Metus regem, on 14 February 2015 - 05:30 AM, said:
Lilly, just wait for the IS ERML, and see how many just stick with the ISML over it. In MWO range is meaningless, most engagements happen at sub 200m anyways...
is erml will depend on their heatefficiency. if they get the same value as clans, well is will complain about how bad their er variants are.
Ultimatum X, on 14 February 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:
I think I won a tiny victory, thanks for posting this.
Please don't say this, you lose credibility in balance discussions if you say this.
Clan Lasers are amazing, that's why they are so popular.
they are popular because missiles are spreaddamage and clan UAC's are also bad spreaddamage, and because clanners cna not use IS lasers, otherwise many clanlasers would not be used.
Gas Guzzler, on 14 February 2015 - 10:02 AM, said:
So what advantages does the IS Large Laser loadout offer over the clan laser vomit build? Frankly there should be some advantage with such a weight (and slot) disparity, but all I see is a huge disadvantage with ghost heat. So, why keep ghost heat for 6 large lasers when clan mechs can have a loadout that performs virtually the same but avoids ghost heat?
kapusta11, on 14 February 2015 - 03:24 AM, said:
Everything you need to know about laser vomit:

great everything just tells you here perfectly: 4MPL + 2 LPL is the perfect combination, because extremely heat efficient. because heat s a limited ressource and it is the most important thing to make as mouch damage out of your limited ressource as possible. fear the day ohne TBR's come with this kind of loadout, and this kind of burn time.
But as long as the IS players don't undertsand the heat effiiency and what it means, they stick with their weird wrong way to build mechs. and a this point we have not even spoken abour quirked mechs.