Hard Facts:
~400,000 points were earned over a 72-hour period
24 players per match
Some assumptions:
Each game takes 15 minutes (including searching, ready screen, score screen, etc.) and nets 15 points. (The main assumption is that most players are playing in regular drops as opposed to CW)
-edit- this is a bit high but I figured it would be the best way to account for mechbay clicking and the 30-min CW matches
Numbers are rounded for easier reading.
400000 points ÷ 15 points/game = 26666 games
26666 games ÷ 72 hours = 370 games launching every hour, or 6.2 games/minute
15 minute games means that there are, on average, 93 concurrent games
93 concurrent games with 24 players per game = 2200 concurrent players
If the population follows the same pattern as Steam, (which it probably doesn't, but Steam data is the best analogue I can think of) the peaks and troughs are 25% above and below the average, respectively, meaning
Peak concurrent players: 2800
Average concurrent players: 2200
Trough concurrent players: 1650
Using patterns from Eve online we can estimate the overall population and not just average concurrent users. In 2013 Eve hit 500000 subscribers, and the average server population was at around 32000, meaning 6.4% of subscribers were online at a given moment.
Transcribed to MWO, that means that if the average number of players online is 2200, the overall active population of MWO can be estimated to be at about 35000 players. (or more forgiving fermi estimation, in the magnitude of the 10000s)
Edited by Tai Fighter, 09 February 2015 - 07:49 PM.