Comparison Original TT-Book-Art vs. Concept-Art vs. In-Game-Model:

My opinion:
Concept-Art looks great.
On the final Model, i like how the Cockpit is modeled.
Elbow looks a bit weird (bulky),
The PPC looks not as good as in the concept.
In the Concept, a lot of the Weapons (Cannons, PPC's) tend to be a bit more... pointy.
I thinks thats coolers then the plain tube-like approach of the in game models.
The... whatever it is below the PPC (are that Air-Intakes ?) looks wider then in the Concept art... i like the concept better.
Comparison Original TT-Book-Art vs. Concept-Art vs. In-Game-Model:

My opinion:
Concept-Art looks good.
Head looks a bit to Firestarter-ish, imho.
It looks like it's wearing a motorcycle-helmet and not a pretty one.

Autocannon looks BADASS ! ... in the concept.
On the in game model.. not so much.
The Laser-Arm looks to big and bulky, while the AC-Arm looks to small (maybe it's the angle, but i doubt it).
Again, the Cannons in the Concept always look a bit pointy, which i like (it was even the case with the Original Centurion Concept vs. Ingame-Model (the one before they remodeled the arm)).
The feet appear to be a bit wider then in the Concept... :-/
I REALLY hope the arms will get remodeled to look more like the concept.
Would not mind a better looking head, also.
Make the part above the windows a bit bigger, like in the original TT-Art, and see if that looks better.
(But again, this is just my personal opinion.)
About the Camo:
Hm. Lets say i'm not a fan.

The impact scares DO look good, tho.
About the Quirks:
+ 40% PPC Velocity - hmm, will give it a try.

Could use slightly more Heat reduction, probably, but we will see.
Missle-quirks are ok. I expect we will use SRM's as a backup weapon in most cases.
I think it could use a bit more Laser-Love.
All in all, how good they will perform remains to be seen.
The Panther might become an Inner Sphere Myst Lynx, depending on how fast they will loose their Arm... .
The Enforcer looks like a small Victor to me. I hope it's smaller silhouette will help it, and it will be agile enough to evade some shots.