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Advice On A New Desktop Please

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#21 Flapdrol


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 11:44 AM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 08 February 2015 - 11:23 AM, said:

I don't know if it's possible, but do you have any guesstimates on what FPS I would get in MWO with these setups?

I recorded this a while back with my G3258 system, I have a more powerful gpu, but that shouldn't affect minimum fps.

view it at 1080p, otherwise the fps counter cant be read.

Edited by Flapdrol, 08 February 2015 - 11:45 AM.

#22 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 11:45 AM

View Postyamamoto, on 08 February 2015 - 11:41 AM, said:

In spite of what everyone says about AMD procs, I play ONLY MWO with one a have no problems at all. My box uses a Phenom II X4 965 BE slightly overclocked by my MSI mobo automatically from 3.4GHz to 3.6GHz, 8G 1333 memory and an MSI GTX 650 Ti Power Edition Cyclone video card. I am always between 35-60FPS with everything on Very High. Everything is gorgeous and playable with no problems. Just my experienced opinion!

And again please learn your processor generations, your playing on an older Phenom II series AMD chip that has higher single threaded performance than the current FX series.
But the Phenom II's are now harder to find (and have their own inherent problems in how far you can push them).

Looking further at newegg if you can stretch an extra $30 -$50 they have some open box GPU's that would be worth it



Edited by DV McKenna, 08 February 2015 - 11:46 AM.

#23 Goose


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 12:13 PM

Badly compromised, perhaps not accomplishing it's primary goal, we have

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($174.55 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A (NFC Express Edition) ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($58.50 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3-2000 Memory ($44.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Hitachi Deskstar 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.00 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 660 2GB Video Card ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Thermaltake VL80001W2Z ATX Mid Tower Case ($19.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: LG GH24NSC0B DVD/CD Writer ($12.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($89.75 @ OutletPC)
Total: $598.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-08 15:06 EST-0500

Base Total: $740.24
Promo Discounts: -$21.49
Mail-in Rebates: -$120.00
Total: $598.75

You could trim ~$2 out'a the PSU by losing the Bronze, then another $8 by ditching all certs and using a Cooler Master RS400/460, but that's just self-distinctive …

There's a R7 260X for $20 less, but now you get to turn all your settings down …

View Postyamamoto, on 08 February 2015 - 11:41 AM, said:

In spite of what everyone says about AMD procs, I play ONLY MWO with one a have no problems at all.

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View PostFlapdrol, on 08 February 2015 - 11:44 AM, said:

I recorded this a while back with my G3258 system, I have a more powerful gpu, but that shouldn't affect minimum fps.

Guy: That's an easy map …

And we think the poor gent it up to overclocking why?

#24 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 01:08 PM

Do I really need 1TB of HD space? I'm sure I won't fill it. Is there some other benefit to that much? I may be able figure out overclocking, but ATM I have no idea.

Currently I'm getting 15-20 fps. So if that gives you any benchmark to beat

#25 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 01:20 PM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 08 February 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

Do I really need 1TB of HD space? I'm sure I won't fill it. Is there some other benefit to that much? I may be able figure out overclocking, but ATM I have no idea.

Currently I'm getting 15-20 fps. So if that gives you any benchmark to beat

1TB is dirt cheap there isn't much to save by going smaller.

Overclocking is super easy these days, there is a huge amount of guides out there from the basic to the complex.
Simple pentium K overclocking can be done with 2-3 value changes and repeating those steps to find the stable value

#26 Summon3r


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 03:36 PM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 08 February 2015 - 08:59 AM, said:

Peripherals? I'm not very computer-savvy lol. You mean mouse and monitor? I do have those.

$500 is the most I can justify right now on what will basically amount to a toy.

yea periphs like monitor keyboard mouse speakers blah blah

View PostShinobiHunter, on 08 February 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

Do I really need 1TB of HD space? I'm sure I won't fill it. Is there some other benefit to that much? I may be able figure out overclocking, but ATM I have no idea.

