee down, the part between the 'mechs calves, is too thick. And the central hip section between the legs is too big as well, almost looks like a diaper.

If this is really an accurate representation of how the Enforcer's going to look, I'm not sure if I'll still bother upgrading my Resistance pack anymore. It's just a dumpier Firestarter or a less unique Victor, neither of which are 'mechs I care for at all.

Edited by Bloodweaver, 07 February 2015 - 10:34 AM.

#87 Iron Mouse


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:52 AM

Panther great.

Enforcer..ehhhh needs some work. not greatest

#88 Desintegrator


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:53 AM

The Panther will be a great Light Mech !

The 40% PPC speed will help, that "hits" will be "hits" and that you can use the ERPPC at long range !
Perfekt quirks so far !

#89 Uncle Totty


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 09:09 AM

View PostOdanan, on 07 February 2015 - 04:34 AM, said:

Ohh, this would sell Zeus packages like cupcakes!

Cupcakes are EVIL! :excl:

#90 Frost Lord


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:07 AM

View PostMalleus011, on 07 February 2015 - 06:54 AM, said:

OK, I'm puzzled. Maybe it's insufficient coffee or I'm just unable to find the post explaining this.

What is the Resistance Pre-Order Pattern? It's not listed in the Resistance Pack. I was under the impression we selected Faction patterns for these machines ... is this pattern locked to the ® variant? Will the Faction pattern be applicable?

Its the cammo for the champion variant I would say, the ones we can choose from are on the page

Edited by Frost Lord, 07 February 2015 - 11:07 AM.

#91 Frost Lord


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:14 AM

it would be cool if they made arms that have no hard points on a different angle then the other arms like the panther concept art

#92 Bluttrunken


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:45 AM

Those screenshots just serve to reinforce my belief that a great majority of PGI are IS fans.

View PostOdanan, on 07 February 2015 - 06:53 AM, said:

Hmmmm I hope it is smaller than it looks by the comparison. Should not be larger than the Firestarter (same tonnage).

Why should it be smaller? The Firestarter is a 35 ton mech as well and both are exactly the same size.

Edited by k05h3lk1n, 07 February 2015 - 11:46 AM.

#93 Malleus011


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:58 AM

Does anyone know if the ® mech is going to be locked into the pictured scheme, or can it use the Faction content? Because I was operating under the impression - based on what's listed in the Resistance package - that it would use the Faction content 'skin'. Obviously we aren't getting the skins from the initial concept art (The Robinson Ranger Enforcer). But what skins *are* we getting, and where can we use them?

The Enforcer does have chipmunk cheeks, and the 'face' (head area under the dome) could stand to be smaller overall.

#94 Burning Chrome


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 03:41 PM

Glad I resisted. The Panther looks better than the concept art while the Enforcer looks significantly worse. What happened to the Enforcer's head? Where did the comm antenna go? Why is the cockpit/face protruding vs the concept art design? Why does the AC/RA look smaller that the LL/LA? It looks like all the effort and "polish" was spent on the Panther and the Enforcer was rushed/neglected. Disappointing...and I hope something can be done about it...though I suppose that is not likely. Hope the Grasshopper doesn't get the same treatment the Enforcer did...maybe its just the pics, but man the Enforcer..it is just so "off".

#95 Greenjulius


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 05:45 PM

A few additional screen caps from the weekend update video:

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View PostMalleus011, on 07 February 2015 - 11:58 AM, said:

Does anyone know if the ® mech is going to be locked into the pictured scheme, or can it use the Faction content? Because I was operating under the impression - based on what's listed in the Resistance package - that it would use the Faction content 'skin'. Obviously we aren't getting the skins from the initial concept art (The Robinson Ranger Enforcer). But what skins *are* we getting, and where can we use them?

The Enforcer does have chipmunk cheeks, and the 'face' (head area under the dome) could stand to be smaller overall.

The ® mechs will indeed be camo locked like the Invasion variants. That's how the Phoenix mechs are, right?

#96 Bloodweaver


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:10 PM

View PostGreenjulius, on 07 February 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

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Worst fears: CONFIRMED

That really is pretty hideous. :( :( :(

#97 Burning Chrome


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:47 PM

All work on the Urbanmech should be put on hold until the Enforcer is re-done. It looks worse each time I look at it...so much potential with the concept art. Things were improving so much these past few months and IMO the Enforcer does not live up to the latest efforts put forth by PGI.

#98 Insects


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:13 PM

Yeah some things gone a bit off with its head.
Don't really care, but I agree it could use some adjustments.

#99 Robomomo2000


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:32 PM

The Enforcer Is going to be like the Gargoyle Isn't It... I love the concept and mech, but the model ends up lacking In some way, shape, or form.

@PGI -do NOT shrink the arm (and acs) on my little Urbie when you model him. I WILL DIE. The shrinkage for the Lb 10-x in the picture is scaring me a little bit and starting to make me question my most recent purchase. I want an atlas sized ac20 on my urbanmech if I give him one.

#100 Will9761


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:39 PM

These mechs are looking good! Are there more pictures for them?

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