Currently I'm getting 15-20 fps. So if that gives you any benchmark to beat

zero reason not to go 1tb they are so cheap, and OC'ing is as simple as one click and typing a couple numbers then clicking a save and exit button lol, on an i5 you dont much OC if any at all and stock voltages will easily handle a small OC like to 4ghz in most cases

#27 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:27 AM

Is the i3 no good? I haven't seen anyone recommend it for a gaming build.

#28 OTC-Tumbleweed


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:34 AM

I am fully aware of the different processor generations. MY point was that AMD processors, even an older generation can manage this game when set up right. Not everyone can afford Intel's overpriced CPUs.

Are you actually trying to tell me I need to prove my FPS to you? Why the heck would I lie. I'm just trying to let Shinobi know that Intel ain't the only gamer in town. I'm an old 61 year old that needs to prove nothing to no one. Shin can take my advice or not, no skin off my mech. A for you, I'm not interested in your opinion. Just check out my videos done on this very machine on YouTube (OTC Tumbleweed). Yeah, it plays MWO and records videos in 720p all at the same time.

Edited by yamamoto, 09 February 2015 - 11:46 AM.

#29 Flapdrol


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:47 AM

View Postyamamoto, on 09 February 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:

I am fully aware of the different processor generations. MY point was that AMD processors, even an older generation can manage this game when set up right. Not everyone can afford Intel's overpriced CPUs.

There are intel cpu's at lower price points too, which in this game will easily outperform the amd cpu's that are similarly priced.

#30 Basskicker


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 12:02 PM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 09 February 2015 - 11:27 AM, said:

Is the i3 no good? I haven't seen anyone recommend it for a gaming build.

The i3 is essentially the same as the G3258, except for one difference, hyperthreading. Hyperthreading essentially takes the dual cores and splits them to make 4 cores. Allowing your CPU to handle more threads at the same time. For most games(especially MWO) you can get by with having a 2-4 core CPU.

On the flip side of this, the G3258 is unlocked, which means the overclocking multiplier is unlocked and you can overclock the CPU without much difficulty.

If it was my money, I would pay less for the G3258 now, Overclock the living $#!@ out of it, and upgrade to a higher end i5-i7 when you are in the position to do so. The socket for the 4**** series i5 and i7 is the same as for the G3258 so it makes upgrading later a cinch.

#31 Goose


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:04 PM

View Postyamamoto, on 09 February 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:

Are you actually trying to tell me I need to prove my FPS to you?

'Fraid so: We get a lot of drive-by derpage about how any ol' thing plays the game at max just fine, with numbers cherry-picked from the initial schlep across Tourmaline, or worse yet, the training grounds, cheerfully provided by l337 D00dz with emotional scars from using SSAA on a GeForce3MX …

#32 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:11 PM

View Postyamamoto, on 09 February 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:

I am fully aware of the different processor generations. MY point was that AMD processors, even an older generation can manage this game when set up right. Not everyone can afford Intel's overpriced CPUs.

Are you actually trying to tell me I need to prove my FPS to you? Why the heck would I lie. I'm just trying to let Shinobi know that Intel ain't the only gamer in town. I'm an old 61 year old that needs to prove nothing to no one. Shin can take my advice or not, no skin off my mech. A for you, I'm not interested in your opinion. Just check out my videos done on this very machine on YouTube (OTC Tumbleweed). Yeah, it plays MWO and records videos in 720p all at the same time.

Nono no

Your still not getting it, the older generation that you have handles the game ok on the AMD side, the newer generation does not.
There is a mammoth thread in this very subsection that shows this in detail from many contributors.

What Goose is trying to tell you, is that alot of people take a splitsecond look of their FPS and report that and think it tells the story, yet when they take the test and use the software that records your FPS throughout the entire game suddenly their " i play this game at super max settings just fine " translates to i get worse performance than a $60 dual core chip.

#33 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 06:00 PM

Another dumb question for you all: If I'm not overclocking it, do I need a CPU cooler? I see some of Intel's are listed as having a CPU cooler included, do I need another one?

#34 Goose


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 06:35 PM

Better cooling will promote the Turbo mechanism, at the very lest. You should be able to find something for ~$20 at your need-level …

#35 Summon3r


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 08:48 PM

U must have a cpu cooler. If it says it comes with one and are not ocing then u r good. If it says it does not come with one will need to purchase one.

#36 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 03:46 PM

So am I correct in assuming that for MWO single thread rating is better than overall CPU rating? And CPU is more important than Video card? Does that mean if I get a better CPU I can skimp a bit on the GPU, or is there a minimum cutoff to the video card that will affect the game?

#37 ValkerieFire


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:02 PM


Your laptop cannot be upgraded. I would do what everyone else is recommending. Shell out $500 and build your own computer. The parts recommended by the others are all good. The computers you referenced on ebay are all rubbish, please do not buy one. You could also look at craigslist. Sometime you find people desperate for money and willing to part with quality hardware for great prices. Craigslist requires that you be able to evaluate PC component quality though, and you sound new to PC building, so that may not be a good route for you. For $500 you can build a decent machine and upgrade it in the future. I build my 1st PC when I was 16 years old. It isn't hard.

#38 Zensei


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:26 PM

AMD has been completely left in the dust for gaming rigs, don't do it, its not that much more for the Intel, where are we on Intel I? 4th or 5th generation? The first generation of the I's killed AMD for gaming, they have never caught up and are fighting off Nvidia and ARM for the browsing market.

Gaming rigs are becoming an endangered species, Software companies are going to have to give away rigs at this pace they havent kept up with what Xbox and Playstation software developers get out of that hardware and console hardware is pathetic compared to a modern 2/11/15 rig, they are using ancient graphic cards on their newest systems.

I've been using a overclocked Core2 Duo with the very best Graphic card I can afford which is currently a Nvidia 660Ti and its playing fine.

But I am upgrading soon with the best I can buy and I'll build it myself. VERY good advice on building a gaming rig prior to my comment, save some money and the rest is easy, we will help with the build. GL

#39 Goose


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:34 PM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 10 February 2015 - 03:46 PM, said:

So am I correct in assuming that for MWO single thread rating is better than overall CPU rating?

If I understand the question "The game wants a critical mass of Hz and IPC; It also like moar then two cores; Intel has not triples to test, so get a quad, at ~3.3GHz at a guess, and you should be happy.

"Any AMD you care to name would need to be overclocked well past 4GHz to be good at MW:O."

View PostShinobiHunter, on 10 February 2015 - 03:46 PM, said:

And CPU is more important than Video card?

Two years ago, we had our Biggest Fan declare all you needed was a GTX 660 to do everything you wanted of a card for this game; For lack of a better idea, that means I keep using something along the lines of a R7 265 in the cheaper builds I post.

#40 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:10 PM

View PostGoose, on 10 February 2015 - 06:34 PM, said:

If I understand the question "The game wants a critical mass of Hz and IPC; It also like moar then two cores; Intel has not triples to test, so get a quad, at ~3.3GHz at a guess, and you should be happy.

"Any AMD you care to name would need to be overclocked well past 4GHz to be good at MW:O."

Two years ago, we had our Biggest Fan declare all you needed was a GTX 660 to do everything you wanted of a card for this game; For lack of a better idea, that means I keep using something along the lines of a R7 265 in the cheaper builds I post.

I've been looking at cpubenchmark.net and they have "Average CPU Mark" and "Single Thread Rating". I don't know what value the site's rating have on this game though. Anyhow, they rate AMD FX 6350 at 6993 average/1482 single. 3258 is 4019 average/2181 single. i3 4150 is 4937 average/2034 single. Does this mean the 3258 is the best of the group for this game?

I'm trying to get a handle on this whole computer building thing, but it's totally new to me. I really appreciate the help :)

Edited by ShinobiHunter, 10 February 2015 - 07:10 PM.

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